  • 2000年3月,迈耶到得克萨斯州奥斯汀参加知名的南偏西南音乐节,之后便有许多唱片司找他合作,迈耶最后选择了哥伦比亚唱片司。
    In March 2000 Mayer headed to Austin, Texas, to perform at the prestigious South By Southwest (SxSW) music conference and afterwards was courted by several record labels, eventually signing with Aware/Columbia Records.
  • 可能在劳动公园。
    Could be in the Labor Park.
  • 孩子们吃力地穿过雪地走向园。
    The children laboured through the show towards the park.
  • 上星期死亡的那个码头工人的家属只好靠共救济金度日了。
    The family of that dock labourer who was killed last week will have to go on the rates.
  • 你为该司工作多久了?
    How long have you been labouring for this firm?
  • 这家司在过去的一年里一直为难事所困扰。
    The firm has been labouring under difficulties for the past year.
  • ●单方面履行全面禁止核试验约——参议院拒绝批准这一条——这种办法已经阻止了老挝试验新式武器。?
    Unilateral implementation of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty-which the Senate has refused to ratify-that has prevented the Labs from testing new weapons;
  • 尽管中国过去和现在的“间谍”对我们国家安全的威胁显然要比众现时所感受到的小得多,在急于“修补”这些试验室的“安全松弛”氛围时,政府和国会极有可能使我们的武器试验室又一次忽略了有效地解决对美国国家安全的首要威胁:即俄罗斯核武器材料、核武器技术和核技术人员的扩散。
    And though the threat, past and present, of PRC "espionage" to our National Security is almost certainly considerably less than the public no doubt believes at this point, in making haste to "fix" the climate of "lax security" at the Labs, the Administration and Congress may well prevent our weapons labs from turning once again to effectively address the Number One Threat to US National Security: the potential proliferation of Russian nuclear weapons materials, nuclear weapons technologies, and nuclear technologists.
  • 克林顿的这些政策都是在1993年才开始实施的,但是总体上可预见的效果在几年内并不明显,尽管考科斯委员会成员们知道许多效果,因为他们一直想布一份“能获得两党支持的”报告,可是对于考科斯委员会所包括的“间谍”或“入侵”事件的指责没有用在该用的地方——没有平地用在克林顿政权对试验室的“开放”政策。
    Each of these Clinton policies were begun in 1993, but the totally predictable consequences did not become obvious for several years, and although many of the consequences were known to members of the Cox Committee, because of Members' desire to issue a " bipartisan" report, the "blame" for what the Cox Committee concluded were incidents of "spying" or of "penetration" was not placed where it belonged-squarely on the Clinton Administration's "Openness" policy at the Labs.
  • 尽管我算不上一个严格、一本正经的人,但我告诉你,凡进我司的女性一定要正派。
    I'm not a strait laced person, but I tell you I got to have decent women in my company.
  • 关于葡萄酒,我们同函寄上提单以及发票,请查收为荷。发票部分由于贵司并未给予我司限价,故改为估价。
    Enclosed you will find a bill of lading for this wine, and an invoice, pro forma, as you are not limited as to the price.
  • 发货时请务必将提单与发票各一份寄交我司。
    When the goods are shipped, you will of course send me the invoice and the bill of lading.
  • 发货时请务必将提单与发票各一份寄交我司。
    When the goods is shipped, you will of course send me the invoice and the bill of lading.
  • 在我们买进新机器以前,我们将会继续落后于其他司。
    We'll continue to lag behind other companies until we invest in new machinery.
  • 他在自己的研究领域里落后了;在竞争消费者方面他们司落后了。
    fell behind in his studies; their business was lagging behind in the competition for customers.
  • 这时,在周一初步解雇7000人以后,司昨天又遣散了2500名未参加工会的工人……。
    Meanwhile, the company laid off another2, 500 nonunion workers yesterday after sending an initial7, 000 packing on Monday??.
  • 由小榄至扫管滩的青山路扩阔工程已于一九九七年二月展开,预计于一九九九年底竣工。
    Improvement works to Castle Peak Road from Siu Lam to So Kwun Tan started in February 1997 for completion in late 1999.
  • 因青山路进行扩建工程的关系,古物古迹办事处于六、七月间在屯门小榄进行了一次抢救发掘工作。
    In June and July, the AMO conducted a rescue excavation at Siu Lam, Tuen Mun, which was necessitated by the Castle Peak Road Extension Project.
  • 屯门位于新界西部,发展主要集中在青山湾填海区及青山与大榄山之间的谷地,发展用地大约已有1200顷。
    Tuen Mun, in the West New Territories, is developed mainly on land reclaimed from Castle Peak Bay and on platforms formed in the valley between Castle Peak and the Tai Lam Hills. About 1200 hectares of land have been provided for development.
  • 达赖撰文对布扎西大肆赞扬。
    The Dalai Lama wrote articles praising Goinbo Zhaxi.
  • 达赖喇嘛这三封亲笔信的原件曾由新华社记者摄成照片开发表,现仍保存完好。
    All three letters of the Dalai Lama have been photographed by reporters of the Xinhua News Agency and published, and are still well preserved.
  • 华尔街巨擘如所罗门(兄弟财务司)(已承认违反财政部法规)违法,可是并未起诉,drexelburnhamlambert(财务司)也成热门新闻。可是像[charles]schwartz之类的小股票司才更能令美国一般投资人上当。
    Wrongdoing by such Wall Street powerhouses as Salomon, which has admitted violating Treasury rules but has not been charged with any crime, and Drexel Burnham Lambert is what makes headlines. But it's wrongdoing by small brokers like Schwartz that are more likely to rip off the average American investor.
  • 政府拒绝一家从来赚不到利润并被视为无法维持下去的司再投资。
    The government refused to invest any more money in a company which never made a profit and which it regarded as a lame duck.
  • 他说他的工会——运输工会504分会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航空司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。
    He said his union, Local 504 of the Transport Workers Union, made "massive contract givebacks" over the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles. "It was all to no avail," he lamented.
  • 讽刺文章,(政治性)讽刺作品,讽刺文章或略带挖苦性的作品,尤指嘲讽某一特定的人的作品,常常写在或张帖在共场合
    A satire or lampoon, especially one that ridicules a specific person, traditionally written and posted in a public place.
  • 我们在兰开斯特转弯离开了高速路。
    We turned off the motorway at Lancaster.
  • 地产众的或私人的地产;不动产
    Public or private landed property; real estate.
  • 我们的建筑物地产主是一家保险司。
    Our ground landlord is an insurance company.
  • 懂了,我坐出租车去。你司大楼附近有没有显著的标志?
    I'll take a taxi. Is there any landmark near your building?
  • 有历史价值的建筑物或自然景观;国家把它们单独划出来为了众的利益进行保护。
    a structure or natural landmark of historic interest; set aside by national government for preservation and public enjoyment.
  • 山崩阻碍了高速路上向南方行驶的车辆。
    A landslide has blocked off traffic moving south towards the motorway.
  • 第十三条 举办大型集会、焰火晚会、灯会等群众性活动,具有火灾危险的,主办单位应当制定灭火和应急疏散预案,落实消防安全措施,并向安消防机构申报,经安消防机构对活动现场进行消防安全检查合格后,方可举办。
    Article 13 For mass activities with fire danger, such as large gatherings, fireworks evening party and lantern party, the host unit shall formulate preproposal on fire fighting and emergency evacuation and put into effect relevant fire control security measures, and report to public security fire control institutions which will conduct fire control security check. The activities can only be held when qualification check is granted.