  • 而所有这一切,圆拱,大柱,垣壁,窗框,护壁镶板,门扇,塑像,从上到下,满目湛蓝和金黄,色泽斑斓,光彩照人;我们今天看见时色泽已略显暗淡了,公元一五四九年德·普勒尔根据流传还对它赞美不已,其实那时几乎已被尘灰和蛛网所埋没,全不见当年的灿烂光泽了。
    and the whole—roof, pillars, walls, cornices, doors, statues—is resplendent from top to bottom in a coating of blue and gold, already somewhat tarnished at the period of which we write, but which had almost entirely disappeared under dust and cobwebs in the year of grace 1549, when Du Breuil alluded to it in terms of admiration, but from hearsay only.
  • 我的汽车越来越旧了,我想把它重新喷涂装饰一下,后设法把它卖了。
    My car is getting old; I think I'll tart it up with a respray and try to sell it.
  • 该工作依然未完成。
    The task remained unaccomplished.
  • 在热油里烹制的牛肉块,后浸入各种可口的沙司里。
    cubes of beef cooked in hot oil and then dipped in various tasty sauces.
  • 法官驳回该项指控,说所控罪状已全部被证据推翻,那个人显是清白无辜的。
    The magistrate dismissed the charge saying that the evidence had torn it to tatters and the man was clearly innocent.
  • 它体现在这样的父母身上,他们的女儿染紫了自己的头发,在自己的肚子纹身,甚至与摇滚乐队厮混,他们依深爱着她;
    It shows up in parents who will not quit loving their daughter even after she dyes her hair purple and tattoos her belly and runs off with a rock band.
  • 如今已经51岁的努斯说,当警方试图逼绑匪头目说出那些英国游客的下落时,那个人竟还把警察们嘲弄了一番。
    Nuss, now aged 51, said the lead captor taunted police who tried to force him to reveal where the Britons were.
  • 我杀了他……他辱骂我……他用下流的话骂你……为了你,也为了我自己,我才这么做……我突想起来我这样做就能重新得到你。
    I have killed him… he taunted me… he called you by a foul name… I owed it to you and I owed it to myself.…It came to me as a shining light that I should get you back in that way.
  • 底线就是税收:美国公民必须给他们的城市、县、州、联邦政府交税,后再想办法靠剩下的那些钱过日子。
    The bottom line is taxa- tion: some U.S. citizens must pay taxes to their city, county, state, and federal governments, and then try to live on anything left over.
  • 我虽不想坐计程车,但因为太迟了所以非坐不可。
    I didn't mean to take a taxi but I had to, as I was late.
  • 建设天气加气站和液化气加气站(约290个),购置及改装清洁燃料的公交车、出租车及市政用车。
    Accordingly, about 50 natural gas stations and 100 LPG stations need to be built. Vehicles using gas as fuel for public transport and municipal services will be purchased or retrofitted, taxis as well.
  • 因此,老师通常先设法使学生能记忆,后教导学生思考。
    Teachers teach their students tolearn and remember before teaching them thinking.
  • 老师通常先设法使学生能记忆,后教导学生思考。
    Teachers teach their students to learn and remember before teaching them thinking.
  • 自然教学法
    teaching method of natural study
  • “既这样,那么你为什么不去想个补救的办法。
    "And you sit there, tearing your hair, instead of seeking to remedy your condition;
  • 每当有人对他的体重开玩笑时,乔就勃发怒。
    Whenever anyone tease joe about his weight, he see red.
  • 改革我们的刑法制度并非彻底解决办法,可是这是任何解决办法不可缺少的一部分。这个制度充满技术问题,使得惩罚既不迅速也有漏洞。
    While reform of our criminal justice system does not offer a complete solution, it is an essential part of any solution. The system is riddled with loopholes and technicalities that render punishment neither swift nor certain.
  • 这两个协议的技术差异极大,但实际上它们应给用户提供相似的好处。
    Although the two proposals are very different technically, in practice they should deliver similar benefits to users.
  • 门杜萨虽就技术而论是一位职业拳击家,但他为把粗野的职业拳击变为一项运动做了不少贡献。
    Though he was technically a prize-fighter, Mendoza did much to change crude prize-fighting into a sport.
  • 秘书长的五年任期次数在技术上没有限制,但是迄今为止没有一位秘书长的任期超过两届。
    Although there is technically no limit to the number of five-year terms a Secretary-General may serve, none so far has held office for more than two terms.
  • 是一切按照既定标准选拔出来的,当是非常规范的,这种体制的最佳产品是技术官僚,而不是别的人才。
    This is, of course, a very standardised process. The best products of such a system are technocrats, not people with talents in other areas.
  • 生活的便利舒适是竞争和技术进步的自结果。
    Commoditization is a natural outcome of competition and technological advance.
  • 吉姆突伸出一条腿将特德绊倒。
    Jim thrust out a leg and made Ted fall.
  • “我们的军队到哪里去了?”勒蒂突问道。“在法国一个什么地方失踪了,”特迪回答说:“就像一根针掉到草堆里一样。”
    “Where’s our army?” said Letty suddenly. “Lost somewhere in France, ” said Teddy. “like a needle in a bottle of hay.” (H. Wells, Mr Britling Sees It Through)
  • 他的脑子里依塞满了各式各样的计划。
    His mind was still teeming with various projects.
  • 雨依下得很大,但我不能再等了,我要出门。
    The rain is still teeming down, but I can't wait any longer to go out.
  • 他十几岁的儿子的举止仍显得很幼稚。
    his teenage son still behaves very immaturely.
  •  而,一出琴房,他又变回一个普通的孩子。
    Yet outside the practice room, Chou was a typical teenager.
  • 被错误地移植了一副不同血型的心肺,后苦苦支撑直至接受第二次移植的少女杰西卡·桑提连,于2月22日,也就是第二次手术两天后,停止了呼吸。
    Jesica Santillan, the teenager who urvived a botched heart-lung transplant long enough to get a second set of donated organs, died Saturday, two days after the second transplant.
  • 后将此粘性溶液倒到特氟隆薄片上就形成了一层药物薄膜。
    They then pour the resulting viscous liquid onto Teflon sheets to create a thin film.
  • 而,即使这两种情况都不成功,那也不能说明你没有心灵感应能力。
    However, if neither of these work for you, that doesn't mean that you are not capable of telepathy.
  • 七号信令实现电话的新功能,但一种新设想是结合七号信令的智能特性,该协议能有助于使因特网更可靠、高效、可扩充和更易使用,因而有助于电信公司、因特网服务供应商以及最终用户。
    While SS7 has enabled new telephony features, an emerging idea is that by combining SS7's intelligent features, the protocol could help make the Internet more reliable, efficient, scalable and easier to use, thereby benefiting telcos, ISPs and end users alike.