  • 请让我送您们到门口,轿车正等您。
    Please allow me to escort you to the entrance. A limousine is waiting for you.
  • 在家政学课上,老师让我们设计理想的婚礼、理想的婚庆招待会,一直到撒大米、新郎新娘开豪华轿车缓缓离去。
    In Home Economics, our teacher had us plan the perfect wedding and the perfect reception, right down to the throwing of rice and driving away in a limousine.
  • 跛着走路
    To walk with a limp.
  • 他正在那条街上一瘸一拐的走
    He is walking with a limp at that street.
  • 他可以拿一本《离骚》或奥玛开俨(omar khayyam,波斯诗人)的作品,牵他的爱人的手到河边去读。
    One takes a limp volume of Lisao, or of Omar Khayyam, and goes away hand in hand with his love to read on a river bank.
  • 几次摔倒几次爬起来,在离终点仅差15米的地方他又一次摔倒,怎么也爬不起来,一名新闻记者(据说是《福尔摩斯探案》的作者柯南道尔的父亲)和一名裁判赶过去扶起他,并搀他一拐一拐地走到终点。
    Several times, he fell down and several times he stood up and continued running. He fell down again at a place only 15 meters from the finish. He could not get up this time. A journalist and a referee came to him and carried him to the finish limply.
  • 几次摔倒几次爬起来,在离终点仅差15米的地方他又一次摔倒,怎么也爬不起来,一名新闻记者和一名裁判赶过去扶起他,并搀他一拐一拐地走到终点。
    At that time he was not conscious, and he ran in the wrong direction. Several times, he fell down and several times he stood up and continued running. He fell down again at a place only 15 meters from the finish. He could not get up this time. A journalist and a referee came to him and carried him to the finish limply.
  • 这几位中流砥柱,在娱乐界中引领全球流行风。
    faith is his anchor; he is the linchpin of this firm.
  • 记住,当人生之路陡峭之时,要保持沉。--林肯
    Remember when life's path is steep to keep your mind even.-- Lincoln
  • 他们的研究沿正确的方针进行。
    Their research proceeded along sound lines.
  • 纸上的线条书写。
    Write on the lines of the paper.
  • 盒子里衬软纸用来保护里面的东西。
    The box was lined with soft paper to protect the things inside.
  • 穿制服的警察排列在总统的要经过的地方。
    uniformed policemen lined the President's route.
  • 他们沿他标出的路线前进。
    They followed the route he had lined out.
  • 他们把驴子沿小路排成一长串。
    They lined out the donkeys along the trail.
  • 他穿着亚麻衣服。
    He was arrayed in linen.
  • 交配以后,两条鲸肩并肩地缠绵,用鳍互相爱抚,最后好像是相互拥抱,开始上下翻腾。
    After mating, the two cetaceans linger side by side, stroking one another with their flippers and finally rolling together in what looks like an embrace.
  • 他的病毫无起色,但他凭意志力在维持生命。
    He's no better, but he's lingering on by sheer will power.
  • 让受伤的狗活受罪实在狠心。
    It’s not kind to keep the wounded dog lingering on.
  • 但是他催她快走,越过一群逗留的律师的书记、证人等等。
    He hurried her on, however, past lingering lawyers’ clerks, witnesses, what not.
  • 由于彼此心目中仍存有一些不信任,比尔和简开始手调整他们的婚姻。
    With lingering mistrust on both sides Bill and Jane set about picking up the threads of their marriage.
  • 防止他们因恶习不改或生活无落而重新犯罪。
    This makes it unlikely they will return to crime because of lingering bad habits or lack of job skills.
  • 大体上,大家还保留华族文化规范、习俗、语言特征和传统价值观。
    They have generally retained Chinese cultural norms, customs, linguistic characteristics and traditional values.
  • 他因语言学的知识而名。
    He is distinguished for his knowledge of linguistics.
  • 在一些游戏里,参与者挽胳臂。
    In some games players link arms.
  • 他们手挽着手走。
    They walked with linked arms.
  • 他挽着他妻子的臂。
    He linked his arm through his wife 's arm.
  • 这对幸福的夫妇挽胳膊走街串巷。
    The happy couple linked arms and swirled about the streets.
  • 一种建筑,它包括一根直立的柱梁,它支撑一根水平的梁木。
    a structure consisting of vertical beams (posts) supporting a horizontal beam (lintel).
  • 母狮低伏身子准备攻击.
    The lioness crouched ready to strike.
  • 他用牙咬着下唇。
    He-ried his lower lip with his teeth.
  • 我痛苦地咬嘴唇点了点头。
    I bit my lip miserably and nodded.