  • (俚)别心裁的服装穿着。
    (informal) in fancy clothing.
  • "天空乌云密布,我们看得快来暴风雨了。"
    The sky clouded over; we could see there was going to be rainstorm.
  • 笼罩在pci-x未来的阴云是pci-x联盟与以intel为首的厂商集团之间的标准化争端,后者正在开发叫做"下一代i/o"的并行输入/输技术。
    Clouding PCI-X's future is a standards dispute between the PCI-X faction and a group of vendors led by Intel that is developing a parallel I/O technology called Next Generation I/O.
  • "来和她谈谈吧,"玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。
    "Come and talk to her, " said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
  • 我们在丛林中开了一条路。
    We clove a path through the jungle.
  • “来和她谈谈吧,”玛丽说着,然后在人群中挤一条路往前走,约翰紧随其后。
    "Come and talk to her," said Mary, and she clove a way through the crowd, John following in her wake.
  • 我早就认为他迟早会露马脚来的。
    I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.
  • 他们结婚不久汤姆便露了他的凶恶本性。
    Shortly after they became man and wife Tom began to show the cloven foot.
  • 他还在幼年时就露了本性,那时他已开始爱好下流的享乐,专爱交些不三不四的朋友了……
    But before he was out of long clothes, the cloven foot began to show; he…developed a taste for low pleasures and bad company…
  • 小丑在脸颊上描画了圆圈。
    The clown had lipsticked circles on his cheeks.
  • 当玩具盒子被打开时跳来的玩具小丑。
    a toy clown that jumps out of a box when the lid is opened.
  • 一九九七年国际儿童艺术节已是第八届,今届参与演的访港艺团包括来自西班牙的反斗星一族、法国的小丑尼古拉斯,以及中国的广东省木偶剧团。
    Visiting artists participating in the 1997 festival included Chapertons Comic Theatre from Spain, Nikolaus the Clown from France and Guangdong Puppet Troupe from China.
  • 步入青年时,威利斯有口吃的毛病,但在演时,却竟然会消失。高中时,他连续参加了一些演,主要是演丑角。
    As a youth, Willis had a stammer that only disappeared when he was performing, something he continued to do during high school as the class clown.
  • “四人帮”胡说“知识越多越反动”,鼓吹“宁要没有文化的劳动者”,把既无知又反动的交白卷的小丑捧为“红专”典型,把孜孜不倦,刻苦钻研,为祖国的科学技术事业作贡献的好同志诬蔑为“白专”典型。
    The Gang of Four made the absurd claim that the more a person knew, the more reactionary he would become. They said they preferred labourers without culture and they touted an ignorant reactionary clown who handed in a blank examination paper as the model of a "red expert" . On the other hand, they vilified as "white and expert" those good comrades who studied diligently and contributed to the motherland's science and technology.
  • 他们份子给主席买礼物。
    They clubbed together to buy the chairman a present.
  • 他们凑在一起,制定一个方案来。
    They clubbed together and worked out a plan.
  • 孩子们共同钱为他们的教师买一件礼物
    The children clubbed together to buy their teacher a present.
  • 邻居们联合起来帮助那位儿子国去了的老人。
    The neighbours clubbed together to help the old man whose son had gone abroad.
  • 我想不我们该穿什么。
    I haven't a clue about what we should wear.
  • 我想不我们该穿什么。
    I have no a clue about what we shall wear.
  • 我的自行车修得真糟糕,每骑一百米就要毛病。
    My bike was so clumsily botched up that it broke down every hundred metres.
  • 可指行走或跳舞时笨拙或发响声
    Stompbcan suggest clumsy and noisy walking or dancing
  • 一股难以形容的气味充斥着房间散不去。
    The unspeakable odour clung to the room.
  • 她搂着他的脖子,一次又一次地吻着他,并凝视着他眼睛里映的自己的影像。
    She clung about his neck, kissed him again and again and looked at the babies in his eyes.
  • 粉碎“四人帮”后,当时主持中央工作的同志坚持“左”的政治路线,又提了错误的思想路线,叫做“两个凡是”。
    After the downfall of the Gang of Four, the comrade in charge of the work of the Central Committee at the time clung to a "Left" political line and put forward a wrong ideological line known as the "two whatevers".
  • 发出沉闷声地移动
    To make or move with a clunk.
  • 轮船正在下沉,船长向海岸巡逻队发闪光信号求救.
    The captain of the sinking ship used flares to attract the attention of the coastguard.
  • 如在舌头上长象毛的覆盖物。
    a furlike coating of matter as on the tongue.
  • 虽然朋友们和姐姐们也像母亲当初哄我厨房那样,尝试着各种花样让我放弃一些计划,可总是以失败而告终。
    My friends and sisters try to pry me away from my plans in much the same way that my mom tried to coax me out of the kitchen, but they're hardly ever successful.
  • 局域网就是在一个有限的地域范围内,典型的如在办公大楼或校园中,将计算机及相关外设(如打印机)用电缆进行物理连结而组成的一个系统。网络的拓扑结构可以是环形的、星形的或总线形的。在局域网中,可用光纤或同轴电缆连结多台计算机,且每台计算机的硬盘上必须装有专门的通信软件。允许具有不同平台的计算机共存于同一局域网中,且能进行数据交换的软件早已开发来了。
    A LAN is a system of computers and associated peripherals such as Printers that are physically connected by cable within a limited geographical area-typically in an office building or on a college campus. The topology of the network may be ring, star or bus. LANs use fiber optics or coaxial cable to connect computers, and each computer must have special communications software installed oil its hard disk. Software has been developed that allows computers with different platforms to coexist and exchange data on the same LAN.
  • 在cobol语言中,一种不超过30个字符的字符串,其字符从字母a到z和数字0到9及连字符-中选取,但连字符不能现在字首或字尾。
    In COBOL, a string of not more than30 characters, chosen from the following: the letters A through Z, the digits0 through9, and the hyphen(-). The hyphen may not appear as either the first or last character.
  • 甚至在看见可口可乐机之前就听到了其马达发的嗡嗡声。
    I heard the Coca-Cola machine motor humming even before I saw it.