| - 电视给很多人带来乐趣。
Television affords pleasure to many. - 请你给他们一封信或电报,说明你们要的型式、种类,尤其是需要电镀程度、厚度和光洁度,还有尺寸、等级、数量、用途及寄送期限。
Would you please send them a letter or telex, stating the type and specification; and specifically, temper, grade, coating weight, and surface finish? You should also state dimension and grade, quantity, use and delivery deadline. - 女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。
I always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep. - 陌生人假装要给她算个命。
The stranger pretended to offer to tell her fortune. - 我已把他们给我的东西给了他了。
I have told them what you tell me. - 夏令营的第一天,我们就被要求写一封信给我们的父亲,告诉他们我们已经平安到达。
During our first day at summer camp we were told to tell them that we had arrived safely. - 我可以给你讲几个故事,那是她告诉我的关于中国学生的真实事例。
I can tell you some of the stories,which she told me which are actual cases about Chinese students. - “圣诞节时,伯灵顿地区一位女士给我打电话说,她丈夫已被告知患有肺癌。
"On Christmas a Burlington woman called to tell me her husband had been told recently he had lung cancer. - “过几天您再给我讲吧,我的朋友。”我对他说,“您身体还没有完全复原呢。”
You shall tell it to me some other time, my friend, ' I told him, 'you are still not well enough.' - 詹姆斯打算给我们大家讲述他的香港之行,但我们告诉她数月前我们已去过那里,这使他很狼狈。
James was going to tell us all about his trip to Hong Kong but we took the wind out of his sails by telling him we had been there a few months ago. - 在第二阶段,将要进行比较的用户给出的相应特征与数据库中的模板进行比较。
In the second phase, corresponding features presented by a would-be user are compared to the templates in the database. - 据不完全统计,1980年以来,从中央财政拨给寺观庙堂的维修补助费(包括专项补助费)就达1.4亿元以上。
Since 1980, financial allocations from the central government for the maintenance of temples, monasteries and churches have reached over 140 million yuan. - 世俗世界的属于世俗世界的,和其有关的,或奉献给世俗世界的
Of, relating to, or devoted to the temporal world. - 委托;临时性地交给某人。
leave with; give temporarily. - 临时地给予;让其在有限的时间内拥有。
give temporarily; let have for a limited time. - 他们提出给她晋级来劝说她(留下).
They tried to tempt her (into staying) with offers of promotion. - 有些饭店除给英国度假者供应常吃的饭菜外,还努力用有地方风味的菜肴来吸引他们。
Besides providing them with the usual chips with everything, some of the restaurants try to tempt British holidaymakers with local dishes. - 诱惑物以允诺给予满足或奖励的方式诱惑或吸引人的东西
Something that tempts or attracts with the promise of pleasure or reward. - 我们的词汇是有缺陷的:我们对女人的缺乏诱惑与男人的缺乏机会都给同一的名称。
Our vocabulary is defective; we give the same name to woman's lack of temptation and man's lack of opportunity. - 我们的词汇是有缺陷的:我们对女人的缺乏诱惑与男人的缺乏机会都给同一的名称。
Our vocabulary is defective; We give the same name to woman 's lack of temptation and man 's lack of opportunity. - 战略防御时固守钳制方面的据点,战略进攻时打孤立无援之敌,消灭根据地中的白色据点,这些时候也常常给予战役或战斗以持久方针。
A plan of protracted operations is often applied in campaigns or battles when we are strategically on the defensive and are tenaciously defending positions on a holding front, or when, in a strategic offensive, we are attacking isolated enemy forces cut off from help, or are eliminating White strongholds within our base areas. - 没有出租给租客或者没有被租客居住。
not leased to or occupied by a tenant. - 根据这个方案,住宅用地会以招标方式出售。中标者须把发展计划内一定数量的单位,交给政府以指定价格售予合资格的低收入家庭,其余单位则可在公开市场发售。
Under this approach, residential sites are offered for sale by tender, and the successful tenderer is required to hand over a specified proportion of flats within the development to the Government for sale to eligible low income families at designated prices, and retains the remaining proportion of flats for sale in the open market. - 收益权把所有权和占有权委托给他人的土地和住房的收益
The benefit or profit of lands and tenements of which the legal title and possession are vested in another. - 5张20元,5张10元,其余的请给我小零钱。
Five twenties, five tens, and the rest in small change, please. - 大家知道,中央有许多重要的指示,是先用草案的形式发给地方,要求各地在讨论和试行中加以修正,在几个月甚至一年多以后,才根据各地的意见修正发布的。
As we all know, many important directives of the Central Committee are first sent in draft form to local organizations, which are asked to suggest revisions after they have discussed them and put them tentatively into practice; the directives are issued in official form only after being revised in the light of the opinions received--a process that takes several months, and sometimes even more than a year, to complete. - 作者不断给读者造成悬念直到读完最后一章。
The author keeps the reader on tenterhooks till the last chapter. - 给封建领主交农作物;代替兵役。
land tenure by agricultural service or payment of rent; not burdened with military service. - 如果你同意我的条件,免费用餐并给高薪,我就为你工作。
If you agree to my terms -- free meals and good wages — I will work for you. - farendpointcode(ansi/itut14bits)--该字段用于输入分配给最终网络目的地或5ess交换机dcs的ss7网络点编码。
Far End Point Code (ANSI/ITUT 14_bits) - this field is used to enter the SS7 network point code assigned to a terminating network destination(s) or a 5ESS Switch DCS. - farendpointcode(ansi/itut24位)--该字段用于输入为本国和itut24位国际安装而分配给最终的网络目的地或5ess交换机的ss7网络点编码。
Far End Point Code (ANSI/ITUT 24_bits) - this field is used to enter the SS7 network point code assigned to a terminating network destination(s) or 5ESS switch for both domestic and ITUT 24 bit international installations. - 自从去年与台湾老友s教授畅叙之后,才意识到,在中国大陆(可能包括本地)的中文词汇里,还没有给“technology”这个词以确切的定义。
But since I met my old friend Professor Sun from Taiwan last year and touched on the subject, I realised that in China ( possibly including Singapore ), the Chinese terminology does not have a clear definition for " technology ".