  • 辅助设施利用太阳能光伏发电技术,包括奥林匹克园、各场馆的路灯、草坪灯、共厕所照明、绿地灌溉等,全部使用太阳能。
    Photovoltaic technology will be applied to utilize solar energy in supporting facilities, including the road lamp of the venue, the lawn lighting facilities, lamp for public lavatory and irrigation.
  • 众大捧特捧那个年轻的歌手。
    The public lavish their praises o that young singer.
  •  (七)民的其他合法财产。
    his other lawful property.
  •    第十三条国家保护民的合法的收入、储蓄、房屋和其他合法财产的所有权。
    Article 13. The state protects the right of citizens to own lawfully earned income, savings, houses and other lawful property.
  •  (五)法律允许民所有的生产资料;
    means of production lawfully owned by him;
  •  任何人在被合法拘捕后,享有尽早接受司法机关正审判的权利,未经司法机关判罪之前均假定无罪。
    Anyone who is lawfully arrested shall have the right to a fair trial by the judicial organs without delay and shall be presumed innocent until convicted by the judicial organs.
  • 中国司法工作的宗旨和任务是,依照法律保护全体民的各项基本权利和自由以及其他合法权益,保护共财产和民私人所有的合法财产,维护社会秩序,保障中国现代化建设事业的顺利进行,依照法律惩罚少数犯罪分子。
    The aim and task of China's judicial work is to protect the basic rights, freedoms, and other legal rights and interests of the whole people in accordance with law, protect public property and citizens' lawfully-owned private property, maintain social order, guarantee the smooth progress of the modernization drive, and punish the small number of criminals according to law.
  •  第一百五十四条中央人民政府授权香港特别行政区政府依照法律给持有香港特别行政区永久性居民身份证的中国民签发中华人民共和国香港特别行政区护照,给在香港特别行政区的其他合法居留者签发中华人民共和国香港特别行政区的其他旅行证件。
    Article 154 The Central People's Government shall authorize the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to issue, in accordance with law, passports of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China to all Chinese citizens who hold permanent identity cards of the Region, and travel documents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China to all other persons lawfully residing in the Region.
  • 摩西,罗伯特1888-1981美国国家务员,在纽约设计了许多重要的共事务和建筑物,包括林肯中心和联合国总部
    In the Old Testament, the Hebrew prophet and lawgiver who led the Israelites out of Egypt.
  • 躺在草坪上比坐在办室里舒服。
    It is more comfortable to lie on a lawn than (to) sit in the office.
  • 如果实在是休假期间还要工作,劳伦斯建议在休假前与司约定你将在某个固定的时段内解决务,并严格遵守这个工作安排。
    If you can't tear yourself away completely, Lawrence recommends establishing a method and a time to check in before you go. Then firmly stick to that schedule.
  • 另外一个原因我们称之为"老板效应",劳伦斯说,如果老板休假时总是不忘打开电脑与办室联系,这等于暗示每个人都应该这样做。
    Another reason is what could be called the big cheese factor.If the boss is constantly logging in while on a holiday it signals everyone else that they should do the same from their vacation, says Lawrence.
  • 据吉尼斯世界记录主编斯图尔特·纽波特先生说,伦敦的吉尼斯司起诉了上海一家盗用吉尼斯名字的机构。这场官司目前还在审理当中。
    The London-based institution has a lawsuit pending against a Shanghai outfit which borrowed the Guinness tag, said Stewart Newport, the Keeper of the Records.
  • 美国零售巨头沃尔玛司最近惹上了一起官司,被指控其拒绝支付女员工的节育健康保险费用的作法有失平。近日,一联邦法官宣布将此案定为集体诉讼案。
    A federal judge has granted class-action status to a lawsuit that claims Wal-Mart's denial of health insurance coverage for birth control is unfair to female employees.
  • 而沃尔玛的律师马克·卡夏里在接受采访时则谈到,法官还没有对案件的实质进行裁决,也没有同意涉及司男员工配偶的节育保险费用问题。
    Wal-Mart attorney Mark Casciari noted that the judge had yet to address the merits of the lawsuit and had declined to include male Wal-Mart employees whose spouses use birth control.
  • 西藏自治区人民代表大会规定:“各级人民法院与检察院必须保障藏族民用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。
    The People's Congress of the Tibet Autonomous Region stipulates, "People's courts and procuratorates at various levels must guarantee the right of Tibetan citizens to use their own national language to enter a lawsuit.
  • 在中国,享有知识产权的任何民、法人和其他组织,在其权利受到侵害时,均可依法向人民法院提起诉讼,享受切实有效的司法保护。
    In China, any citizen, legal person or organization entitled to intellectual property rights whose rights and interests have been infringed may bring a lawsuit to the people's court in accordance with the law and receive practical and effective judicial protection.
  • 条文规定必须由律师拟定此文。
    Regulations prescribe that a lawyer draw up the paper.
  • 我的办公室在四层。
    My office are four layers.
  • 司突然宣布裁员时,股票价格便大跌
    Stock prices broke when the firm suddenly announced layoffs.
  • 采取行动前他们调查了办室的设计图。
    They sussed out the layout of the office before taking the action.
  • 在表示媒体上部分或完全重叠的两个或多个布局客体的共区域。
    The common area of two or more layout objects that overlap each other partially or fully on the presentation medium.
  • “我们的教条主义者是懒汉,他们拒绝对于具体事物做任何艰苦的研究工作,他们把一般真理看成是凭空出现的东西,把它变成为人们所不能够捉摸的纯粹抽象的式,完全否认了并且颠倒了这个人类认识真理的正常秩序。”
    He also said: "Our dogmatists are lazybones.They refuse to undertake any painstaking study of concrete things, they regard general truths as emerging out of the void, they turn them into purely abstract unfathomable formulas, and thereby completely deny and reverse the normal sequence by which man comes to know truth."
  • 例如voicestream和leap司的手机就是不错的产品。
    Voicestream and Leap wireless are good examples.
  • 就在他告别之时,一位摄影师从参议员办室里的一个看起来像是碗碟橱的柜子里跳了出来。
    As he was making his farewells, a photographer leaped out of what looked like a cupboard in the Senator's office.
  • 利用xdsl技术(x代表所有的dsl变种),电话司处于能超越有线电视业的地位。
    With XDSL technology (the X represents all the DSL variations), the telephone companies are in a position to leapfrog the cable TV industry.
  • 我们已租了一幢办楼。
    We've taken a lease on an office building.
  • 这个司出租房地产。
    This company leases out property.
  • 我们寓的租约还有几个月就到期了.
    The lease on our flat runs out in a few months.
  • 我们这套寓的租约下月到期.
    Our present lease on the flat expires next month.
  • 我们寓的租约下月到期。
    The lease of our flat falls in next moth.
  • 推销副经理盼望摆脱受雇于他人的境地已有多年时间,最后终于开办了自己的司。
    The deputy sales manager strained at the leash for several years and eventually started his own company.