  • 他握住司令员伸的手。
    He took the commander's outstretched hand.
  • 连长发了前进的信号。
    The company commander gave the signal for advance.
  • 扎达克司令打开房门走了办公室。
    Commander Zadak opened the door and left the office.
  • 指挥官把不符合要求的士兵都清除去了。
    The undesirable soldiers were combed out by the commander.
  • 嘉米森,朱迪思生于1944美国舞蹈家和芭蕾舞设计者。以富有表现力的演和舞艺的精深闻名。1989年,嘉米森成为阿尔文·艾丽美国舞剧院的指导
    American dancer and choreographer. Noted for her commanding presence and the intensity of her dancing, Jamison became director of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater in1989.
  • 恩德比乌干达南部城市,位于维多利亚湖畔。1976年在其机场,以色列突击队救了被巴勒斯坦人劫持的法航班机上的大多数人质。人口21,289
    A town of southern Uganda on Lake Victoria. At its airport in1976 Israeli commando forces rescued most of the hostages held aboard an Air France plane by Palestinian hijackers. Population, 21,289.
  • 军官发了不容许辩驳的命令
    The officer issued peremptory commands.
  • 他命令他们立刻发。
    He commands that they start at once.
  • 第二种应用程序攻击是自对sql命令的控制。
    A second application attack comes in manipulating SQL commands.
  • 过程文档中指何时用户必须执行附加的命令。
    Procedural documentation indicate when you must execute additional commands.
  • 这是毛泽东为延安版的中共中央机关报《解放》写的纪念五四运动二十周年的文章。
    Comrade Mao Tse-tung wrote this article for newspapers in Yenan to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the May 4th Movement.
  • 1988年9月祝贺中国和日本和平友好条约缔结十周年,赴日本演
    September, 1988 Performed in Tokyo and other cities in Japan to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Sino Japanese Friendship Treaty.
  • abc"黄金时段"节目组在这一年中遇到了许多这样的妇女,作为9·11周年祭的献礼节目,他们想要把她们都请到一起,照一张合影,用以纪念这令人痛心的一年,失去亲人的痛苦冲淡了婴儿生带来的喜悦。
    Primetime had met many of the women in the course of the year, and wanted to bring them together for a photograph to commemorate what for them has been a harrowing year, the joy of their babies' births tempered by the sorrow of their loss.
  • 为纪念香港回归中国,临时市政局赞助举办香港芭蕾舞团的"末代皇帝"、由圣马田乐团担纲演的演艺音乐节,以及包括一系列不同类型音乐会的回归音乐节。
    To commemorate the reunification of Hong Kong with China, the council sponsored the presentations of The Last Emperor by the Hong Kong Ballet, the Academy Music Festival featuring the Academy of St Martin in the Fields and the Reunification Music Festival offering a series of concerts with a wide music spectrum.
  • 1991年5月应日本都民剧场邀请,赴日本参加纪念日本都民剧场成立45周年演
    May, 1991 Performed in Tokyo at the invitation of the Dumin Society in commemoration of the 45th anniversary of that Society.
  • 将于晚6点30分开始。
    The performances will commence form 6 : 3 0 p.m.
  • 要等到司法宫大钟敲响正午十二点才开始。
    The piece was not to commence till the last stroke of noon of the great clock of the Palais.
  • 宗谱的源头通常是一位在某个地方开枝散叶的远祖,中间一一列世代祖宗,由在世的那一代子孙负责修订。
    The clan family-tree would commence with the primogenitor who settled in a particular location and raised his family there. It would rest with the latest generation updating it, with all in-between ancestors duly enumerated.
  • 开始,击比赛的开始,或有计划的军事进攻的开始
    The commencement of a race or of a planned military attack.
  • 《巴塞尔公约》所订立的监管机制,主要是实施一个预报制度,由进口和转口国的有关主管当局在危险废物或不可循环再造的废物付运之前,先行发通知及给予同意。
    The main control mechanism under the convention is the effect a system of prior notification and consent by the authorities of the states of import, export and transit before the commencement of shipments of hazardous or non-recyclable waste.
  • 立法会于一九九八年七月二十九日通过决议案,委任专责委员会,调查自一九九八年七月六日赤濸角香港国际机场启用后所现问题的原委和有关事宜。
    On July 29, 1998, the council resolved to appoint a select committee to inquire into the circumstances leading to the problems surrounding the commencement of the operation of the new Hong Kong International Airport at Chek Lap Kok since July 6, 1998 and related issues.
  • 第五次反“围剿”进行两个月之后,当福建事变现之时,红军主力无疑地应该突进到以浙江为中心的苏浙皖赣地区去,纵横驰骋于杭州、苏州、南京、芜湖、南昌、福州之间,将战略防御转变为战略进攻,威胁敌之根本重地,向广大无堡垒地带寻求作战。
    At the time of the Fukien Incident, two months after the commencement of our fifth counter-campaign, the main forces of the Red Army should undoubtedly have thrust into the Kiangsu-Chekiang-Anhwei-Kiangsi region, with Chekiang as the centre, and swept over the length and breadth of the area between Hangchow, Soochow, Nanking, Wuhu, Nanchang and Foochow, turning our strategic defensive into a strategic offensive, menacing the enemy's vital centres and seeking battles in the vast areas where there were no blockhouses.
  • "年青的警官从洪水中救儿童,荣获嘉奖以表彰其勇敢。"
    The young police sergent was given a commendation for bravery after he saved the children from the flood.
  • 她从烈火中救儿童,荣获嘉奖以表彰其勇敢。
    She was given a commendation for bravery after she saved the children from the fire.
  • 为了表彰老师献身教学的精神和肯定学校的建树,「优质教育基金」计划举办杰教师及学校奖励计划,以奖励表现色的教师和校长,以及成就卓越的学校,并藉此推广优质教育文化。
    To commend teachers for their devotion to the teaching profession and to recognise the achievements made by schools, the Quality Education Fund plans to launch an award scheme for outstanding teachers and schools. To promote the culture of quality education, teachers and schoolmasters with outstanding performance and schools with great achievements will be shortlisted for commendation.
  • 要做与这份奖赏原本的目的和意义相符,又与其奖金等价的献词并不困难。
    It would not be difficult to find a dedication for the money part of it, commensurate for the purpose and significance of its origin.
  •  第一百零七条香港特别行政区的财政预算以量入为为原则,力求收支平衡,避免赤字,并与本地生产总值的增长率相适应。
    Article 107 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall follow the principle of keeping expenditure within the limits of revenues in drawing up its budget, and strive to achieve a fiscal balance, avoid deficits and keep the budget commensurate with the growth rate of its gross domestic product.
  • 或写评论来作评价。
    make or write comment to make a comment on.
  • 通常说反话地作评价。
    make a comment, usually ironic.
  • 他们不肯对这建议作更多的评论。
    They declined further comment the proposal.
  • 注释者编写或发一篇评论或多篇评论的人
    One who writes or delivers a commentary or commentaries.
  • 影评为电影或演提供连续的评论
    To supply a running commentary for a movie or performance.