  • 表示一个音乐语音的定调和长短期的符号。
    a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound.
  • 啮合扣两块建筑材料之的连接,由一个槽口和一个与之相称的凸起物构成
    A joint between two pieces of building material formed by a notch and a fitted projection.
  • 在瑞典度假期,我在车上发现一张这样的通知:'先生,欢迎你光临敝市。
    During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: 'Sir, we welcome you to our city.
  • 一个乐音和距其五个乐音远的乐音之的音程。
    the musical interval between one note and another five notes away from it.
  • 一个乐音和距其四个乐音远的乐音之的音程。
    the musical interval between one note and another four notes away from it.
  • 一个乐音和距其七个乐音远的乐音之的音程。
    the musical interval between one note and another seven notes away from it.
  • 一个乐音和距其六个乐音远的乐音之的音程。
    the musical interval between one note and another six notes away from it.
  • 一个乐音和距其三个乐音远的乐音之的音程。
    the musical interval between one note and another three notes away from it.
  • "...对演奏家刘芳来讲,她的音乐也表现在音与音之的停顿上...每个音符背后都有灵魂..."
    "MUSIC - The sound of silence: Spaces between the notes matter to virtuoso Liu Fang.... 'Behind every note, there is soul.'
  • 房间里什么也没有。
    There's nothing in the room.
  • 你看到他离开房了吗?
    Did you notice him leave the house?
  • 委员会将通知我们下次开会的时
    The committee will notify us when it will next be held.
  • 请通知我你到的时,以便我做好准备。
    Please notify my of when you may arrive, so that I'll be ready.
  • 一旦我的行程确定下来,我会马上告知到达时
    As soon as my travel plan is finished, I will notify you of the time of my arrival.
  • uddi规范2.0版引入了已校验(checked)的外部命名空的概念。
    UDDI Version 2.0 introduces the notion of external checked namespaces.
  • 日本曾经侵略过亚洲许多邻国,在战争期有过非常残忍的不人道行径,并最终导致这些邻国的发展进程长期滞后。
    Japan had invaded its many Asian neighbours and its military was notorious for its wartime atrocities. These countries have lagged behind in development for a long time as a result of the suffering brought upon them.
  • 同位关系这样的名词之或名词词组之的关系
    The relationship between such nouns or noun phrases.
  • 如今这里最相看无厌的客人当数传说中挥之不去的幽灵,这些传说即使不是源于古老的民故事,也大有借鉴化用的嫌疑。
    Among the most assiduous guests here are the inevitable ghosts, which are nourished, if not actually created, by ancient popular beliefs.
  • 在当地时14日下午3点半,高层官员收到了发送回来的图像。
    With the local clock showing 3.30pm Nov.14, 2001 the operation was providing post - lunch viewing for senior leaders.
  • 研究显示,经验丰富的管制员相比于一名新手的显著特点是能够及时发现问题并解决问题,而无须花上一段时去收集问题的解决方法并从中挑选最佳方案。
    Research indicates that a characteristic of an expert as compared to a novice is an ability to recognize problem situations and to "know what to do" without going through a long process of generating and examining alternative solutions.
  • 我认为,物品生产出来以后,若不能在使用以前保存一段时,则决不会被人称作财富,因为不管能生产、能享用多少这种东西,受益于这种东西的人也不会变得更富有,境况也不会丝毫有所改善。
    It is essential to the idea of wealth to be susceptible of accumulation: thing which cannot, after being produced, be kept for some time before being used, are never, I think, regarded as wealth, since however much of them may be produced and enjoyed, the person benefited by them is no richer, is nowise improved in circumstances.
  • 没有时做冻火鸡了,所以他们用热狗打发了。
    there was'nt time to cook the unthawed turkey, so they had to settle for hotdogs.
  • (物理学)使质子和中子在原子核中结合的基本粒子的相互作用;以胶子作为媒介。
    (physics) the interaction that binds protons and neutrons together in the nuclei of atoms; mediated by gluons.
  • 无意义突变,无意义密码在一条包含有为无氨基酸指定遗传密码的核苷酸组的信使核糖核酸中的一部分,无意义密码在蛋白质合成期不能被读出,因此使肽链终止
    A section within a strand of messenger RNA containing a nucleotide triplet that codes for no amino acid. Nonsense cannot be read during protein synthesis and so terminates the polypeptide chain.
  • 他把我推出房间。
    He nudged me out of the room.
  • 闭联集与一个区内所有实数数目相同的点的集合
    A set having the same number of points as all the real numbers in an interval.
  • 由一对已知数之所有数组成的一组数
    A set of numbers consisting of all the numbers between a pair of given numbers.
  • 闭区由一对已知数之包括端点的所有数组成的一组数
    A set of numbers consisting of all the numbers between a pair of given numbers and including the endpoints.
  • 您的房号是5501和5502。
    Your room numbers are 5501 and 5502.
  • 夹楼,夹层楼面一座建筑中两层主楼面之的部分楼面
    A partial story between two main stories of a building.
  • 在十年时内,牛津大学的数学家、科学家和工程师在数量上不会比现在的医学院多。
    in ten years' time the Oxbridge mathematicians, scientists, and engineers will not be much more significant numerically than the Oxbridge medical schools are now.
  • 的女性,甚至尼姑,都情愿失掉贞操也不愿失掉声誉。
    Any woman in the world, even a nun, would rather lose her virtue than her reputation.