  • 民主主义以由无的大多数作出的选举来代替腐败的少数作出的委任。
    Democracy substitute election by the incompetent many for appointment by corrupt few.
  • 作为法官与地方官,是否独身关系并不大。因为只要他们身边有一个坏的幕僚,其进谗言的力就足以抵上五个妻子。
    It is indifferent for judges and magistrates; for if they were facile and corrupt, you shall have a servant, five times worse than a wife.
  • 他们知道人性会要腐败……从亚当被创造的那一天起;腐败无的市政府。
    humanity they knew to be corrupt...from the day of Adam's creation; a corrupt and incompetent city government.
  • 有一个腐败的政府官员不说明所有的政府官员都是坏的。
    One corrupt politician does not suggest that all politicians are bad .
  • 民主主义以由无的大多数作出的选取举来代替腐败的少数作出和委任。
    Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.
  • 贪污是不可彻底根除的;
    Corruption can never be entirely eliminated;
  • 脑皮层功的短暂损伤。
    transient impairment of cortical function demonstrable only by 3-per-second brain-wave spikes.
  • 他必须要靠止痛的可的松来使自己精力充沛,使他顶住到处都会碰到的类似布切尔给他的那种伤害—包括在阿根廷,西班牙,意大利以及世界杯锦标赛。
    He has had to pump himself full of the pain-killer cortisone, to enable him to play on with the countless injuries inflicted by the Butchers he found wherever he played—in Argentina, in Spain, in Italy and in World Cup tournaments.
  • 法律条文上的这些变动纯粹是摆摆样子的,根本不解决实际问题。
    These changes in the law are purely cosmetic and do nothing to deal with the real problem.
  • 二十五亿化妆品生意中最新的一招是一种够掩饰皱纹的润肤液。
    The new wrinkle in the $2.5 billion cosmetics business is a lotion that camouflages crease.
  • 美国女人们希望成为电影明星或者模特。她们在周末买化妆品,以使自己看起来像波琳娜·波莉茨科娃或者辛迪·克劳馥。
    American women yearn to be film stars or models,and spend their weekends shopping for cosmetics to make them look like Paulina Poritzkova or Cindy Crawford.
  • 二恶烷一种易燃,可爆炸无色液体,c4h8o2,用作脂肪、油脂、树脂和各种产品,包括:漆、清漆、胶、化妆品和熏剂的溶剂
    A flammable, potentially explosive, colorless liquid, C4H8O2, used as a solvent for fats, greases, and resins and in various products including paints, lacquers, glues, cosmetics, and fumigants.
  • 真正的世界公民的练达方式;文雅、圆通……他甚至在巴黎的画室里都心平气和。
    the sophisticated manners of a true cosmopolite; urbane and pliant...he was at ease even in the drawing rooms of Paris.
  • 理性,理念斯多葛学派中宇宙的活跃的、物质的、理性的原则;常识。当被认同为上帝时,它是所有活动和产生的源泉,是存在于人类灵魂中的推理
    In Stoicism, the active, material, rational principle of the cosmos; nous. Identified with God, it is the source of all activity and generation and is the power of reason residing in the human soul.
  • “让自己的本告诉自己应什么时候见面,”专门为黑人职业人士做媒的lovenubianstyle.com网站的创始人底特律的迪安·科斯达说。
    “Let your instincts tell you when you're ready to meet that person,”says Detroiter Diane Costa, founder of LoveNubianStyle.com, an Internet matchmaking site for Black professionals.
  • 至今为止,米卢已经指导过四支国家队冲击世界杯决赛了,分别是:墨西哥、哥斯达黎加、美国和尼日利亚。然而中国队是他指导过的唯一一支没进入第二轮比赛的球队。
    Milutinovic has led four other national teams to the World Cup finals -- Mexico, Costa Rica, the United States and Nigeria -- and China is the first not to each the second round.
  • 当美元对日元出现贬值,来自日本的进口商品在美国市场上的价格会更贵,而美国出口到日本去的商品则使日本人花更少的钱就买到。
    When the dollar is down against the yen, imports from Japan are costing more in the United States, but exports to Japan are costing the Japanese less.
  • 再看看我们的邻国,种族、宗教暴乱难以平息,哀鸿遍野,血雨腥风,令人胆寒,我们又怎不珍惜和保护现在所拥有的一切?
    Just look around and we can see what unending ethnic and sectarian violence is costing our neighbouring countries . Should we not value and protect what we have at the moment?
  • 造成重大损失的错误
    A mistake that threatens to be costly
  • 超过了这个限度,为获得更高性,代价剧增。
    After that, it becomes increasingly costly to derive additional performance.
  • 事实上,利用内部网代替贵得多的群件和电子邮件软件包可成为一种趋势。
    Indeed, using intranets to replace much more costly groupware and E-mail packages may become a trend.
  • 我真的不觉得好。开发新产品可很费钱,还要担风险。
    I don't suppose that's good, really. Developing new products can be costly. And it involves risks.
  • 建立在开放的、公共的因特网标准上的内部网,使各单位快速使用内部应用程序,而无须高成本的专有实施方式。
    Intranets, which are built on open, public Internet standards, enable organizations to quickly deploy internal applications without costly and proprietary implementations.
  • 您从他们的服装和脸谱就很容易地分辩出来。
    You can easily tell them by their costume and make-up.
  • 6.健康,周未能起床;
    6.Is in good enough shape to get off couch on weekends
  • 沙发套套上,拿下来洗。
    The cover is mad to slip over the couch and be removed by washing.
  • “你在这张长沙发上睡起来可不太舒适,约翰。”“没什么的,乔治。穷猿奔林,岂暇择木?”
    “You won’t sleep very well on this couch, John.” “It’s all right, George. Beggars can’t be choosers.
  • 人们的咳嗽声使演讲人的话不听到。cough up
    The coughs of the people made it impossible to hear the speaker.
  • 这药也许治你的咳嗽。
    This medicine may cure your cough.
  • 这种药可已经治好了你的咳嗽。
    This might have cured your cough.
  • 我真希望我们够看到更多新的电视节目,而不是翻来覆去的那几个老节目。
    I wish we could see more new programmes on television, not repeats all the time.
  • 他那么努力,因而够轻易地通过那次考试。
    So hard did he study that he could easily pass the examination.