  • 特区政府将更加提高警觉,不断改进,确保够领导香港应付未来的挑战。
    I am determined that the Special Administrative Region Government should be more vigilant and seek to improve its performance so that it can lead Hong Kong effectively in coping with future challenges.
  • 我知道有一些教师,他们原可以和那些最聪明的学生一起学习,然而,他们却选择被派到别的学校,以便有机会尽他们的力去帮助功课上有困难的学生。
    I know of teachers who could have worked with the brightest students, but who chose to be posted to schools where they could put their effort into helping those who have difficulty coping.
  • 但是如果用于灌溉,即便是在河岸或湖边也有可不足以满足全部需要,而在用水依赖于水池、水塘或者水源不丰富、易干枯的水井的地方,水则属于数量受到最严格限制的事物之列。
    but if required for irrigation, it may even there be insufficient to supply all wants, while in places which depend for their consumption on cisterns or tanks, or on wells which are not copious, or are liable to fail, water takes its place among things the quantity of which is most strictly limited.
  • 党外人士把共同纲领背得烂熟,在讨论工作和政策时,够引经据典,充分说理。
    Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme, so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies.
  • 铜的导电性比其他材料好。
    Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do.
  • 面对一群狡诈的警察嫌犯,两人有何作为?
    What can two men do against a gang of crooked cops?
  • 我们不能搬你们的。
    We cannot copy your system.
  • 帮我复印一下这份材料吗?
    Would you copy these papers?
  • 这位舞蹈家把脚举到离地4英尺的绳索上面。
    The dancer could kick over a cord four feet from the ground.
  • 我们发现他是一个很有力,很负责任的工作人员。我们与他的关系非常和谐。
    We have found him a most capable and responsible worker and our relations with him have been entirely cordial.
  • qos和流量管理是mpls的核心功
    QoS and traffic engineering components round out MPLS' core features.
  • 利用基本的局域网交换机,智留在核心网络中。
    With basic LAN switches, intelligence stays in the core network.
  • 软木能浮在水面。
    Cork can float on water.
  • 把瓶塞拔出来吗?
    Can you draw the cork out?
  • 这个小男孩不拔出软木塞。
    The little boy cannot draw the cork.
  • 没有眼泪,即使移植新角膜也无法存活下来。杉恩以为他再也不复明了。
    Without tears, even a new cornea could not survive and Shan believed he would never see again.
  • 他受损的角膜成功地被牙齿圆盘所代替,他几乎立刻就看到东西了。
    His damaged cornea was successfully replaced by the disc of tooth and almost immediately he could see again.
  • 但据康奈尔大学新的调查结果,小费现已不再具有任何实用的功
    But according to new research from Cornell University,tipping no longer serves any useful function.
  • 康奈尔系统的一个特点是提供类似atm的功,但无须为该大学局域网的每部机器购买和安装atm卡。
    One feature is the Cornell system's delivery of ATM-like functionality without requiring the purchase and installation of ATM cards in every machine on the college's LAN.
  • 康奈尔大学生殖医学和不育研究中心刘洪清(音)博士说:“我们希望几年内够利用这些技术制成完善的人造子宫。
    “ We hope to create complete artificial wombs using these techniques in a few years,” said Dr Hung-Ching Liu of Cornell University's Centre for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility.
  • 她要靠运气才摆脱那样的困境。
    She'll need luck to get out of a tight corner like that.
  • 现在似乎没有哪家公司够垄断电脑市场。
    Now no company seems to be able to corner the computer market.
  • 不过至少此时妇女可以说享受性爱,性爱被公认为婚姻的基石,同时离婚也逐渐成为可
    At least by now women were allowed to enjoy sex, which was becoming recognised as a cornerstone of marriage, while divorce was becoming more of a possibility.
  • 政府这个审慎理财、量入为出的政策,是香港成功的根基,也使我们够累积丰厚的储备,而这一点对捍卫联系汇率制度至关重要。
    Such financial discipline has been a cornerstone of our success, and has allowed us to build up strong reserves, which are essential to the protection of our linked exchange rate.
  • 坐在摩托车后面去康沃尔吗?我不同意!我年纪太大了,不那样去。
    Go to Cornwall on the back of a motorbike? The very idea! I'm much too old for that.
  • 但是,有一个必要条件:具有这种天赋的人必须自幼便接受音乐训练,以使之成长为力。
    However, there is a crucial corollary ? ? you have to be exposed to early musical training for the ability to materialise.
  • 当值律师计划又安排大律师和律师为面临引渡的被告提供法律意见;担任在死因研讯中作证而可导致被刑事检控的人士的代表律师;
    The scheme assigns barristers and solicitors to advise defendants facing extradition and to represent persons who are at risk of criminal prosecution as a result of giving incriminating evidence in Coroner's inquests.
  • 但是它仅在目前流行,网络专家认为,微软公司新的动态目录可会改变这种情况。
    But while it is popular right now, Microsoft Corp.'s new Active Directory may change the equation, networking experts contend.
  • 例如,netscape通信公司正在其navigator浏览器中增加从collabra软件公司处获得的讨论技术以及新的电子邮件功
    For instance, Netscape Communications Corp. is adding discussion technology from Collabra Software Inc. and new E-mail capabilities to its Navigator browser.
  • 策划使他们比他们共同的对手领先一步
    Maneuvering to gain an edge over their corporate competitors.
  • 最好的朋友当然是活生生的,喘气的,有血有肉的男男女女;
    There are of course no friends like living, breathing, corporeal men and women;
  • 配角芭蕾舞中一般男演员,不表演独舞
    A member of a corps de ballet who does not perform solos.