  • 在危机中,他一直坚定沉
    He kept a stiff upper lip during the crisis.
  • 他对周围发生的事情大多抱轻蔑的态度。
    He curled his lip at most of what went on around him.
  • 她撅嘴炫耀她的新口红.
    She pouted to show off her new lipstick.
  • 在最后色时,做些改动,仍可让你所钟爱的口红颜色发挥到极致。
    Your favorite lipstick can go the distance when you change its finish!
  • 我们听,但什么也没听见。
    We listened but we heard nothing.
  • 你只管听着!
    Just listen to this!
  • 我聆听并随着点头。
    I listen and nod along.
  • “听,朋友们”,他开口说。
    Now listen, friends, he began.
  • 一个总是准备争论的、精力充沛的、过分自信的男孩;直接指向某个听众是一个武断的行为。
    an energetic assertive boy who was always ready to argue; pointing directly at a listener is an assertive act.
  • “说吧,我听呢。”
    "Very well. I'm listening."
  • 开始吧,我们都在听
    Go ahead, we're all listening.
  • 这常常就意味应当做一个好的听众。
    And, often, that can mean just listening.
  • 我藉音乐来排遣漫长的旅途。
    I beguiled my long journey by listening music.
  • 于是我们干琐碎的事情,几乎意识不到我们对生活的倦怠态度。
    So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • 她带统计资料前往面试.
    She arrived at the interview armed with lists of statistics.
  • 他点着了烟斗。
    He lit his pipe.
  • 他给烟斗装上烟,然后点
    He filled and lit his pipe.
  • 她脸上焕发着喜色。
    Her face lit up with pleasure.
  • 那个领航信号引导船进入了港口。
    The beam lit the ship into the harbor.
  • 字面值后的尾随字符标志它的类型。
    A trailing character after a literal value establishes its type.
  • 日复一日过同样的生活,我都简直说不清哪天是哪天。
    Every day is identical with the one before. I literally can't tell them apart.
  • 照字面意义理解的字;意味赞同的微笑;意味欢迎的敞开的门。
    a word taken literally; a smile taken as consent; an open door interpreted as an invitation.
  • 书桌上满满地放一堆杂乱的文件。
    The desk was covered with a litter of documents.
  • 启应祷文礼拜仪式上的祷告,由主持人所背诵的一系列祷文所组成,期间交错众人所作出的固定反应
    A liturgical prayer consisting of a series of petitions recited by a leader alternating with fixed responses by the congregation.
  • 我的祖父还活,可是祖母已经去世了。
    My grandfather is still living, but my grandmother is dead.
  • 不承担责任或者自由地活
    live irresponsibly or freely.
  • 毫不顾忌地过奢华的生活
    Lived in unashamed luxury.
  • 他过着独居生活。
    He lived a solitary life.
  • 与世隔绝的生活。
    lived an unsocial reclusive life.
  • 国民经济的快速发展,人民生活也发生了历史性的巨变。
    With the rapid development of the national economy, historical and tremendous changes have taken place in the people's livelihood.
  • 失业保险制度的完善,国有企业下岗职工基本生活保障制度正逐步纳入失业保险。
    With the improvement of the unemployment insurance system, the basic livelihood guarantee system for laid-offs from state-owned enterprises is being gradually orbited into this system.
  • 生动活泼也来之不易,但它是随安定团结发展起来的。
    Liveliness has not come easily either, but it has grown along with stability and unity.