  • 我们送那个可怜的小女孩一份生日礼物作为友谊的表示。
    We sent the poor girl a birthday present in token of friendship.
  • 他送妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。
    He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love.
  • 一只象征爱情而的戒指
    A ring given in token of love.
  • 瞧,这是送您的,作为临别纪念。
    Here, this is for you, as a going away token.
  • 送手稿我的年轻人中,80%的人都不想听取建议;他们只想别人把他们说成是最棒的作者、个个都是超群出众。
    Eighty percent of young people who send me their manuscripts don't want advice. They just want to be told they're the best, the greatest.
  • 我已把他们我的东西了他了。
    I have told them what you told me.
  • 我们讲了一个故事。
    He told us a story.
  • 他讲了一个故事。
    I told him a story.
  • 在平常的生活中,对不准时的行为可以予一些宽容。
    In ordinary living there can be some tolerance of unpunctuality.
  • 某事敲丧钟,宣告某事物告终
    Sound [toll, ring out] the death knell for [of] sth.
  • 日趋严重的毒品危机已开始很多美国人造成损害。
    The escalating drug crisis is beginning to take its toll on many Americans.
  • 我们推测这他们的家庭和彼此的关系敲响了警钟。
    We gathered that this was taking a toll on the family and their relationship.
  • 请把番茄酱给我。
    Give the tomato sauce please.
  • 请给我一些番茄酱。
    Give me some tomato sauce please.
  • 他把他的一本签过名的书赠送我。
    He presented a signed copy of his book tome.
  • 他给我一本书。
    He gave me a book.= He gave a book tome.
  • 他给我看他的照片。
    He showed me his photos.= He showed his photos tome.
  • 汤米因玩火柴而烧伤了他一个教训。
    The burns Tommy got from playing with matches taught him a lesson.
  • 汤米因玩火柴而烧伤了他一个教训。
    The burns Tommy got from playing with matches taught him a lesson.
  • 三和弦由三个音调组成的一个和弦,尤指以定的基调加上一个大调或小调的三音度和一个完全的五音度
    A chord of three tones, especially one built on a given root tone plus a major or minor third and a perfect fifth.
  • 医生我开了一种特殊的补药。
    The doctor gave me a special tonic.
  • 今晚我给你打电话。
    I'll call you tonight.
  • 给某人剃光头
    give the tonsure to sb.
  • …过多喂食喂食过于频繁或过多
    To feed or eat too often or too much.
  • 她送去了几束鲜花。
    He took her some flowers.
  • 她说你她讲的那个不会“嘟嘟”叫的火车的故事总也讲不完。
    She says you never finished that story you were telling her about the train that lost its"toot".
  • 在接下来的几星期里,迈克和我跑遍了邻近各家,敲开他们的门问他们是否愿意把用过的牙膏皮攒下来我们。
    For the next several weeks, Mike and I ran around our neighborhood, knocking on doors and asking our neighbors if they would save their toothpaste tubes for us.
  • 能给我一些牙签吗?
    Could I have some toothpicks, please?
  • 请给汽车加足汽油。
    Top her up, please.
  • 我来给你斟满酒杯。
    Let me top you up.
  • 桌面给擦坏了。
    The table top is scratched.
  • 就让我给你斟满吧。
    Do let me top you up.