  • 她直望着我。
    She was looking directly at me.
  • 小男孩注视他爸爸。
    The little boy was on the lookout for his father.
  • 这些野兽总是窥伺身体虚弱的掉队者。
    These beasts were always on the lookout for any weak straggler that might fall behind.
  • 警惕的,小心戒备
    be vigilant, be on the lookout, be on one's guard, be careful.
  • 当今的雇员不能坐等其经理、同事或客户带现成的主意和解决问题的方法找上门来--雇员自己必须留心寻找机会,主动先行,了解并满足客户的需求。
    Employees today cannot afford to sit back and wait for their managers,coworkers,or customers to come to them with ideas and solutions? ? they must be on the lookout for opportunities to be proactive,to anticipate the needs of others,and to meet those needs.
  • 这人看着眼熟。
    That person looks familiar.
  • 英国的驾驶员们抓住这个惊人的法律漏洞,只要空罚款单上签名一栏不填,就可以逃避罪责了。
    An amazing loophole in the British law means motorists can escape conviction if they leave the space for their names blank.
  • 像空口袋似地松垂
    hang loosely, like an empty bag.
  • 使摇晃地挂着或摆荡
    To cause to hang loosely or swing.
  • 悬荡,垂摆动松散地悬挂而且来回摆荡或前后摇摆
    To hang loosely and swing or sway to and fro.
  • 那鹿轻松地跳跃去了。
    The deer went off at an easy lope.
  • 鲁本有所企盼地迈大步。
    There was purpose in his loping stride.
  • 我们听见那个人离开时喃喃地说什么。
    We heard the man mutter something as he walked away.
  • 半小时前他们俩一起在这条路上走了,他们一路上唱、摇晃,醉醺醺的。
    They went off down the road together half an hour ago, singing and swaying, drunk as lords.
  • 而现在,甚至在那些从未流传过不沉之船沉没传说的国家,这部电影也使那里的人们迷了。
    Yet the movie was able to captivate audiences even in Countries Where the sinking of the unsinkable was never part of popular lore.
  • 那货车被拖着走.
    The lorry was on tow.
  • 我们的卡车迎晨风向前奔驰。
    Our lorry rolled on through the morning wind.
  • 卡车突然转向以免撞那孩子.
    The lorry swerved sharply to avoid the child.
  • 卡车停了下来,等候的人就一拥而上。
    The lorry drew up and the waiting people piled on.
  • 我们的卡车放慢了速度,沿弯弯曲曲的山路前进。
    Our lorry eased down and zigzagged along the mountain path.
  • 一辆卡车拉一辆坏了的汽车。
    The broken-down car was taken in tow by a lorry.
  • 当老鼠刚走得看不见了时,鹦鹉就叹息,老螃蟹趁这个机会对女儿说:“哦,我亲爱的,这是一个教训,告诉你以后永远也不要发脾气。”
    sighed the Lory, as soon as it was quite out of sight; and an old Crab took the opportunity of saying to her daughter `Ah, my dear! Let this be a lesson to you never to lose YOUR temper!'
  • 输某人一着
    Lose a move to sb.
  • 把我的钱包丢了,这可不是闹玩的。
    Losing my purse was no joke.
  • 我的手表丢了就意味我得买只新的。
    The loss of my watch meant that I had to buy a new one.
  • 她看窗外,为她失去的青春而惋惜。
    She looked out of the window, sighing for her lost youth.
  • 荷叶舒眉展目着。
    The lotus leaves are unfolding.
  • "爆炸声很大,所以她用手捂耳朵。"
    The exploding noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands.
  • 它就在那里,滴答地走,比以前更大声。
    There it was, ticking away, louder than ever.
  • 每架飞机在机场一陆,播音器就发出通告?
    The loudspeaker announced each airplane as it landed at the airport.
  • 马里兰州是第一个这样做的州,接是明尼苏达州、路易斯安娜州和内华达州,它们都是在1989年通过的。
    Maryland became the first state to do so followed by Minnesota, Louisiana, and Nevada, all in 1989.
  • 趁您等,是不是在休息厅喝点什么。
    Would you care to have a drink in the lounge while you wait?