  • 海军舰队的激烈战斗。
    a pitched battle between naval fleets.
  • 山本,五十六1884-1943日本海军军官,二战期,他曾策划过日本的海军战略计划,包括对珍珠港的袭击(1941年)
    Japanese naval officer who planned Japan's naval strategies during World War II, including the attack on Pearl Harbor(1941).
  • 人们聚拢在房子的中
    People gathered in the nave of the house.
  • 教堂里唱诗班所占的席位;是圣台中位于圣坛和中央中的那一部分。
    the area occupied by singers; the part of the chancel between sanctuary and nave.
  • 脐状的有象肚脐一样的中的印记或凹陷
    Having a central mark or depression resembling a navel.
  • 水陆联运两条通航的水路之的联运
    A portage, as between two navigable bodies of water.
  • 形成国家之的边境线的水路上的主要航行路线的中部分。
    the middle of the chief navigable channel of a waterway that forms the boundary line between states.
  • 在一个太空飞行似乎已基本成为常规作业的时代,人们很容易忽视乘火箭飞行的危险性和在恶劣的地球外层空遨游的难度。
    In an age when space flight has come to seem almost routine,it is easy to overlook the dangers of travel by rocket,and the difficulties of navigating the fierce outer atmosphere of the Earth.
  • 洛伦一种长距离导航系统,通过对两个或更多对已知位置的地面站发出的无信电脉冲的时隔的分析来测定方位
    A long-range navigational system in which position is determined by an analysis involving the time intervals between pulsed radio signals from two or more pairs of ground stations of known position.
  • 生存空被认为对一民族,尤指纳粹德国的继续生存或经济富足所必需的额外领土
    Additional territory deemed necessary to a nation, especially Nazi Germany, for its continued existence or economic well-being.
  • 在第二次世界大战期,纳粹军队侵略了很多国家。
    During world war II, the Nazi army aggress upon many countries.
  • 二战期纳粹对犹太人的暴行极其可鄙。
    The Nazi's cruel treatment of the Jews during the Second World War is beneath contempt.
  • 德国文明在霍恩洛厄和纳粹统治期,德国帝国主义宣扬者所美化的德国文化和文明
    German culture and civilization as idealized by the exponents of German imperialism during the Hohenzollern and Nazi regimes.
  • 布痕瓦尔德德国中部,靠近魏玛的一村庄,第二次世界大战期纳粹集中营所在地
    A village of central Germany near Weimar. It was the site of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.
  • 在第二次世界大战期,有些法国人与纳粹相勾结。
    Some Frenchmen collaborated with the Nazis during World War II.
  • 是的,请问,迈克.杰克逊先生订了一张nc310去北京的机票,8点10分离开广州,恐怕这个时对他来讲太困难了。
    Yes, please.Mike Jackson has a reservation on Flight NC 310 to Beijing, leaving Guangzhou at 10.I'm afraid it'll be difficult for him to make it at that time.
  • 然而,就价格而言,oracle公司和sun公司推崇的nc机约为700至800美元,而相对应的netpc机依其配置不同价格在1000至1500美元之
    However, as far as the price point is concerned, NC boxes touted by Oracle and Sun costs about US$700 to US$800, compared to NetPC prices that roughly range from US$1,000 to US$1,500 depending on configuration.
  • 与nc的支持者一样,netpc的倡导者也称,这种新型平台降低了拥有传统pc机的成本,允许进行远程系统配置、远程软件安装和升级以及非工作时的维护等。
    Like the proponents of the NC, the NetPC advocates also claim that this new platform reduces the cost of owning traditional PCs, allowing for remote system configuration, remote software installation and upgrading, off-hours maintenance, etc.
  • 等我有钱时,我要在乡买一所房子。
    Ne come rain come shine rain or shine take a shine to sb sth I'll buy a house in the country when my ship comes in.
  • 快到吃晚饭的时了。
    It is near dinner time.
  • 在空或者时上接近。
    near in space or time.
  • 哦,那么你能不能介绍一在附近的饭店?
    Oh, then can you recommend another hotel nearby?
  • 上往前或者接近某个序列的末端。
    more advanced in time or nearer to the end in a sequence.
  • 她总是保持房整洁。
    She always kept her room neat.
  • 她整洁的着装;整洁的房
    her neat dress; a neat room.
  • 房间干净利落。
    The room is neat and tidy.
  • 干净整洁的房;清晰的头脑
    A neat, uncluttered room; an uncluttered mind.
  • 她把她的房整理得整齐干净。
    She had her room looking neat and tidy.
  • 她把她的房整理得整齐干净。
    She has her room looking neat and tidy.
  • 她把她的房整理得整齐干净。
    She have her room look neat and tidy.
  • 最新的对于氢气与水汽氖交换方式的实验室研究表明,处于太阳星云里的水汽刚好有适当的氛含量来平衡彗星里所含的过多的氙。
    Some new laboratory studies of the manner in which deuterium gets exchanged between hydrogen gas and water vapor have indicated that the water vapor in the local region of the solar nebula would have had about the right proportion of deuterium to balance the excess deuterium seen in comets.
  • 在痛苦和贫病的人之后留下的时,他用在劳动上。
    the time which was left to him from the afflicted, the sick, and the necessitous, he devoted to work.