  • 天赋,天资自的禀赋或天才;有天分的人
    A natural endowment or gift; a talent.
  • 年轻人当领先;把有天赋的学生推向前进。
    a young man sure to get ahead; pushing talented students ahead.
  • 讲故事风俗在美国悄复兴,让人们体味到交流的乐趣。
    Some stories, big tales and laughs.
  • 你怎么竟说老师的坏话,你这个卑鄙的家伙!
    What do you mean by telling tales about your teacher. You dirty dog.
  • 葛:而已有相当长的一段时间里曾脂市场坚挺,澳大利亚市场散装曾脂一吨的时价在303美元左右。
    However, the tallow market has been quite strong for sometime and the prevailing price in the Australian Market is around US $ 303/mt for bulk tallow.
  • 人类控制自力的尝试
    Man's attempts to tame the elements
  • 状态下;未被驯化的、没有耕种或未驯养的。
    in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated.
  • 如果一个油井打在靠近油田的中央,那么就会获得天气。
    If a well is made near the middle of the oil field, gas will be ob tamed.
  • 而一旦被驯服,他们会成为在人迹罕至的森林中冒险的骑士们忠心耿耿而且能干的仆人。
    though, if tamed, useful and loyal servants to the wandering knights given up to adventure in the trackless forests.
  • 为了有时间思考,我把烟丝轻按几下,塞紧在烟斗里,后慢慢地点着了烟。
    To give myself time to think, I tamped down the tobacco in my pipe and then lit it slowly.
  • 老子在他的《道德经》里始终看重不雕琢的石头,让我们不要干犯大自吧,因为最优越的艺术品,和最美妙的诗歌或文学作品一样,是那样完全看不出造作的痕迹的作品,跟行云流水那么自,或如中国的文艺批评家所说的那样,“无斧凿痕”。
    Laotse, "The Old Boy, " always emphasized in his Taotehching the unearned rock. Let us not tamper with Nature, for the best work of art, like the best poem or literary composition, is one which shows no sign of human effort, as natural as a winding river or a sailing cloud, or as the Chineseliterary critics always say, "without ax and chisel marks."
  • 这份遗嘱显被熟悉它的某个人改过了。
    The will was obviously tampered with by someone who was very familiar with it.
  • “滚开!不我就要狠狠揍你一顿!”
    "Get out of here or I'll tan your hide!"
  • 而,随着美元利率自十一月中开始上升,七年期和十年期外汇基金债券收益率也告上升,并在十一月三十日分别以7.37%和7.71%收市,较同期美元国库券高75基点和122基点。
    Nevertheless, moving in tandem with the rising US dollar interest rates as from mid-November on the yields of both seven-year and 10-year Exchange Fund paper rose and closed at 7.37 per cent and 7.71 per cent respectively on December 30, 75 and 122 basis points above their corresponding US Treasuries.
  • 老师在给我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候,突把话题一转,讲开他自己的战争经历来了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life, when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 要跟上她的思路并非易事,因为她老是突扯到题外去。
    It's not easy to follow her think because she's always go off at a tangent.
  • 老师在给我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候,突把话题一转,讲开他自己的战争经历来了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life,when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 同我母亲进行有成效的讨论很困难,因为她总是突离开话题,扯到其它一些事情上去。
    It is difficult to have a sensible discussion with my mother because she's always flying off at a tangent and talking about something else.
  • 你扔下一张网罩住它们,它们就被裹住了,后你走上前去,给它们注射镇静剂。
    You throw a net over them,they get tangled up,and then you go up and sedate them.
  • 你的那点宝贝股票已跌到了每股7美元,既根本没人能知道股价是否已触底,也没人知道回升会是个什么样子,你会发现又在问自己另一个问题:拿着这些“赔钱”的股票,我该怎么办?
    And now that your little gem of a stock has tanked to $ 7,now that absolutely no one can agree on whether we've hit a bottom or what a recovery might look like,you find yourself asking another question:What do I do with my losers now?
  • ,这儿也有青岛啤酒。
    Of course, sir. We also serve Tsing Tao Beer here.
  • 伊斯兰教成为维吾尔等民族信仰的主要宗教后,原来主要由这些民族信仰的祆教、摩尼教、景教在新疆随之逐渐消失,但佛教、道教仍存在。
    After that, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorianism, the main religions of the Uygur and other ethnic groups, gradually went out of the picture in Xinjiang, but Buddhism and Taoism continued to make themselves felt there.
  • 人类能利用石油和金属这样的能源,为什么不能开发和利用其他能源呢?
    Since man is able to tap such resources as oil and metals, why can't he develop and harness other energy resources?
  • 那块岩石的顶端猛变得异常尖细。
    The top of the rock tapers sharply.
  • 陀螺一种尖顶的玩具,在突拖动或用绳抽击的情况下能不断转动
    A toy having one end tapered to a point, allowing it to be spun, as by suddenly pulling a string wound around it.
  • 他慢慢地倒空烟斗,后告诉我们发生的一切。
    He slowly tapped his pipe out, then began to tell us what had happened.
  • 现代工业对能量的需求在不断增长,要求开发越来越多的天气。
    The increasing demand for energy by modern industry requires that more and more natural gas be tapped.
  • 现在工业各部门对能源的需求在不断增长,要求开发越来越多的天气。
    The increasing demand for energy by modern industries requires that more and more natural gas (should) be tapped.
  • ,我感到有人轻轻地拍我的肩膀。
    Suddenly I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder.
  • 在人类活动的每一个领域,实践都长期领先于科学。对自力作用方式的系统研究,是长期努力将自力应用于实际以后的产物。
    In every department of human affairs, Practice long precedes Science systematic enquiry into the modes of action of the powers of nature, is the tardy product of a long course of efforts to use those powers for practical ends.
  • 午夜前游击队员带着人质开始穿过跑道走向一架停在那里的波音727飞机,忽机场所有的灯熄灭了,德国警方神枪手向恐怖分子开火。
    Just before midnight the guerrillas and their hostages began to walk across the tarmac to a waiting Boeing 727 aircraft. Suddenly all the airport lights were turned out and German police sharpshooters opened fire.
  • 首饰当不错,但什么样的珠宝不会很快失去光泽或旋即过时,而我又能买得起呢?
    Jewelry would surely be nice,but what can I afford that would not soon tarnish or grow quickly out of style?