  • 荆江分洪工程
    Jingjiang Flood Diversion Project
  • 荆江分洪工程
    Jingjiang River Flood Diversion Project
  • 抓紧解决部地区水资源短缺问题,兴建南水北调工程。
    We must lose no time in solving the problem of water shortages in some areas and build the south-to-north water diversion project.
  • 她还认真地对记者们说:“我喜欢读书,有时是为了从中寻求鼓舞,但在感到紧张时,我也读书以散注意力。”
    On a more serious note, she told reporters that she was immersing herself in books:" I read all the time.for inspiration, but also for diversion, when I'm anxious."
  • 遣队使用牵制战术,阻止敌军前进。
    The detachments made use of diversionary tactics to stand the enemy off.
  • 但它的特征是:信仰多样化,关心改进当前的社会状况,政教离。正是由于政教离,才有信仰自由,从而各种各样的教派才得以蓬勃发展。
    But it is characterized by a diversity of belief, a concern with improving conditions of present-day society, and a separation of church and state which allows freedom of worship in which this diversity can flourish.
  • 然而在对于这些碰撞与火山作用的回顾中却表明,在这一时期恐龙一直呈现出一个稳定的化增长的势头。
    However, a review of these impacts and volcanic episodes revealed that through this period the dinosaurs maintained a relatively high level of diversity.
  • 散,转移使转离原来的注意力或兴趣;使
    To cause to turn away from the original focus of attention or interest; divert.
  • 与转换电流小部装置平行的低电阻导体。
    a low-resistance conductor connected in parallel with a device to divert a fraction of the current.
  • 搞四个现代化建设这个总任务,我们是定下来了,决不允许再散精力。
    since this general task is now before us nothing should be allowed to divert our energies.
  • 堰一种人工障碍物,如一大坝或一灌溉渠,建在水道里以增加其深度或
    An artificial obstruction, such as a dam or an irrigation channel, built in a watercourse to increase its depth or to divert its flow.
  • 你的笑话逗得我们十开心。
    We were greatly diverted with your jokes.
  • 那位老人十自得其乐。
    The old man was highly diverted with himself.
  • 因此,这种课税方式不必要地限制了国家的产业。所有者指定用于生产的基金,有一部偏离了其目的,成了垫付给政府的款项。
    This mode of levying taxes, therefore, limits unnecessarily the industry of the country: a portion of the fund destined by its owners for production being diverted from its purpose, and kept in a constant state of advance to the government.
  • 在总量控制幅度内,综合考虑医疗成本、财政补助和药品收入等因素,调整不合理的医疗服务价格,体现医务人员的技术劳务价值,引导患者合理流。
    In the context of the total income control, the medical costs, financial subsidy and income from drugs will be considered in a comprehensive way. The unreasonable prices of medical service will be adjusted to realize the value of technical work performed by medical personnel. The patients are encouraged to be diverted reasonably.
  • 第七十九条 侵占、挪用被征用土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处
    Article 79 Embezzling or diverting the use of land compensation fees and other related expenses of the units whose land is requisitioned, criminal responsibilities shall be affixed whereas the case constitutes the crime and administrative punishments shall be meted out whereas the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime.
  • 在完成5跳中的第三跳后,他名列第二,可是,结果在跳一个向内翻腾两周半时,裁判对他空中动作的给都不超过6.5,因此他与奖牌无缘。
    He was second after the third of five dives, only to fall out of a medal spot with an inward, 2 1/2 somersault that drew scores no higher than 6.5 for execution.
  • 她把食物成相同的四份。
    She divided the food into four equal shares.
  • 整个班级意见有歧。
    The class is divided in opinion.
  • 把这个班分成两组
    divide the class into two groups
  • 在一个小问题上, 意见有歧。
    Opinions are divided about a small matter.
  • 与其说海洋将世界开, 倒不如说它们将世界连成一体。
    Oceans don't so much divide the world as unite it.
  • 我们成几个小组吧。
    Let's divide ourselves into several groups.
  • 我们怎样分工?
    How shall we divide up the labour in the work?
  • "这个班级太大,我们必须把它成小班作口语练习。"
    This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.
  • "孩子们,你们把这个蛋糕了吃吧。"
    "Children, divide the cake up between / among you."
  • 国会就这个问题组表决。
    Parliament divided on the question.
  • 把它分成两半。
    Divide it in half.
  • 把…分隔成若干部分
    To divide into parts.
  • 分成几部分,拆开
    To divide into pieces.
  • 把…分成三角形
    To divide into triangles.
  • 划分成带
    To divide into zones.