  • 他的活力和风趣深深地吸引我。
    FinaIIy, I was attaacted by his lively wit.
  • 我在他家里看到一些穿制服的仆人。
    I saw some servants in livery in his house.
  • 站在宫殿台阶上穿制服的仆人们
    Liveried footmen stood on the palace steps.
  • 僧侣界通常过简朴生活。
    The monastic community generally lives a life of simplicity.
  • 多为他人,活得最有意义。
    He most lives who lives most for others.
  • 那个人孤独的生活
    The man lives neighborless.
  • 通常是作为寄生物生活在活的动物体内。
    living within a living animal usually as a parasite.
  • 过着幸福的生活。
    Living a happy life.
  • 他们面对海岸居住。
    they were living onshore.
  • 他过着穷困的生活。
    He's living in want.
  • 他憎恶蜥蜴,因为小时候被它们吓过。
    He abhors lizard since he was frightened by them in his childhood.
  • 身上综向的条纹上散布亮色的斑点;产于美国西南部和墨西哥的丘陵地带的蜥蜴。
    having longitudinal stripes overlaid with light spots; upland lizard of United States southwest and Mexico.
  • 本港和内地的经济、社会连系日益密切,过境交通的数量大幅增长,罗湖是目前唯一通往内地的铁路边界通道,所处理的客量已接近饱和,在平日达165000人次,公众假期和周末更超过每日20万人次的水平。
    Cross-boundary traffic has increased significantly over the years, with the growth in economic and social activities between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Lo Wu is currently the only rail crossing to the Mainland. It is operating at near to full capacity, handling some 165 000 passengers every weekday in 1998. The volume of passengers at Lo Wu may well exceed 200 000 during festive seasons and weekends.
  • 或者,我们在天堂里可以过游手好闲,无所事事,无忧无虑的日子吗?
    Or are we going merely to loaf and do nothing and not worry?
  • 当他看到她的时候,她的脸上呈现出的表情是那样嫉恶如仇、不共戴天。所以,他意识到她早就在等他了。
    As he saw her, her face took on a look of such loathing and purpose that he realized she had been waiting for him.
  • 鸟身女怪有女人的头和躯干以及鸟的尾巴、翅膀和爪子的可厌的、贪婪的魔怪
    One of several loathsome, voracious monsters with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail, wings, and talons of a bird.
  • 他从背包里拿出两块面包,一定要我们大家分吃。
    He produced two loaves of bread from his pack and insisted they be shared out among us.
  • 对两国支配国家全部财富的老爷来说,国家大局足以万岁千秋乃是比水晶还清楚的事。
    In both countries it was clearer than crystal to the lords of the State preserves of loaves and fishes, that things in general were settled for ever.
  • 当她在酒店的大厅里等的时候,他在暗中观察她。
    he was watching her surreptitiously as she waited in the hotel lobby.
  • 几个人站在门廊里望电梯,大都是男人在等女孩子。
    A few people, mostly men waiting for girls, stood in the lobby watching the elevator doors.
  • 各种胡桃树的有具皱的两瓣果实和坚硬的果壳的果实。
    nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell.
  • 具皱的两瓣种子和硬的但是相对较薄的果实的坚果;经常用于烹饪。
    nut with a wrinkled two-lobed seed and hard but relatively thin shell; widely used in cooking.
  • 惟有视觉与触觉能让我们找物体在周围空间的位置。
    only sight and touch enable us to locate objects in the space around us.
  • 然而,这位老人还是怀宗教般的虔诚,不顾一切地出门,到处在城门上和客栈里张贴寻人的告白,希望找到他的哥哥。
    Still this old man set out on this truly religious journey, with no better means of locating his brother than pasting placards on city gates and inns wherever he went.
  • 他保存她的一绺头发。
    He keeps a lock of her hair.
  • 他正忙着上锁。
    He is busy screwing the lock.
  • 门仍然锁着。
    The door remained locked.
  • 门仍然锁着。
    The door is still being locked.
  • 门反锁着。
    The door is locked on the inside.
  • 使火车沿铁轨滑动的机车。
    a locomotive preceding a train to check the track.
  • 这辆机车被倒走的一辆车撞上了。
    This locomotive was hit by that one moving in reverse.
  • 沿表面而不是车轨拖拉重物的用蒸汽作为燃料的机车。
    steam-powered locomotive for drawing heavy loads along surfaces other than tracks.