  • 宏观经济环境的改善,各项政策措施的积极实施,国有及国有控股工业企业经济效益明显好转,扭转了因受亚洲金融危机等因素影响而造成的利润下降、亏损扩大的局面。
    Along with the improvement of macroeconomic environment and the pro-active implementation of various policy measures, the state-owned enterprises and the state holding industrial enterprises have taken a favorable turn in economic benefits remarkably and also reversed the situation of profit decline and deficit increase resulted from such factors as the Asian Financial Crisis.
  • 她对跳舞着了迷。
    She is mad about going to dance.
  • 他对足球着了迷。
    He's mad about football.
  • 他着迷于赌博。
    He is mad on gambling.
  • “《圣母娘娘的公正判决》,听,是寓意剧,小姐。”
    “ ’The Good Judgment of Madame the Virgin,’ a Morality, an it please you, mademoiselle.
  • 最近我的法国助产大夫m女士对我抱怨。然后她又神秘地说:“一些人想趴生,像母马一样。
    Madame M., my French midwife, complained rcently before adding conspiratorially:“Some want to give birth onall four, like a mare!
  • 每逢他留客进餐,马格洛大娘总点上那两支烛,连蜡台放在餐桌上。
    When he had any one to dinner, Madame Magloire lighted the two candles and set the candlesticks on the table.
  • 迪韦尔诺瓦夫人走近壁炉,拿起她刚讲到的那件首饰把玩,并用贪婪的眼光盯它。
    And Madame Duvernoy, who had been moving towards the mantelpiece, was now playing with the bauble as she spoke, and casting covetous looks at it.
  • 米里哀先生到迪涅时有个老姑娘伴他,这老姑娘便是比他小十岁的妹子巴狄斯丁姑娘。
    M. Myriel had arrived at D---- accompanied by an elderly spinster, Mademoiselle Baptistine, who was his sister, and ten years his junior.
  • 当他沿麦迪逊大街向前走的时候,他看到她在卖报纸的那个小棚前等他。
    As he started down Madison Avenue, he saw her waiting for him by a hut where newspapers were sold.
  • 在这个世纪,希特勒、麦迪逊大道、约翰逊、尼克松。里根,这些政治形象的策划者们和他们手中牵的笑容可掬的傀儡总统们使我们明白:谎撒得越大,人民越容易相信。
    This century, with Hitler and Madison Avenue and Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, Reagan, the political image-makers and their line of puppet presidents with smiling faces have taught us that.
  • 人们疯了似的抢往隐蔽处跑。
    People were scrambling madly for shelter.
  • 她把塑像放在一边,把我领到梳妆间,指挂在那里的两张细密肖像画对我说,“这就是g伯爵,他以前非常爱玛格丽特,是他把她捧出来的。
    She put her shepherd boy to one side, and led me into the dressing-room where she showed me two miniatures which made a pair and said:'That's Count de G who was madly in love with Marguerite. He's the one who made her name.
  • “我看你象个疯子似的乱跑,就叫了你一声,怕你去跳海,”卡德鲁斯大笑说。“见鬼!
    "I called you because you were running like a madman, and I was afraid you would throw yourself into the sea," said Caderousse, laughing.
  • 但是他一直在望,两眼发直,瞪得大大的,像疯子一样,只有从他微微颤抖的脸颊和双唇上才看得出他的神经正处在极度紧张的状态之中。
    but he went on watching, his eyes fixed and staring like a madman's, and a slight twitching of the cheeks and lips was the only indication of a violent nervous crisis.
  • 很奇怪,大凡为人在他们所拥有的天分中都混杂一些疯狂的成分。   --莫里哀
    It is strange that all great men should have some little grain of madness mingled with whatever genius they possess.     -- Moliere
  • 布诺是位于马德里东南方190英里的一个小镇。在中午时分,政府提供的卡车拖132吨西红柿来到了这里的中心广场,把这些西红柿倒在了集中在那里的人群之中。
    At noon, municipal trucks hauled in 132 tons of plum tomatoes and dropped them at the feet of the crowds in the main square of Bunol, a town 190 miles southeast of Madrid.
  •  惨淡夕阳下,身红装的章子怡和张曼玉似在刀光剑影中起舞。
    LOOKING beautiful in red costumes against a pale yellow sun, Zhang Ziyi and Maggie Cheung dance in battle.
  • 如果此刻我能回到那儿,我会在这些门间穿行,身上就穿那件奇妙的、带有魔力的大衣。
    And if I were there right now, I would picture myself walking through those doors wearing my wonderful, magical coat.
  • 要掂量一个总统顾问的地位,最主要的就是看他呆在“圈子”里的时间的多少。在这个奇妙的、不断变化的权力和影响力的圈子里,人们讨论的问题是最具敏感性的,作出的决定是影响最深远的。
    The key measure of stature for any presidential adviser is time spent " in the loop" the magical, shifting circle of power and influence in which the most sensitive issues are debated, the most profound decisions made.
  • 魔术师使孩子们了迷。
    The magician fascinated the children.
  • 魔术师变魔术时,我们睁大眼睛注意看
    When the magician played tricks, we were all eyes.
  • 现在沿山坡往下流动的两个主要岩浆流推进的速度已经减慢了。不过观光景点的亭阁仍未摆脱被岩浆吞噬的危险。岩浆已经吞没了一个仓库、一个停车场和一些运送滑雪者上山的缆索吊椅,切断了一条公路,卡塔尼亚国际机场内也弥漫大量的火山灰。
    Two main fronts sliding down the mountain appeared to have slowed, but the resort's kiosks were still menaced by magma that has consumed a warehouse, car park and ski-lifts, cut a highway in two and showered ash on to Catania's international airport.
  • 据信,每个磁铁都被磁场包围,以某种未知的方式,向四面八方发出磁力。
    It is believed that every magnet is surrounded by a magnetic field. In some unknown way, a magnet gives out magnetic force in all directions.
  • 因为地核流在旋转轴周围存在一些对称,所以相关的磁场与棒磁铁的磁场相似。
    Because the core current is somewhat symmetrical around the axis of rotation, the associated magnetic field is similar to that of a bar magnet.
  • 她象一个皇后穿华丽。
    She was arrayed like a queen in her magnificent dress.
  • 那少女回过头来,再三向伙伴们呼唤,向她们伸出双手,但她们已够不她了。
    The maiden turned, and called again and again to her dear playmates, stretching out her hands, but they could not reach her.
  • 在玛格丽特身上还存在一些傲气和独立性:这两种感情在受了挫伤以后,可能起与廉耻心同样的作用。
    Marguerite still had something of a proud spirit and an urge to imdependence ?two sentiments which, when violated, are quite capable of achieving the same results as maidenly modesty.
  • 说起我和她的关系,还比不上马来亚这样密切,可是我时时刻刻都在怀念她!
    Come to think of it, my relationship with her is not as intimate as my relationship with Malaya. But she is constantly in my mind!
  • 去年,全球对亚洲看淡时,马来西亚国家石油公司2006年到期的美元债券与同等的美国国库券相差1200个基点,但随市场对马来西亚政府拖延偿还外债的忧虑减低后,差距已经缩小。
    When sentiment towards Asia was at its low last year, the Petronas 2006 US$bond was trading at a huge spread of 1,200 basis points overthe equivalent U.S. treasury, and since then the spread narrowed as fears over a possi-bility that the Malaysian government would default on its external liabilities subsided.
  • 去年,全球对亚洲看淡时,马来西亚国家石油公司2006年到期的美元债券与同等的美国国库券相差1200个基点,但随市场对马来西亚政府拖延偿还外债的忧虑减低后,差距已经缩小。
    When sentiment towards Asia was at its low last year, the Petronas 2006 US$bond was trading at a huge spread of 1,200 basis points over the equivalent U.S. treasury, and since then the spread has narrowed as fears over a possi-bility that the Malaysian government would default on its external liabilities subsided.
  • 去年,全球对亚洲看淡时,马来西亚国家石油公司2006年到期的美元债券与同等的美国国库券相差1200个基点,但随市场对马来西亚政府拖延偿还外债的忧虑减低后,差距已经缩校
    When sentiment towards Asia was at its low last year, the Petronas 2006 US$ bond was trading at a huge spread of 1,200 basis points over the equivalent U.S. treasury, and since then the spread has narrowed as fears over a possibility that the Malaysian government would default on its external liabilities subsided.