  • 他没有钱,也不知道够向谁借钱。
    He had no money, nor did he know anyone he could borrow from, either.
  • 我得付给房东500英镑押金才搬进房里去.
    I had to pay a 500 deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house.
  • 假如我同你们一起去, 我会感到非常高兴。
    If I could go with you, I should feel very glad.
  • 如果你试试的话, 准把那项工作干得更好。
    If you tried, you could do the work better.
  • 我那时跑得更快一些。
    I could run faster then.
  • 替我做件事情吗?
    Could you do sth. for me?
  • 我写下了号码,那样我就记住它了。
    I wrote down the number so that I could remember it.
  • 他还可不会说话,就作画。
    He could draw before he could speak.
  • 我能试试吗?
    Could I try it?
  • 这怎么可能?
    How could that be?
  • 您能晚一点来吗?
    Could you come later?
  • 安排星期五见面吗?
    Could you manage Friday?
  • 但愿我能。
    I wish I could.
  • 可能更糟。
    It Could be Worse.
  • 那可能是真的。
    That could be true.
  • 他能行吗?
    Think he could manage?
  • 能介绍一下吗
    Could you tell me??
  • “我能帮忙吗?”。
    " Could I help you?"
  • “不,我不能。”
    `No, I could not.'
  • 你能不能查对一下?
    Could you look into it?
  • 他说他能去。
    He said he could go.
  • 也许你能帮我忙?
    Perhaps you could help me?
  • 我们还能做什么呢?
    What else could we do?
  • 鰧你可在骗我!你在说谎!
    You could have fooled me!
  • 当我问是否和琼斯政务委员讲话时,他就把电话挂断了。
    When I asked if I was speaking to Councillor Jones he simply rang off.
  • 我非常抱歉,琼斯政务委员正忙着,这会儿不见你。
    I'm sorry, Councillor Jones is very busy and can't see you at the moment.
  • 为了在他现在土地使用范围再造所房子的计划得以批准,琼斯政务员一定是在背后拉了线。
    Councilor Jones must have pulled a few strings to obtain planning permission to build another house in the grounds of his present one.
  • 琼斯政务员,我必须提醒您,只对主席说话,不向本委员会的其他人说话。
    Councilor Jones, I must remind you to address your remarks only to the chair, and not to other members of this committee.
  • 尽管艾丽西娅为了完成自己在纽约大学的法律硕士学位要匆忙地来往于自己在新泽西州拉威的家以及纽约市之间,但她仍与她的两个姐姐--卡洛(30岁)和葛罗瑞亚(31岁)经常保持来往。
    Although Alicia Weaver was busy commuting from her home in Rahway, New Jersey, to New York City to complete her master's degree in counseling at New York University, she still managed to stay close with her sisters, Kara, then thirty, and Gloria, thirty-one.
  • 那个不能算。
    That one doesn't count.
  • 这个初学走路的孔子够数到100。
    The toddler could count to 100.
  • 计算一下你的书架上的书的数量吗?;计算你。
    Can you count the books on your shelf?; Count your change.