  • 把社会为不同的社会阶层。
    divide society into social strata.
  • 这些梨你俩去分吧。
    Divide the pears between you.
  • 不管怎么争吵也不能使他们开。
    No quarrels can divide them.
  • 成叉形形成叉状;
    To divide into branches; fork.
  • 分割成薄片
    To divide into thin layers.
  • 事物都是一为二的。
    All things invariably divide into two.
  • 成两个或多个支流。
    divide into two or more branches.
  • 将某物割成份或片;瓜
    Divide sth into parts or slices
  • 你们三个把这些苹果了吧。
    Divide these apples among you three.
  • 我们怎么分工呢?
    How should we divide our work?
  • 成数成几份儿或几部
    To divide into shares or portions.
  • 把…三等,把…成三份
    To divide into three equal parts.
  • 分段或安排段落
    To divide or arrange into paragraphs.
  • 我们将分担工作。
    We’ll divide up the work (divide the work up) among us.
  • (土地)将(土地)成块
    To divide(land) into lots.
  • 这块蛋糕你们着吃。
    Divide the cake(up) among you.
  • 把(一段作品)成短句
    To divide(a passage) into phrases.
  • 让我们两人这笔钱。
    Let's divide the sum between us.
  • 成几部、几块或几个节。
    divide into parts, pieces, or sections.
  • 把这条线成20个等
    Divide this line into 2 0 equal parts.
  • 这个你们可以两[几]个人
    You can divide this between [among]you.
  • 使裂成互相敌对的小国。
    divide a territory into small, hostile states.
  • 把事物成两个对立的部或种类。
    divide into two opposing groups or kinds.
  • 我们如何分配利润?
    How shall we divide up the profits?
  • 用以或者倾向于划或者开。
    serving or tending to divide or separate.
  • 高速公路为高速行进而设计的占主要的被开的公路
    A major divided highway designed for high-speed travel.
  • 那个老师把年纪较小的与年纪较大的学童开(编排)。
    The teacher divided the younger children from the older ones.
  • 一份,份额被开或配的东西;一份
    Something divided and portioned out; a share.
  • 他们把那栋房屋成许多套住房。
    They divided the house into flats.
  • 分成多部分的
    Divided into many parts.
  • 不分区的不分地带的
    Not divided into zones.
  • 议会再次正反表决。
    The House again divided.