  • 本节将出理解后续结果所必需的基本术语和符号。
    We will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results.
  • (四)地形或养受限制时;
    when we are restricted by terrain or supplies;
  • "他们了我一个好得不能再好的班!
    “ They've given me a terrific class! ”
  • 他大发雷霆,把孩子们吓坏了。
    He was in such a towering passion that his children were terrified.
  • 卡莱布要是吓着了,就不会跟我们进门。
    Kaleb will be so terrified he won’t even want to go into the house with us.
  • 反恐中心每月做出500份恐怖活动情报报告,很多报告要分发美国政府的其他80个机构。
    The center grinds out 500terrorism intelligence reports a month,many of which are distributed to80other U.S.government agencies.
  • 安理会要求各国加速交流关于恐怖分子活动的情报,并决定各国在关于恐怖行为的刑事调查或诉讼方面应相互与最大的协助。
    The Council called on States to accelerate the exchange of information concerning terrorist movements and decided that States should afford one another the greatest measure of assistance for criminal investigations or proceedings relating to terrorist acts.
  • 恐怖分子强迫政府付他们一百万镑。
    The terrorists coerced the government into paying them a million pounds.
  • 以格言出的或以其为特性的。
    given to or characterized by terse apothegms.
  • 用证明书证明通过证明文件予、证明或认可
    To furnish with, testify to, or authorize by a certificate.
  • 咱们不要特克斯添新的麻烦,它吃的苦已经够多了。”
    We don't want Tex exposed to anything. He has all the troubles he can handle.
  • 如果能承蒙您我介绍几家经营纺织品的公司,我会十分感激的。
    I will appreciate it, if you can introduce me to some firms which deal with textile.
  • 抛光(例如木材)期望的或特殊的表面纹理
    To give(wood, for example) a desired or particular surface texture.
  • 我最愉快的经历是,当我怀着一种好奇心去观览一些活动时,友好的泰国人民我以欢迎和鼓励,结果我就成了积极的参与者。
    Some of my fondest experiences have been the times when I've come to these occasion our of curiosity only to find myself an active participant, welcomed and encouraged by friendly Thai hosts.
  • 那些房间已经分配泰国贵宾。
    These rooms have been assigned to the important visitors from Thailand.
  • 天才是上帝予的——请谦虚!荣誉是他人予的——请感激!自信是自己予的——请小心!
    Talent is God given --- Be Humble! Fame is other given --- Be Thankful! Confidence is self given --- Be Careful!
  • 你看到我寄他的信了吗?
    Did you see the letter that I sent him?
  • 国务院在1998年和2000年制定的《全国生态环境建设规划》和《全国生态环境保护纲要》,对西藏的生态建设和环境保护工作予了高度重视,将青藏高原冻融区作为全国八大生态建设区之一,进行专门规划,提出明确的建设任务和建设原则。
    In the “National Plan for Eco-environmental Improvement” and the “National Program for Eco-environmental Protection” formulated by the State Council respectively in 1998 and 2000, great attention has been paid to ecological improvement and environmental protection in Tibet, and a separate plan has been drawn up to make the freeze thawing zone on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau one of the country’s eight major areas for ecological improvement, complete with the proposition of a suite of explicit tasks and principles for work in this regard.
  • 经理把文件从桌子这边推那边的秘书。
    The Manager pushed the paper across the desk to the desk to the secretary.
  • 经理把文件从桌子这边推那边的秘书。
    The Manager pushed the paper across the desk to the desk to the secretary.
  • 我把胜利给你!
    I give the victory to thee.
  • 在比赛中他的对手致命的一击
    Beat his opponent in the match to a veritable fare-thee-well.
  • 人们为了自己的嗜好作辩解,是会发大脾气的。
    Men lose their temper in defending their tastes.
  • 父母把他们的某些特性遗传子女。
    Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.
  • 他们看了我们的照片,可是没有把他们的照片我们看。
    They looked at our pictures, but they didn't show us theirs.
  • 我们了他们一些食物。
    We gave them some food.
  • 他们打个电话,让他们快一点。
    Ring them up and tell them to hurry up.
  • 我们通过他们制订计划的办法来帮助他们。
    We help them by making a plan for them.
  • 我们把他们牵制住,消灭了一部分。我不想你任何束缚。
    We tied them down and destroyed part of them.
  • 他们一次努力的机会吧。
    Give them a fightingchance.
  • 给他们找个台阶下。
    Give them an out.
  • 他们我们读他们自己写的故事。
    They read us the stories which they themselves had written.