  • 如果燃烧,燃料就放热。
    If the combustion, just heat is let out to the fuel.
  • 这孩子身于很好的家庭。
    The boy comes of a good family.
  • 他出身于世家。
    He comes of a good family.
  • 该球员出场晚了。
    The player came on late.
  • 天一黑,星星就来了。
    The stars came out as soon as darkness fell.
  • 约翰的书什么时候版?
    When does John's book come out?
  • "小汤姆身上现了斑点,所以正卧床休息。"
    Little Tom has come out in spots so he's staying in bed.
  • 那时他想不一个合适的答案。
    He couldn't come up with an appropriate answer just at the time.
  • 明星乎预料的复
    The film star made an unexpected comeback.
  • 喜剧演员什么时候场?
    When does the comedian come on?
  • 喜剧演以供我们消遣
    The comedian performed for our entertainment.
  • 他们等喜剧演员场。
    They waited for the comedian to come on.
  • 那个胖乎乎的喜剧演员在电视表演中表现得最为色。
    The fat comedian ran away with the TV show.
  • 我的人生目标是当一个色的脱口秀谐星。
    My goal in life is to be a great stand- up comedian.
  • 我的人生目标是当一个色的脱口秀谐星。
    My goal in life is to is a great stand up comedian.
  • 所有的演节目都很精彩,但一个不知名的小丑的表演更是足了风头。
    All the acts were good but an unknown young comedian stole the show.
  • 加拿大多年来产生了许多优秀的喜剧天才,而金·凯利无疑是新一代中最色的。
    Canada has been producing fine comedic talents for years,and Jim Carrey is definitely the best of the new breed.
  • 喜剧使我们笑得直不起腰来。
    The comedy creased us.
  • 本事不是天生的,是锻炼来的。
    Ability is not innate, but comes through practice.
  • 风景出现眼前。
    Scenery comes to you.
  • 而德克萨斯大学的托尼·法恩海姆和他的同事们计算慧星旋转的速度相对来说是很慢的。
    Tony Famham of the University of Texas and his colleagues calculated, however, that the comet may have been rotating relatively slowly.
  • (天文学)一个假定的巨大的彗星云,它远远超冥王星的轨道围绕太阳旋转;(其他恒星引起的)混乱可以翻倒彗星的轨道,使其向着太阳。
    (astronomy) a hypothetical huge collection of comets orbiting the sun far beyond the orbit of Pluto; perturbations (as by other stars) can upset a comet's orbit and may send it tumbling toward the sun.
  • 在寒冷潮湿之夜,广告发的柔和灯光,散发着某种舒适感。
    There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights.
  • 还有一些人是为了将别人从电梯中救,或是照料伤者,或是安慰那些近乎发狂的人。
    still others, to perform tasks like freeing people from elevators, tending the injured or comforting the distraught.
  • 显现悲剧和喜剧方面的特征的。
    manifesting both tragic and comic aspects.
  • 含有歌唱和喜剧表演的综艺演
    a variety show with songs and comic acts etc..
  • 当时我希望这部戏剧里会现一些滑稽的场面。
    I wished the play would have some comic relief in it.
  • 幽默感看、享受或表达有趣的、喜剧性的、离奇的或荒谬的东西的能力
    The ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd.
  • 从办公大楼我们看到来厂访问的客人进进
    We saw the comings and goings of the visitors to the factory from our office building.
  • 有一辆出租车来了。
    A taxi is coming.
  • 司令官发几道命令。
    The commander issued several orders.
  • 指挥员高声发命令。
    The commander shouted his orders.