  • 圣经次经写于元前200年到元后200年的一批经文,假托希伯莱圣经中的各先知和国王所写
    A body of texts written between200 b.c. and a.d.200 and spuriously ascribed to various prophets and kings of Hebrew Scriptures.
  • 司可以承保海洋运输的所有险别。
    We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinks of risks for sea transport.
  • 许多制造商业产品的司都在经历着作为商业开拓者通常会遇到的困难,如意想不到的生产缺陷、谨慎的顾客和经济衰退的影响。
    Many of the companies with commercial products are experiencing the usual tribulations of pioneers, including unexpected production kinks, cautious customers and, in the last year, the impact of the recession.
  • 到唐朝(元618—907年),藏汉双方通过王室间的联姻、会盟,在政治上形成了团结友好的亲谊关系,在经济和文化上建立了密切的联系,为最终建立统一的国家奠定了深厚的基础。
    By the Tang Dynasty (618-907), the Tibetans and Hans had, through marriage between royal families and meetings leading to alliances, cemented political and kinship ties of unity and political friendship and formed close economic and cultural relations, laying a solid foundation for the ultimate founding of a unified nation.
  • 为了配合这些措施,我们会在石硖尾兴建一个众卫生化验中心,预计这个中心会在二零零二年落成。
    To support these initiatives, we will build a new Public Health Laboratory Centre in Shek Kip Mei, which is scheduled for completion in 2002.
  • 总统办室提供的录像带上显示,新人面带笑容,在结婚登记处登记,并互相亲吻。
    Videotapes released by the president's office showed the smiling couple signing a wedding register and kissing;
  • 又为务员度身订造一套应用套件,加深他们对安全健康的认识。
    It also tailor-made a utility kit for use by civil servants to enhance their awareness of safety and health.
  • 几位官员在电视上发表讲话,试探众对工资改革的意见。
    Some members of the government flew a kite about wage reform on television.
  • 购买少于多数控股权的救星司。
    a white knight that buys less than a majority interest.
  • 哎呀,我把毛活儿落在共汽车上了。
    Oh dear, I've left my knitting on the bus!
  • 他将我详细介绍给司。
    He gave me a real knockdown to the company.
  • 把某事(向某人)
    Make sth. known to sb.
  • 公开消息
    Let the news be known.
  • 他尖刻地抨击政府浪费款。
    He rapped the government on the knuckles for wasting the public money.
  • 在哥伦比亚电视广播司“面对全国”节目里,葛[市长]与人权联合会负责人西格尔辩论时,否认市府政策目的在将无家可归的少数族裔驱离曼哈顿的富人住宅区的论点,并将此种论点斥为荒谬。
    Koch, squaring off with American Civil Liberties Union director Norman Seigel on CBS' "Face the Nation," rejected as "outrageous" an argument that the policy has focused on driving homeless minorities out of wealthy Manhattan neighborhoods.
  • 写这封信给您,是为了通知阁下,本司已被指定为闻名的kodak相机代理商。
    We are writing to inform you that we have been appointed agents for the famous Kodak cameras.
  • 明年奥斯卡奖的提名会在1月27日布,而最终的结果将于2004年2月29日在好莱坞的柯达剧院揭晓。
    Nominations for next year's Oscars will be unveiled January 27 and the awards will be handed out on February 29, 2004, at Hollywood's Kodak Theatre.
  • 司香港一家总承包商,目前需要此项货品100万平方英尺,须马上交货。
    As a general contractor in Hong Kong, we are in need of one million square feet of the caption goods for prompt delivery.
  • 邵氏兄弟(香港)有限
    Shaw Brothers Ltd., Hong Kong
  • 香港工业科技中心司。
    Hong Kong Industrial Technology Centre Corporation
  • 香港科技园公司。
    Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
  • 朝鲜古名从元前两千年后朝鲜使用的名字
    A name used for Korea since the second millennium b.c.
  • 为什么同样举起了262.5斤的韩国选手只获得银牌?
    Why did the Korean who also lifted 262.5kg only got the silver medal?
  • 韩国广播司记者:金大中总统当选后,中国有没有邀请他访华的计划?
    Korean Broadcasting System: Will China invite Kim Daejung to visit now that he is President of the ROK?
  • 军方已经使用机载雷达探测地面移动目标———例如在海湾战争中监视科威特和伊拉克之间号称“死亡高速路”的这条主要路。
    The military already uses airplane-mounted radar to spot moving ground targets--such as during surveillance of the“Highway of Death, ”the main road between Kuwait and Iraq during the Persian Gulf War.
  • 据统计,西藏的路里程已达2.5万里,电力总装机达34万千瓦,邮电通信实现了县县通电话,并进入全国长途自动交换网,初步建立了适应市场经济发展的基础设施。
    According to statistics, the length of highways in Tibet has reached 25,000 km; the total installed capacity of electricity has reached 340,000 kw; and all counties in Tibet have set up telephone systems connected with the national one. An infrastructure suited to the development of a market economy is now in initial shape in Tibet.
  • 作为执业预备学校,学院成立于1970年,距京都有20英里,是以受人尊敬的司创始人命名的。
    Named after the company' s revered founder, the prep school, about 20 miles outside Kyoto, opened in 1970.
  • 他不在办室,最后我在实验室里找到了他,在那里我们当场讨论了那个问题。
    He was not in his office and I eventually tracked him down in the lab. So we discussed the problem then and there.
  • 其他司也不需要实验师。
    And lab technician is not in demand at other company.
  • 他的朋友给他起了一个“花花子”的绰号。
    He has been given a label of "playboy" by his friends.
  • 汤姆被他的朋友们称为“花花子”。
    Tom have being give the label of "playboy" by his friend.
  • 食物环境卫生署辖下的食物及共卫生部负责确保供市民食用的食物安全,而且附有适当的标签。
    The FEHD's Food and Public Health Branch is tasked to ensure that food available for human consumption is safe and properly labelled.