  • 办公室里非常吵。
    It's very noisy in this office.
  • 我的房间很嘈杂。
    My room is very noisy.
  • 这个房间里很吵。
    It is noisy in this room.
  • 概念论介于唯名论与唯实论之的一种理论,认为宇宙只存在于内心并没有外在或客观现实
    The doctrine, intermediate between nominalism and realism, that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality.
  • 接的由除主格或宾格的名词表示的
    Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative.
  • 小酒吧冰箱一种内贮有酒和不含酒精的饮料小型冰箱,如在宾馆的房
    A small refrigerator, as in a hotel room, stocked with liquor and nonalcoholic beverages.
  • 我们面临的问题不是给核查人员多少时,使其继续在伊拉克的阻碍下步履维艰地进行核查,而是究竟还要等多久,我们才会作为安理会、作为联合国,再也无法忍耐伊拉克的违规行为,向其疾呼:“这已足够”。
    The issue before us is not how much time we are willing to give the inspectors to be frustrated by Iraqi obstruction. But how much longer are we willing to put up with Iraq's noncompliance before we, as a council, we, as the United Nations, say: ``Enough. Enough."
  • 我们中没人喜欢早起。
    None of us enjoy getting up early.
  • 不要把时浪费在枝节事情上。
    Don't waste time on nonessentials.
  • 放宽国内民资本的市场准入领域,在投融资、税收、土地使用和对外贸易等方面采取措施,实现公平竞争。
    We should expand the areas for the market access of domestic nongovernmental capital and adopt measures with regard to investment, financing, taxation, land use, foreign trade and other aspects to carry out fair competition.
  • 区间不均等性
    nonidentity of various sections
  • 华盛顿一家非赢利性研究组织——国家睡眠基金会最近一项调查显示,2/3的美国人夜睡眠都达不到医生建议的时
    A recent poll by the National Sleep Foundation, a nonprofit research group in Washington, found that two?thirds of the U.S. population gets less than the recommended hours of sleep at night.
  • 她的手静静地放在两个膝盖中;摇滚明星被人悄悄地从后门领了出来(quiet是quietly的不规范的用法,如句子尽量安静地坐在这儿)。
    her hands rested quietly in her lap; the rock star was quietly led out the back door; (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly' as in sit here as quiet as you can).
  • “从12岁起,我一直在不停地工作。”马丁面带亲切的微笑,“我最后会有时休息的。
    “ I've been working nonstop since I was 12.” says Martin with that ever pleasant smile.“ I'll have time to rest eventually.
  • 窗扉或窗格之的非结构性的直立的架子(如屏的面板上也有)。
    a nonstructural vertical strip between the casements or panes of a window (or the panels of a screen).
  • 允许雇佣那些在特定时会加入工会的非工会成员的公司。
    a company allowed to hire nonunion workers on the condition that they will join the union within a specified time.
  • 如果您赶时的话,我愿向您推荐通心粉或炒面条。
    If you are in a hurry, I would recommend the spaghetti or fried noodles.
  • 靠近火的舒适角落;舒适的躺在床上;舒适、温暖的小房
    a cozy nook near the fire; snug in bed; a snug little apartment.
  • 图书馆卡坐图书馆内供个别读者使用的在书架附近或在书架之由隔板隔开的隐蔽的角落
    A partially partitioned nook in or near the stacks in a library, used for private study.
  • 我的办公时是8点半到中午12点。
    My office hours are 8: 30 to noon.
  • 我的办公时是8点半到中12点。
    My office hour is 8:30 to noon.
  • 炙热的午间太阳
    The torrid noonday sun.
  • 标准室温下款待美酒;正常外交关系;正常工作时;正常词序;正常的好奇心;事件的正常发展。
    serve wine at normal room temperature; normal diplomatic relations; normal working hours; normal word order; normal curiosity; the normal course of events.
  • 频率通常在每秒5周至每秒8周之变化。
    This frequency range is normally between 5 and 8 cycles a second.
  • 铜头蛇美国南北战争期同情南方的北方人
    A Northerner who sympathized with the South during the Civil War.
  • 因豪绅战争未起,湘边酃县、茶陵、攸县尚有大敌,主力北向,必为所乘。
    Since fighting had not broken out among the landlords and since formidable enemy forces were still in Pinghsiang, Chaling and Yuhsien on the Hunan border, we would have been giving the enemy his chance if we had moved our main forces northward.
  • 旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢。
    That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night.
  • 狗不停地在房里嗅来嗅去。
    The dog kept nosing about(the room).
  • 眼端鸟类眼与喙之的地方或蛇鼻孔与眼之的地方
    The space between the eye and the base of the bill of a bird or between the eye and nostril of a snake.
  • 疑惑之,赫鲁晓夫接过榴莲。突然,他闻到了一股恶臭,臭得令人忍不住要呕吐。
    Puzzled, he took over the fruit and immediately a very offensive odour attacked his nostrils which nearly made his sick.
  • 他的早期作品和後期作品之有明显的差异。
    There is a notable difference between his earlier and later writing.
  • 表示在指定时内静止的一个音乐符号。
    a musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration.