  • 英吉利海峡是开英国和法国的海洋通道。
    The English channel is the ocean passage dividing England and France.
  • 把父亲的土地给儿子的习俗渐渐形成了。
    The custom grew up of dividing the father's land between the sons.
  • 莱茵河构成法国和德国之间的一段界线。
    For some distance the Rhine forms the dividing line between France and Germany.
  • 这五个人种经常很难区
    It's often difficult to draw a clear dividing line between these five races.
  • 签牌把一副牌成两份的行为,如在发牌之前
    The act of dividing a deck of cards into two parts, as before dealing.
  • 把一个球体或其他的表面成两个大抵相等和均匀的部的圆圈。
    a circle dividing a sphere or other surface into two usually equal and symmetrical parts.
  • 水岭将两个不同水系流经地区开的脊状高地
    A ridge of high land dividing two areas that are drained by different river systems.
  • 把学生为好坏,就象把绵羊和山羊开一样。
    Separating the students into good and bad is like dividing the sheep from the goats.
  • 左右梳把(如,头发)从缝处向两边梳理,如在头皮上梳理
    To comb(hair, for example) away from a dividing line, as on the scalp.
  • 在数据通信中把一个或多个信息流成个数更多的信息流的过程。
    In data communications, the dividing of one or more information streams into a larger number of streams.
  • 要想当一个好法官,你必须明确区善与恶。
    To be a good judge, one has to draw a clear dividing line between good and evil.
  • 一个地带或地区的割为不同目标而保留例如居住和交易。
    dividing an area into zones or sections reserved for different purposes such as residence and business and manufacturing etc.
  • 在选举中为让某党派有不公正的好处而(把一个地理区域)划成选区。
    an act of gerrymandering (dividing a voting area so as to give your own party an unfair advantage).
  • 动作优雅,水花小,他的得为72.6。
    His diving's graceful. Small splash. His score is 72.6.
  • 可通的可被相同整数倍单位割的。用于两个量
    Exactly divisible by the same unit an integral number of times. Used of two quantities.
  • 现在社会上各阶级的区不象过去那样明显了。
    The divisions between the various classes of society are not so sharply marked as they used to be.
  • 那样分款公平吗?
    Is that a fair division of the money?
  • 该法案未经组表决即进行宣读。
    The Bill was read without a division.
  • 把一个队成两个小组
    the division of a team into two groups
  • 我的地和他的地的界线
    the division between my land and his
  • 这条河成了这座城市重工业区和轻工业区的界线。
    The river forms the division between the heavy industrial and light industrial areas of the city.
  • 生产地域分工
    territorial division of production
  • 指状裂成指状部
    Division into fingerlike parts.
  • 进行细胞分裂
    To undergo cell division.
  • 地球植物区系分区
    flora division of the earth
  • 扬克顿人该分支成员
    A member of this division.
  • 成三个部或三个要素的行为或过程
    Division into three parts or elements.
  • 粘连物切离术粘连物的外科切除或离术
    Surgical division or separation of adhesions.
  • 频分制遥测系统
    telemetry systems of frequency division type
  • 时分制遥测系统
    telemetry systems of time division type
  • 上诉法院成民事上诉庭和刑事上诉庭。
    The court of appeal is divided into the civil division and the criminal division.
  • 不动产划财产割,尤指不动产的
    Division of property, especially real estate.