  • 1982年可口可乐又开历史先河,推“减肥可乐”。
    In l982, Coca-Cola made history with the introduction of "DIET coke."
  • 美元,作为美国口的标志,比bigmac,coca-cola,或者是levi's501jeans更为醒目。
    More than the Big Mac, Coca-Cola, or Levi's 501 jeans, the dollar is surely the United States' signature export.
  • 莱文农说公司专营的这种化学混合物是绝对保密的,他称之为“可口可乐配方”,它所调制的电池内含物就像打印机的油墨一样。
    Levanon says the company's proprietary chemical combination -- so secretive that he calls them the " Coca? Cola formulas" -- results in battery materials that are like printer's ink.
  • 出售处方;卖古柯碱
    Deal prescriptions; deal cocaine.
  • 南美西北部一个共和国;主要的合法的农产品是咖啡,但可卡因也是其主要口产品。
    a republic in northwestern South America; the major legal crop is coffee but cocaine is also a major export.
  • 调查人员在5月24日版的《神经元》杂志上发表了他们的研究报告,报告称大脑中对赌博时赢钱和输钱作反应的部位和对可卡因和吗啡作反应的部位是同一部位。
    A team of investigators reports in the May 24 issue of the journal Neuron that the parts of the brain that respond to the prospects of winning and losing money while gambling are the same as those that appear to respond to cocaine and morphine.
  • 火鸡发的独特叫声。
    the characteristic sound made by a turkey cock.
  • 他眼里有一种阴险的表情,露在翘起的三角痰盂样的帽檐之下。眼睛下面是一条大围巾,裹住了下巴和喉咙,差不多一直垂到膝盖。
    They had a sinister expression, under an old cocked-hat like a three-cornered spittoon, and over a great muffler for the chin and throat, which descended nearly to the wearer's knees.
  • 举办斗鸡的人发起或席斗鸡的人
    A person who promotes or attends cockfights.
  • 一个人, 要是在他生的地方能听得到伦敦鲍教堂的钟声, 那他才算得上是真正的伦敦人.
    A true Cockney is born within (the) sound of Bow Bells.
  • 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方生的人才是真正的伦敦人
    A true cockney is born within the sound of the bell of St Mary-Le-Bow Church
  • 在圣玛利勒布教堂钟声所及的地方生的人才是真正的伦敦人。
    A true cockney was born within the sound of the bell of St. Mary- le- bow church.
  • 他爬座舱,向我们挥手。
    He climbed out of the cockpit and waved to us.
  • 他们甚至还友善地邀请所有的女乘客参观飞机座舱。一位女乘客从座舱里来时吓得全身直发抖。
    They even more kindly invited all women passenger into the cockpit; one of them emerged shaking like a leaf.
  • 可口可乐倒来时泛起泡沫。
    The coco-cola frothed as it was poured out.
  • 可我知道,我很高兴当时我许愿要和这只杰的巧克力色卷毛狗共度晚年,因为科科不仅与我分享它的生命,而且确实做到使我能健康地活着与它分享我的生命。
    What I do know is that I'm glad I made a promise to spend my golden years with this wonderful chocolate brown poodle for Cocoa not only shares his life with me; he has made sure that I will be around to share my life with him!
  • 巴巴苏坚果仁榨的脂肪油,类似椰子油。
    fatty oil from kernels of babassu nuts similar to coconut oil.
  • 椰子的干果肉,从中可榨油来。
    the dried meat of the coconut from which oil is extracted.
  • 在她取了的眼翳上作记号;长长的解开的蚕茧。
    recorded on the unreeling film inside her; a long unwinding silk cocoon.
  • 欧洲大西洋海域产的鳕鱼般的鱼的肉。
    flesh of a cod-like fish of European Atlantic waters.
  • 北大西洋海域产的鳕鱼般的瘦肉型鱼。
    flesh of a lean-fleshed cod-like fish of North Atlantic waters.
  • 版发行了藏医名著《四部医典》,编写版了《四部医典系列挂图全集》、《医学百科全书-藏医分卷》、藏医《生理学》、《病理学》、《药理学》、《饮食学》、《新编藏医学》等数十种藏医教材或专著。
    Efforts have also been made in the compiling and publishing of "A Complete Collection of Wall Charts of the Four-Volume Medical Cod" and "Medical Science Encyclopedia: Tibetan Medicine", plus dozens of teaching materials and special books about Tibetan medicine, including "Physiology"", "Pathology", "Pharmacology", "Dietetics", and "Newly Compiled Tibetan Medicine",and so on.
  • 这份用密码写的消息译不来。
    The coded message was indecipherable.
  • “读”就是从穿孔长片或纸带上提取代码信息。
    "Reading" is taking the coded information from punched cards or paper tape.
  • 代码扩充字符具有这种锁定特性时,对该扩充字符后随的所有编码表示或者对给定种类的所有编码表示在解释时都要转义,直到现下一个适当的代码扩充字符为止。
    In code extension characters, having the characteristic that a change in inte rpretation applies to all coded representations following, or to all coded representations of a given class, until the next appropriate code extension character occurs.
  • 收到雷达信号后将编码信号传送去的装置,用以帮助船员确定自身的位置。
    a device that, on receiving radar signals, transmits coded signals in response to help navigators determine their position.
  • 这匹马的主人让大家相信当克里佛·汉斯用蹄子敲打编码答案而正确地回答问题的时候,它是有灵魂的。
    The horse's owner convinced people that Clever Hans was psychic when it correctly answered questions by tapping out coded answers with its hoof.
  • 我们中的一个人想一条妙计—让他服点可待因药,于是立即减轻了他的咳嗉。
    One of us got the bright idea of giving him some codeine, which soothed the cough at once.
  • 显然,中国科学家为这些程序功能的改进和完善做了自己的贡献。
    Obviously, Chinese scientists have made their own contributions to the improvement of the functions of these computer codes.
  • 我可以想象得,这个怪老头在吃完他常吃的羊肉晚餐后,捧着这些书,直看到进入梦乡。
    I could just imagine the old codger reading himself to sleep with those after his usual dinner of mutton.
  • 为解决某一问题而作的计划,包括规划和编码、数值分析、系统分析、打印格式规定以及把计算机结合进一个系统所必需的其它功能。
    A plan for the solution of a problem; consists of planning and coding, numerical analysis, systems analysis, specification of printing formats, and any other functions necessary to the integration of a computer in a system.
  • 在光盘技术中,光盘上有着错误校正码(ecc),作为错误现时对其进行校正的手段。
    In CD technology, there is error correction coding (ECC) on the disc as a means of correcting problems when they occur.