  • 性生活可能是一种对睡眠的实际帮助的晚身体运动。
    One nighttime physical activity that may actually help sleep is sex, which can have a sedating effect.
  • 一般情况下,其他的父母可以有9个月的时给孩子起名。我们好像只有9分钟左右的时
    Other people take nine months to name babies we had more like nine minutes.
  • 一天中用于这种仪式的时,通常在日出后第九小时
    The time of day appointed for this service, usually the ninth hour after sunrise.
  • 他闪进房间。
    He nipped into the room.
  • 在高瑟爵士的故事中,这个在母亲给他喂奶时故意撕咬奶头的野蛮的孩子自愿选择荒野生活,后来他因此承受着实实在在的野外飘泊生活惩罚,在赎罪反省的禁闭期还曾与狗抢食。
    In the romance of Sir Gowther, a malignant child who tears his mother's nipple while feeding from her breast voluntarily chooses the wild life, and so suffers a penance of literally living out this wildness, as he is fed from the mouths of dogs while locked in an atoning silence.
  • 日本民间广播联盟
    Nippon Minkan Hoso Renmei
  • 半岁的婴孩不能长时站立。
    A six-month-old baby can't stay o nits feet long.
  • 我没有更多的时浪费在这里了。
    I have no more time to waste here.
  • 的旅行;夜晚的寂静;夜活动的食肉动物。
    a nocturnal journey; nocturnal stillness; nocturnal predators.
  • 主要在夜活动的北美夜鹰。
    mainly nocturnal North American goatsucker.
  • 美国西部和墨西哥地区的夜游荡的蛇。
    nocturnal prowler of western United States and Mexico.
  • 夜行性动物是在夜活动的;夜植物有晚上开放、白天关闭的花朵。
    nocturnal animals are active at night; nocturnal plants have flowers that open at night and close by day.
  • 北美洲灰白色羽毛夜活动的夜鹰。
    American nocturnal goatsucker with gray-and-white plumage.
  • 主要是夜活动的食虫或打穴的小哺乳动物。
    small insect-eating mainly nocturnal terrestrial or fossorial mammals.
  • 活动的黄褐色鼠,栖息在林地、原野和园地。
    nocturnal yellowish-brown mouse inhabiting woods and fields and gardens.
  • 亚洲热带地区夜缓行杂食灵长类动物;通常无尾。
    slow-moving omnivorous nocturnal primates of tropical Asia; usually tailless.
  • 美国东部大眼睛夜活动的小飞鼠。
    small large-eyed nocturnal flying squirrel of eastern United States.
  • 主要在夜活动的各种昆虫;一些为家庭害虫。
    any of numerous chiefly nocturnal insects; some are domestic pests.
  • 啼叫的鸟一种欧亚歌鸲属的其它夜鸣鸟
    Any of various other nocturnal songbirds of the genus Luscinia.
  • 活动的大狐猴,灰褐色皮毛,长尾巴。
    nocturnal indris with thick gray-brown fur and a long tail.
  • 大耳朵大眼睛、夜活动原始灵长类动物。
    primitive primates having large ears and eyes and characterized by nocturnal habits.
  • 东半球夜活动的小型哺乳动物,身上既有毛又有保护性针刺。
    small nocturnal Old World mammal covered with both hair and protective spines.
  • 中美和南美夜活动的猴子,大眼睛,厚毛。
    nocturnal monkey of Central and South America with large eyes and thick fur.
  • 东半球夜活动的鼠,栖息在林地、原野和园地。
    any nocturnal Old World mouse of the genus Apodemus inhabiting woods and fields and gardens.
  • 沙漠中各种夜活动的穴居小鼠,有颊囊、长的后退和尾巴。
    any of various small nocturnal burrowing desert rodents with cheek pouches and long hind legs and tail.
  • 快,孩子们,该是睡觉的时了。
    Come on, children; it's time you were in the land of Nod.
  • 他向我点头示意让我离开房.
    He nodded to me to leave the room.
  • 他向我点头示意让我离开房
    Aristocrataristocrat. He nodded to me to leave the room.
  • 网络中任意两个网点之的一段路由。
    In a network, a route between any two nodes.
  • 两个节点的逻辑距离,即一个跃距为从一个节点到邻近一个节点的距离。
    The logical distance between two nodes. One hop is the distance from one node to an adjacent node.
  • 隔一节或茎上两长叶处之
    A node or a space on a stem between two nodes.
  • 这一节将描述以太网接口节点(ein)与einlink状态指示器和告警之的关系。
    This section describes the relationship between the Ethernet Interface Node (EIN) and EINLINK status indicators and alarms.