  • 司业务范围已扩大到汽车租赁。
    The company has branch out into car leasing.
  • 国际包装租赁有限
    International Packaging Leasing Corporation Ltd.
  • 两家司已签定合同做租赁贸易。
    The two companys have sign contract to do leasing trade.
  • 是的,本司有兴趣租用贵司的一台机器。
    Yes, we are interested in leasing one of your machines.
  • 两家司已签定合同做租赁贸易。
    The two companies have signed a contract to do leasing trade.
  • 我们得知贵司经营租赁业务多年,有丰富经验。
    We learn that you have been engaged in leasing business for many years and have rich experience in this line.
  • 纳税人:您好,我是一家外国司,能介绍一下租赁业务营业税如何交纳吗?
    Taxpayer: excuse me, I am from a foreign company, would you help me to know how to pay business tax on leasing property?
  • 我把手套落在共汽车上了。
    I've left my gloves on the bus.
  • 香山是个园,从这儿往西有几英里远,以其秋天的红叶著名。
    The Fragrant Hills is a park located several miles west of here. It's famous for its red leaved in autumn.
  • 在某些大学中的共讲师或高级讲师
    A public lecturer or reader in certain universities.
  • 几年来,外国轿车在英国的销量一直比英国的大;英国司正在要求其政府对外国(进口)轿车的销售加以限制,以便给它们一个迎头赶上的机会。
    For several years more foreign cars have been sold in Britain than British ones; the government is now being asked to limit the sales of foreign cars to give British companies a chance to make up leeway.
  • 组成合法公司的
    Formed into a legal corporation.
  • 必须着重指出,我们虽然不允许抛弃合法与开的一面,甚至有一点开合法的可能都要尽量利用,但是我们的目的,却是发展非法与秘密的一面,这才合乎我们积蓄革命力量、削弱敌人力量的要求,忽视了这一点,就会陷入合法主义的错误。
    It must be emphasized that while we allow no abandoning of the legal struggle and overt work and advocate the best use of any slight opportunities available for carrying out the legal struggle and overt work, our aim is to further the illegal struggle and undertake covert work, in order to build up our revolutionary strength and weaken the enemy. Failure to recognize this point will lead to the error of legalism.
  • 对侦查终结的案件是否起诉或免予起诉,由检察机关按照法定程序,通过全面仔细的审查作出决定,以确保惩罚犯罪的及时性、准确性和合法性,同时,防止无辜民被错误起诉,保护民的权利不被侵犯。
    Whether a case should be prosecuted after investigation or exempt from prosecution should be decided by procuratorial organs after overall and careful examination according to legal procedure; This is to ensure the timeliness, accuracy, and legality of a punishment, and at the same time, to prevent innocent citizens from unjust prosecution and prevent citizens' rights from infringement.
  • 3、关于起诉和审判对侦查终结的案件是否起诉或免予起诉,由检察机关按照法定程序,通过全面仔细的审查作出决定,以确保惩罚犯罪的及时性、准确性和合法性,同时,防止无辜民被错误起诉,保护民的权利不被侵犯。
    3. Prosecution and Trial Whether a case should be prosecuted after investigation or exempt from prosecution should be decided by procuratorial organs after overall and careful examination according to legal procedure; this is to ensure the timeliness, accuracy, and legality of a punishment, and at the same time, to prevent innocent citizens from unjust prosecution and prevent citizens' rights from infringement.
  • 民在法律上既是权利的主体,也是义务的主体。
    Legally citizens are the subjects of both rights and duties.
  • 使节的职位或者办场所。
    the post or office of legate.
  • 封口的用来盛放馆和人员之间的信件的邮包。
    a mail pouch that is sealed shut and that is used to carry communications between a legation and its home office.
  • 据传说,那位仙女般的主爱上了一个贫儿
    Legend has it that the fairy princess fell in love with a pauper
  • 据传说,那位仙女般的主爱上了一个贫儿。
    Legend have it that the fairy princess fall in love with a pauper.
  • 如果想在定假日去旅游,就得预计到旅途交通可能出现被耽搁的情况。
    If you’re thinking of traveling on a public holiday, you’ll have to legislate for delays in the traffic.
  • 你要是想在定假日去旅游,就得预计到旅途交通可能被耽搁。
    If you are thanking of travelling on a public holiday, you'll have to legislate for delays in the traffic.
  • 一位女立法委员说要关闭消费者基金会而引起了愤。
    The public angered by what a lady legislator said to close down the Consumers' Foundation.
  • 国家保护民个人的合法收入、储蓄、房屋和其他合法财产的所有权和继承权。
    The state protects the citizens' ownership and inheritance rights to their legitimate income, savings, housing and other legitimate properties.
  •  中国宪法明确规定保护共财产和民合法财产。
    The Constitution provides that public property and the legitimate property of citizens are protected.
  • 完善诉讼程序,保障民和法人的合法权益。
    We should improve judicial proceedings and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and legal persons.
  • 安、司法机关依法打击犯罪,保护民的合法权利不受侵犯。
    Public security and judicial organs crack down on crimes according to law, and protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests from being infringed.
  • 她甚至去租了一个市内办处,那地方她根本不用,只是为了有一个“合法的”企业地址而已。
    She went so far as to rent down town office space, which she never used in order to have a"legitimate" business address.
  • 检察机关依法加强诉讼监督,提高办案质量,维护民的合法权利。
    Procuratorial organs have reinforced litigation supervision according to law to improve the quality of handling cases and safeguard the legitimate rights of citizens.
  • 共汽车从他的腿上辗过。
    The bus ran over his legs.
  • 目前,中国粮食总产量位居世界第一,人均380斤左右(含豆类、薯类),达到世界平均水平。
    At present, China ranks first in total grain output in the world, with the per capita share of grain reaching approximately 380 kg (including legume and tuber crops), which is the global average.
  • 香港电灯有限司(港灯)负责供电给香港岛及邻近的鸭?洲和南丫岛;
    The Hongkong Electric Company Limited (HEC) supplies Hong Kong Island and the neighbouring islands of Ap Lei Chau and Lamma;