  • 这个孩子的年龄不可超过二十
    The child couldn't count past20.
  • 可数的够用正数一个一个地表示出来的;可数的
    Capable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the positive integers; countable.
  • 托尼的讲话很受欢迎,即使在他意识到钮扣遮布没系好时,他仍然够保持镇定。
    Tony's talk was well received and he was able to keep his countenance even after he realized that his flies were undone.
  • 我们的身体产生抗体以抵抗疾病.
    Our bodies produce antibodies to counteract disease.
  • 补偿为平抑物价波动通过改变金含量来稳定(货币单位)的购买
    To stabilize the purchasing power of(a monetary unit) by changing the gold content in order to counterbalance price variations.
  • 公司的西利格先生相信绝对芯片还可以作为一种够防盗、防伪的身份证明,就像把驾驶执照植入到了你的皮下一样。
    Seelig believes VeriChip could function as a theft-proof, counterfeit-proof ID, like having a driver's license embedded under your skin.
  • 成员均应在符合下文之规定的前提下,采用有关程序〖ht6"〗?b13?,以使有合法理由怀疑假冒商标的商品或盗版商品的进口可发生的权利持有人,够向主管的司法或行政当局提交书面申请,要海关中止放该商品进入自由流通。
    Members shall, in conformity with the provisions set out below, adopt procedures[13] to enable a right holder, who has valid grounds for suspecting that the importation of counterfeit trademark or pirated copyright goods[14] may take place, to lodge an application in writing with competent authorities, administrative or judicial, for the suspension by the customs authorities of the release into free circulation of such goods.
  • 既不具体,而且,除非转化为实质的对应事物,否则便没有价值。
    It is abstract, and of no value, until it has been transformed into its physical counterpart.
  • 目的自然不外乎想得到力,化渴望的无形动力为实质的金钱。
    The object is, naturally, to acquire the ability to transmute the intangible thought impulse of DESIRE into its physical counterpart, money.
  • 虽然我本身以人民行动党领导的政府为荣,心理却渴望执政党有一个强大的对手,看看在这样的情况下,够产生什么“协同效应”。
    Granted that I personally see the current PAP-led government as one that I can feel proud of, there's still a nagging want to see what synergy can be evoked should there be a strong counterpart to PAP.
  • 当然,他们没有美国学生那种够让人眼前一亮的感觉。
    Sure, they lack the polish of their US counterparts.
  • 完整的基于web的方案一般不提供客户/服务器型项目管理中所见到的大量项目管理和报告功
    Completely Web-based solutions, don't typically provide the wealth of project management and reporting features found in their client/server counterparts.
  • 对其中多数来说,它们具有windows的外观和感觉,并提供可与windows相媲美的功
    For the most part, these applications have a Windows look and feel and offer functionality that is comparable to their Windows counterparts.
  • 然而法律制度并不解决问题的根本所在,即黑人和拉美学生令人惋惜地落后于白人学生这一事实。
    What the legal system cannot do, however, is address the root of the problem: the fact that black and Latino students still lag woefully behind their white counterparts.
  • 衡重体与另一个平衡的重量;衡重体或平衡锤
    A weight that acts to balance another; a counterpoise or counterweight.
  • 虽然过程缓慢,方式也很复杂,可英国也许够证明他们并非是法国总是害怕的那种美国势力的潜在危险。恰恰相反,他们是与美国潮流抗衡的力量。
    In very gradual, complex ways, Britain may prove to be, not the Trojan horse of American influence which France has always feared, but, on the contrary, a counterpoise to the American tide.
  • 相信风水的人,觉得他对日常生活问题,简单易懂的解释,够帮助他们抵抑物质主义,减轻科技对生活的干扰。
    Its adherents find its commonsensible approach to daily living an effective counterweight to materialism, and helps them to reduce the intrusion of technology into their lives.
  • 但是,由于他们不仅没有接触过外国旅游者,甚至和本国人也不太接触,所以这样的人对旅游家可持有敌意。
    But people who are cut off not only from foreign tourists, but even from their own countrymen can be hostile to travellers.
  • 彼辈不注意敌人而以对内为事,杀人如麻,贪贿无艺,实谣言之大本营,奸邪之制造所。
    Ignoring the enemy and concentrating on our own countrymen, they are committing innumerable murders and insatiably taking bribes;in fact the secret service is the headquarters of the rumour-mongers and a breeding ground of treason and evil.
  •  世界上有很多人都有一个梦想,希望有一天到中国、到北京来,我的同胞们渴望着在北京举办一届将会对奥林匹克运动做出巨大贡献的伟大的奥运会。
    Many people in the world have a dream that one day they could come to China and visit Beijing. My fellow countrymen, for their part, share a strong desire to stage an excellent Olympic Games in Beijing, which, as they see it, is a great contribution to the Olympic Movement.
  • 为了使国防政府真担当起国防重任,为了使抗日联军真担负起抗日重责,共产党号召全体同胞:有钱的出钱,有枪的出枪,有粮的出粮,有力的出力,有专门技的贡献专门技,以便我全体同胞总动员,并用一切新旧式武器,武装起千百万民众来。”
    To enable the national defence government and the anti-Japanese united army effectively to discharge their immense responsibilities for national defence and for resisting Japan, the Communist Party hereby appeals to the whole nation: those who have money give money, those who have guns give guns, those who have grain give grain, those who have labour power give labour power, and those who have special skill contribute special skill, so that all our fellow countrymen will be mobilized and all weapons, old or modern, will be used to arm the people in millions upon millions."
  • 这场罢工,再加上洪水泛滥可会使食品的供应量大幅度下降。
    The strike, coupled with the floods, was expected to reduce supplies of food drastically.
  • 因为战争意味着数百万可为人类进步作出贡献的最优秀、最勇敢的栋梁之材的牺牲;
    For war means the killing of millions of the best and the most courageous of men who might contribute something to human progress.
  • nc对于那些或多或少具有固定功的应用程序,或者那些用静态的或者结构化的信息工作的人来说,是非常适用的,这些信息不需要或者很少需要用户处理,如游戏业、呼叫中心、飞机票预订处、前台接待处、快递公司、保险公司等,在本文发稿时,业界的一家预测公司——datapro称,在美国60%的商业用户表示他们将考虑转移到nc平台上,如果nc证明可以解决可靠性和易用性问题以及同时保留使用现有pc机应用程序的力。
    NCs are great for applications that have more or less fixed functions, or work with static or structured information (requiring no or little manipulation from the user) such as the gaming industry, call centres, airline reservation desks, reception desks, courier companies, insurance companies, etc.At press time, survey conducted by industry forecaster Datapro indicates that 60 percent of business users in the US indicated that they'll consider the move to the NC platform if it proves to reduce reliability and ease-of-use problems, while at the same time preserving their ability to use existing PC applications.
  • 当然能啦。
    Of course , you can.
  • 她需要使请求语气柔婉,以便尽可把它变成有礼貌与客气。
    She needed to soften her request to make it as polite and courteous as she could.
  • 获得示覆,当不胜感激。
    We shall appreciate this courtesy very much.
  • 以后他们可会把你的名字跟你堂兄弟们的名字相混淆。
    Later they may muddle up your name with those of your cousin
  • 她需要得到特准才嫁给她的表亲。
    She can only marry her cousin with a special dispensation.
  • 共价化合物够提供一对电子给一个酸形成共价键的化合物
    A substance that provides a pair of electrons for a covalent bond with an acid.
  • 琼,你今天顶替约翰吗?
    Will you cover for John today, Jean?
  • 浓雾笼罩了北部的公路, 见度很低.
    Dense fog is covering roads in the north and visibility is very poor.