  • 某班学生上化学课。
    She instructs a class in chemistry.
  • 午饭时,我们相互对方上课:我教他汉语,他教我英语。
    At lunch time we exchange lessons. I teach him Chinese and he teaches me English.
  • 某人一些教条式的东西;不加批判地教。
    teach doctrines to; teach uncritically.
  • 这些教导照亮了我的心,指明了方向,了我无限的力量。
    These teachings lit up my mind, pointed out the direction and gave me endless strength.
  • 这个外来队竟把地方队颠覆了。
    The foreign team upset the local team.
  • 怎么搞的,牛津队那么强却输伦敦队啦?
    How is it that so strong a team as the Oxford team lost to the London team?
  • 橄榄球比赛中队员把球递队友。
    a football play in which one player hands the ball to a teammate.
  • 一个橄榄球队员把球传他的队友。
    a football play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate.
  • 传球把(球等)传队友,如把球抛队友
    To transfer(a ball, for example) to a teammate, as by throwing.
  • 助杀,助攻把足球踢同队伙伴以射门的行为
    The action of a soccer player who enables a teammate to score by presenting the ball for a goal.
  • 发边线球通过从界外传(球)场内一个队员把球置于比赛中
    To put(the ball) into play by passing it from out of bounds to a teammate on the court.
  • 请递我们电热器和茶壶,好吗?
    Would you please bring us an electric heater and a teapot?
  • 他的茶壶根本就用不完,所以,没想到她又浪费钱他买一只新的。
    He has more teapots than he will ever use so what does she have to do but waste money buying him a new one.
  • 请给我1茶匙半。
    One and a half teaspoons, please.
  • 这只是事务上的手续,您能我看您的执照吗?
    This is merely a technicality, but could you show me your license?
  • 在技术方面贵公司能予何种程度的支援呢?
    To what extent can you help us technically?
  • 虽然这两个协议的技术差异极大,但实际上它们应用户提供相似的好处。
    Although the two proposals are very different technically, in practice they should deliver similar benefits to users.
  • 我讲了一个冗长乏味的故事。
    He told me a tedious story.
  • 说教予宗教或道德训诫,尤指以冗长乏味的方式
    To give religious or moral instruction, especially in a tedious manner.
  • 我印象最深的是一群10多岁的练基本功的女孩子。
    I was particularly struck by a group of teen-age girls going through their basic skills.
  • 你不应该把香烟卖没到岁数的青少年。
    You shouldn't sell cigarettes to teenagers who are under age/to under-age teenagers.
  • 他的发言是观众中的青少年听的
    Pitched his speech to the teenagers in the audience.
  • 你不应该把香烟卖没到岁数的青少年。
    You shall not sell cigarette to teenagers who are under age.
  • 她给我拍了封电报。
    She has clapped a telegram for me.
  • 我妈妈发了份电报。
    I sent a telegram to my mother.
  • 你把这份电报转交你的朋友好吗?
    Will you hand on this telegram to your friend?
  • 我来这里之前他去了个电报。
    Before I come here, I send him a telegram.
  • 他刚让人打电报布拉克先生。
    He's just have the telegram send to Mr. Black.
  • 他的朋友发了一封电报。
    He sent a telegraph to his friends.
  • 你一到达巴黎请即拍电我。
    Please telegraph to me at once on your arrival in Paris.
  • 明天给我打电话。
    Telephone me tomorrow.
  • 明天,我你打电话。
    I will telephone you tomorrow.