  • 把发射器从集电器中分离来的晶体管的一部分。
    (electronics) the part of a transistor that separates the emitter from the collector.
  • 在ttl“与非”门电路中,输级改用集电极开路的一种反相器。
    In TTL NAND circuit, a phase inverter with its output circuit changed to an open collector.
  • 王平:espn及其从业者已经在西方文化中赢得了受人称道的一席之地,他们转播按收视场次收费的大学橄榄球比赛,同赫斯特集团合作版杂志,制作家庭录像节目,生产光盘驱动器,开展球迷意见调查,代理体育广告和组织比赛。
    Wang Ping: ESPN and its practitioners have already won a place of praise in western culture. They relay collegiate football matches charging by the times of the matches and publish magazines in cooperation with Huster Group. They produce family video programs, produce CD drives, undertake investigations of fans' opinions and act as an agent for sports advertisements and organize competitions.
  • 警察用脚步量了汽车与被撞木桩之间的距离。
    The policeman paced out the distance betweem the car and the post it collided with.
  • “两性关系中最强大的一方常常是感到自信而说自己的感受的人。”教育心理学家因格瑞·考林斯说。
    "The strongest one in a relationship is often the person who feels confident enough to talk about their feelings,"says educational psychologist Ingrid Collins.
  • 根据人类全部基因组排序课题的负责人之一弗朗西斯·科林斯的说法,到那时,发达国家的人均寿命将达到90岁,疾病在症状现之前就已经被诊断来,很多人的基因已经经过了修改,心脏病、癌症或危险传染病的患者将接受根据他们各自的基因结构专门开的药方。
    The average lifespan in the developed world will be 90, diseases will be diagnosed before symptoms appear, many humans will already be genetically modified and patients with heart diseases, cancer or dangerous infections will be treated with prescriptions tailored to their own genetic makeup, according to Francis Collins, one of the leaders of the project to sequence the entire human genome.
  • (指说或者写的语言)坚持传统的正确性标准,没有随意、简略或者通俗的形式。
    (of spoken and written language) adhering to traditional standards of correctness and without casual, contracted, and colloquial forms.
  • 这时,那位神通广大的无名氏,正如我们那个亲爱的老高乃依①所言,化狂风暴雨为风平浪静的人物,也谦逊地早已退回到那根柱子的阴影里去;假如不是前排观众中有两位姑娘注意到他刚才同朱庇特米歇尔·吉博纳对话,硬把他从沉默中拉来,兴许他还像原先那样无人看得见,一动也不动,无声无息。
    Meanwhile the unknown personage who had so magically transformed the storm into a calm, had modestly re-entered the penumbra of his pillar, where doubtless he would have remained, unseen, unheard, and motionless as before, had he not been lured out of it by two young women who, seated in the first row of spectators, had witnessed his colloquy with Michel Giborne—Jupiter.
  • 保罗带领表妹唐娜发去哥伦比亚的一个偏远地区徒步旅行。
    Paul had taken his cousin Donna on a long trek through a remote part of Colombia.
  • 罗纳尔多又继续留在saocristovao球队,由于他色的表现,被选拔参加了1993年2月在哥伦比亚举行的南美锦标赛,踢17号边锋。
    Ronaldo remain stayed at Sao Cristovao but his performance was so well that he earned a call-up to Brazil's under 17 side for the South American championships in Colombia in feb 1993.
  • 这个国家从多年的英国殖民主义统治下独立来。
    This country become independent after many year of british colonialism.
  • 我们要进一步加强同全世界工人阶级和革命人民的团结,支持他们反帝、反殖、反霸,争取和维护民族独立以及争取社会进步的斗争,为全世界工人阶级的解放和人类的进步事业作应有的贡献。
    We must go on strengthening our unity with the workers and revolutionary people the world over and support their struggles against imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism as well as their struggles to win or safeguard national independence and to make social progress.We must make our contribution to the emancipation of the working class throughout the world and to the progress of all mankind.
  • 中国宗教实行独立自主自办的方针,是中国人民在反抗殖民主义、帝国主义侵略和奴役的斗争中,由中国宗教信徒自主作的历史性选择。
    The principle of independence and taking the initiative in their own hands in the management of churches is a historical choice made by the Chinese religious believers of their own accord as part of the Chinese people's struggle against colonialist and imperialist aggression and enslavement.
  • 哥伦比亚向美国口咖啡。
    Columbia coffee to the United States.
  • 锡德尼,菲利普1554-1586英格兰诗人、军人和政治家。他最重要的著作是十四行组诗爱星者和星星及田园诗集阿卡迪亚,这些诗均在其死后
    A city of west-central Ohio west-northwest of Columbus. It is a manufacturing center. Population,18, 710.
  • 兰开斯特美国俄亥俄州中南部的一座城市,位于哥伦布市的东南部。威廉·特库姆塞·谢尔曼的生地就被保留在此地。人口34,507
    A city of south-central Ohio southeast of Columbus. The birthplace of William Tecumseh Sherman has been preserved. Population,34, 507.
  • 生长在北美洲东南部到中西部地区的柱状湿地树,产浅色、柔软、易于加工的木材。
    columnar swamp tree of southeastern to midwestern North America yielding pale soft easily worked wood.
  • 生长于北美洲东部的柱状树,有水平的大枝,细小的叶片在春天芽很晚,在早秋呈现明亮的颜色。
    columnar tree of eastern North America having horizontal limbs and small leaves that emerge late in spring and have brilliant color in early fall.
  • 麦克斯韦,埃尔萨1883-1963美国漫谈专栏女作家,因其举行的奢华的上流社会聚会而名的职业主持人
    American gossip columnist and professional hostess noted for her extravagant high-society parties.
  • 《海峡时报》专栏作者朱莱达·依布拉欣曾经正确地指,如果作为"中庸回教徒"意味着其他回教徒会认为他们不够虔诚,回教徒将很不愿意接受这个标签。
    Zuraidah Ibrahim, Straits Times' columnist, correctly said that Muslims are reluctant to be labelled as "moderate Muslims" if it means that they are defined as being less religious.
  • 中华人民共和国进口商品检验法》
  • 3个月前,汽车事故以后,这个姑娘就昏迷过去了,至今还没有苏醒过来。
    The girl went into a coma after the car accident three months ago, and has not woken up yet.
  • 惊厥怀孕时现或之后随即现的昏迷和痉挛,症状是水肿、高血压和尿蛋白
    Coma and convulsions during or immediately after pregnancy, characterized by edema, hypertension, and proteinuria.
  • 政府还没有找对付失业的有效措施。
    The government hasn't worked out the effectual measures to combat unemployment.
  • 98.没有可能仅仅为了娱乐或锻炼而运动:一旦有了问题,一旦你觉得你输了你和你所属团体会有失体面时,你最野蛮的好斗本能就会被激发来。
    98. It is impossible to say simply for the fun and exercise: as soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose, the most savage combative instincts are around.
  • 计算机检查了16000种可供选择的设计方案之后,挑选一个以最低成本生产最多化学,制品的工厂的设计方案。
    After running through16,000 possible designs, the comber picked out a plan for the plant that would produce the most chemicals at the lowest cost.
  • 分解,离析将(一物质)从一种化合物中分离
    To separate(a substance) out of a combined mixture.
  • 不同的食物和在一起,就创某一种很独特的风味。
    Different foods are combined, which creates some very unique flavors.
  • (复合形式)生产或产。
    (combining form) producing or yielding.
  • 燃素,热素原来假设的在所有燃烧物质中挥发性的一种物质成分,在燃烧中作为火焰而被释放
    A hypothetical substance formerly thought to be a volatile constituent of all combustible substances released as flame in combustion.
  • 从管口喷可燃气体形成稳定的火焰光。
    combustible gas issues from a nozzle to form a steady flame.
  • 火散发光和热并伴有火焰的迅速的、持续的化学变化,尤指易燃物质放热的氧化作用
    A rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.