  • 付给报酬给小费
    To give a tip to.
  • 记得要服务员小费。
    Remember to tip the waiter.
  • 我给她五美元小费。
    I gave her a five-dollar tip.
  • 服务员小费了没有?
    Did you give the waiter a tip?
  • 小费出手慷慨,侍者都喜欢他。
    The waiters liked him for being a big tipper.
  • 饭馆里不用给小费。
    Tipping is not expected in restaurants.
  • 在像那样的餐厅里,合理的小费该多少?
    What's a reasonable tipping rate in a restaurant like that?
  • 为了让你下次旅行较为顺利,我们向你提供一些在这一地区小费的窍门。
    To make your next trip a little easier, here's guide to tipping across the region:
  • 像在印度西亚一样,在马来西亚小费也仅限于那些价格较高的西式场所。在那里,一般在就餐或旅馆房间的费用之外附加10%的服务费。
    Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is confined to the pricier Westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel room.
  • 尽管在国际饭店里收取10%的服务费似乎是一件理所当然的事,小费不是韩国文化的一部分。
    Tipping is not part of Korean culture, although it has become a matter of course in interntional hotels where a 10% service charge is often added.
  • 他赏那女侍一美元小费。
    He tipped the waitress a dollar.
  • 轮胎增加一个新轮胎面。
    give new treads to (a tire).
  • 上路前轮胎打足气。
    Pump the tires up hard before going out on the road.
  • 盖亚大地女神,并嫁了天神乌拉诺斯,成为泰坦和独眼巨人库克罗普斯的母亲
    The goddess of the earth, who bore and married Uranus and became the mother of the Titans and the Cyclopes.
  • 能不能我们留一条生路?《泰坦尼克号》
    Will you give us a chance to live?-"Titanic"
  • 费伦发现是格雷格森·鲍泽泄露了休斯公司的机密。于是他把这一重要的情报了迪特里希,迪特里希知道后极为生气。
    Phelan found out that the source of the leak in the Hughes organisation had been Gregson Bautzer. He gave Dietrich this titbit of information, and Dietrich the roof.
  • 予头衔或确定名称的。
    given a title or identifying name.
  • 给…题名或命名
    To give a name or title to.
  • 给…题名或命名
    To give a name or title to.
  • 我给他一本书。
    I give a book to him.
  • 我妈妈昨天她写了信。
    My mother wrote to her yesterday.
  • 把这本书给他。
    Give the book to him.
  • 孩子唱歌唱到孩子睡着。
    She sang the baby to sleep.
  • 我来两片烤面包。
    Two slices of toast, please.
  • 我们端来茶和面包。
    She served tea and toast to us.
  • 把我的手伸那学步的小孩
    Gave the toddler my hand.
  • 艾莉刚在学步的时候,我下班后常去托儿所接她,然后找一个安静的地方,在那儿她喂奶--我们的目光牢牢地交织在一起,凝视着对方,我们的心灵在交流。
    When Allie was a toddler, I would go to the day- care center after work. I'd find a quiet spot and she would nurse -- our eyes locked together, reconnecting with each other.
  • 你的脚趾甲很长了,你应该把它们剪掉,不然会往里长你带来痛苦。
    Your toenails are very long; you ought to cut them before they start growing in, or you could be in a lot of pain.
  • 这人把在街上拾到的钱交了警察。
    The man gave in the money he had found in the street toga policeman.
  • 啊,笛子来了,拿一根我。跟你们退一步说话;为什么你们总是这样千方百计绕到我上风的一面,好像一定要把我逼进你们的圈套?
    O, the recorders! Let me see one. To withdraw with you; why do you go about to recover the wind of me, as if you would drive me into a toil?
  • 他买了盥洗用品并送他几件衣服以后,一天晚上我开车开了一个半小时,送他到一个退伍军人管理局的医院,去接受戒酒医疗。我每月写信查问进度,并试图替他找一个出院以后的工作。
    After buying him toiletries and giving him clothes, I drove him one night to a Veterans Administration hospital, an hour and a half away, and put him into a detoxification program. I wrote him monthly to check on his progress and attempted to line up a job for him when he got out.
  • 他请求我赊些面粉他。
    He asked me toilet him have some hour on credit