  • 遇到农历新年这种大节庆,更是正正当当地从除夕放到初三,再加上前后周末加补假,台湾人过年非要拜过初九的天生、逛完十五的元宵灯市才算落幕。
    For Chinese New Year - the most important festival, Taiwanese get four off days straight, starting from the eve of the Chinese New Year season. The stretch of holidays is in fact longer if the weekends before and after are included. Some people also clear their accumulated off days during this time.Indeed, for Taiwanese, it is only after celebrating the birthday of the "Ruler of Heaven" on the 9th day and the Lantern Festival on the 15th day that Chinese New Year festivities are considered over.
  • 一个住在老挝湄河流域和泰国并且说老挝语的佛教民族成员;和泰国人有联系。
    a member of a Buddhist people inhabiting the area of the Mekong River in Laos and Thailand and speaking the Lao language; related to the Thais.
  • 按照规范瓦楞板需相互迭盖十分。
    According the regulations the corrugated iron sheets lap 10 centimetres over each other.
  • 影片尽管受到猛烈的批评,但众却趋之若骛。
    The film got terrible review but the public were lapping it up.
  • 众将继续相信政客的谎言多久呢?
    How long will the public go on lapping up the lies of politicians?
  • 影片尽管受到猛烈的批评,但众却趋之若骛.
    The film got terrible reviews but the public are lapping it up, ie going to see it in great numbers.
  • 司正在寻找较大的经营场址.
    The firm is looking for larger premises.
  • 那大司并吞了那小司。
    The larger firm absorbed the smaller one.
  • optobionics司的负责日常工作的最高官员larryblankenship说:“如果他们有光的感觉,我们会感到高兴。
    "We'll be happy if they have light perception." said Optobionics Chief Operating Officer Larry Blankenship.
  • 美国最大的数据库软件制造商甲骨文司的创始人拉里·埃里森排在第五位。由山姆·沃尔顿创办的全球最大的零售司--沃尔玛司的五位家族继承人排名都在前十名。
    Oracle Corp.founder Larry Ellison had the fifth spot, while five heirs of the Wal-Mart fortune created by founder Sam Walton rounded out the top 10.
  • 美国最大的数据库软件制造商甲骨文司的创始人拉里·埃里森这次是回天乏术了,无法扭转名次下滑的局面。在名单上的排名从2000年的第二到2001年的第四,再到今年的第九,资产总值从去年的219亿直落至了现在的152亿。
    Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison, who fell from second in 2000 to fourth in 2001, dropped to ninth this year. He's now worth $15.2 billion, down from $21.9 billion last year.
  • 司在激光技术方面已大大领先。
    The company has build up a substantial lead in laser technology.
  • 他用钥匙打开弹簧锁进入寓。
    He let himself into the flat with a latch - key.
  • 约翰非常幸运,占了一间能看到河的办室。
    John is very lucky to have latch onto the office with a river view.
  • 你最近乘过共汽车吗?
    Have you been on a bus lately?
  • 目前,实时传输常常受网络滞后和包丢失——目前共因特网环境中固有缺陷的干扰。
    Today, real-time transmission is often disrupted by network latency and packet loss, which are inherent in the current public Internet environment.
  • 他迟到是因高速路上车辆过多所致.
    His lateness was due to the very heavy traffic on the motorway.
  • 司无法保证将价格维持在贵方所开的限价之内,请贵方在这方面稍事宽容。
    We can not guarantee to keep within the price limit set by you and must ask you for a little latitude in this respect.
  • 或许正因为对国家、政府有信心,也很清楚自己作为一个民的责任,瑞士人纵使欣赏他国的一些作法,也绝不会“长他人志气,灭自己威风”,而是很理性地尝试了解他人是怎么办得到的。
    Meanwhile, probably because they have faith in their country and government and understand their responsibilities as citizens, the Swiss people would not laud other countries' achievements at the expense of their own despite their sincere admiration. Instead, they try to understand how others have succeeded.
  • 这次的实验简直无可比拟,报章杂志争相传诵的溢美之辞,为司免费打了价值逾百万美元的广告。
    The experiment was so unique that newspapers and magazines, gave it more than a million dollars' worth of laudatory publicity.
  • 可是就在几个月前,布什开抨击美国大司老板的想法却是荒谬可笑的。
    Only months ago, the idea that Mr Bush would publicly lambast America's corporate bosses was laughable.
  • 司有资金向市场投放新产品。
    The compay have the meant to launch the new product.
  • [希尔森]在纽约的某些分司洗钱的证据,经证券交易管理处星期二提出控告,于是曝光。
    The evidence of money laundering in certain [Shearson] New York offices came to light Tuesday in a filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • 年内,香港海关充价值43万元由贩毒所得的资产,以及调查了1836宗有关洗黑钱活动的个案,价值280万元与毒品有关的资产遭冻结。
    During the year, the department confiscated assets worth $430,000derived from drug trafficking and conducted 1 836 investigations into money laundering. Drug-related assets worth $2.8 million were restrained.
  • [赫顿财务司的]纽约数处分号洗钱证据,周二因证券交易所提出控诉而曝光。
    The evidence of money laundering in certain [E.F.Hutton's] New York offices came to light Tuesday in a filing by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
  • 年内,警方共检控了782宗洗黑钱个案,并充790万元犯罪收益,另有4,060万元财物被冻结等候法庭处理。
    During the year 782 money laundering cases were prosecuted and $7.9million, being the proceeds of various crimes, was confiscated. A further$40.6 million was under restraint pending court proceedings.
  • 贝聿铭,1983年普里茨克尔建筑奖的获得者,是纽约贝聿铭股份司的创建人之一。
    Ieoh Ming Pei, the 1983 Laureate of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, is a founding partner of I. M. Pei & Partners based in New York City.
  • 贾斯廷长期沉溺于过去的成就、声誉,现在该是他为经营司作出实际贡献的时候了。
    It's about time Justin made a practical contribution to the running of this firm; he's been resting on his laurels for too long.
  • 德州仪器司总顾问阿格尼奇否认该司已失竞争力,或但求守成。他说,德州仪器1989年所获专利数目名列第十七……。
    Richard J.Agnich, general counsel for Texas Instruments, denied that the company had become uncompetitive or was resting on its laurels. Texas Instruments ranked 17th in the number of patents received in 1989, he said …
  • 休息室一间共的等候室,比如在宾馆里或飞机终点,经常有吸烟或卫生设备
    A public waiting room, as in a hotel or an air terminal, often having smoking or lavatory facilities.
  • 多指共场所的厕所。
    especially a lavatory in a public place.
  • 列车员:车站上有共厕所。
    There is a lavatory at the station.