  • 一个宣称凭借超自的力量能够预知看不见的情况的人。
    someone who claims to discover hidden knowledge with the aid of supernatural powers.
  • 一个通过超自的力量而起死回生的人。
    a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force.
  • 死者灵魂死者的灵魂,在古罗马的宗教中被认为是一种较次要的超自力量
    The spirits of the dead, regarded as minor supernatural powers in ancient Roman religion.
  • 人或物体通过超自的方式升到空中的现象。
    the phenomenon of a person or thing rising into the air by apparently supernatural means.
  • 属于或关于超自主义的。
    of or relating to supernaturalism.
  • 贝尼特斯说:“铁60只能由自界的一种物质生成--就是超新星。”
    " Iron-60 is made by only one thing in nature -- a supernova," said Benitez.
  • 超新星爆炸是由于一个炙热稠密的恒星过快燃尽了燃料,突发生内爆,从而向太空释放出冲击波和密集的辐射。
    A supernova occurs when a hot, dense star burns up its fuel too quickly and suddenly implodes, generating shock waves and intense blasts of radiation across space.
  • 干部和工人都要经过考核,不合格的作编外处理,要保证他们的生活,当不在职的人不能享受在职的待遇。
    All cadres and workers should be evaluated.Those who are unqualified should be designated as supernumerary personnel.Their livelihood should be guaranteed, but they cannot enjoy the same treatment as assigned personnel.
  • 尽管朱迪业已是位超级明星,她仍自己驾车,做饭,洗衣。
    Despite her superstar status, Jodie still drives, cooks and does her own laundry.
  • 20年前,一个带着羞涩笑容,身材高挑的少女,在数百万观看她的婚礼的人群面前居说错了话,闹了个笑话,而她从此成为了一颗耀眼的巨星。
    Twenty years ago, a tall young woman with a shy smile flubbed her lines before millions of people and became a superstar.
  • 今天这些迷信习俗已不复存在,可是其影响仍存留在某些人的头脑中。
    Today these superstitious practices are no more, but their influence lingers on in the minds of some people.
  • 毛泽东同志说:“在社会主义社会中,基本的矛盾仍是生产关系和生产力之间的矛盾,上层建筑和经济基础之间的矛盾。”
    He wrote: "In socialist society the basic contradictions are still those between the relations of production and the productive forces and between the superstructure and the economic base."
  • 这场革命既要大幅度地改变目前落后的生产力,就必要多方面地改变生产关系,改变上层建筑,改变工农业企业的管理方式和国家对工农业企业的管理方式,使之适应于现代化大经济的需要。
    Since its goal is to transform the present backward state of our productive forces, it inevitably entails many changes in the relations of production, the superstructure and the forms of management in industrial and agricultural enterprises, as well as changes in the state administration over these enterprises so as to meet the needs of modern large-scale production.
  • ,这些部分的暂时的外援,也是应该争取的,但决不可过于依赖,不可看作可靠的援助。
    Of course, China should try to obtain such supplementary and temporary foreign help, but must never depend too much on it or consider it reliable.
  • 而,自界不只是提供原料,它还提供动力。
    Nature, however, does more than supply materials; she also supplies powers.
  • 这种想法的通常表现是,认为自力给予人类农业活动的帮助多于给予制造业活动的帮助。
    The form which this conceit usually assumes, is that of supposing that nature lends more assistance to human endeavours in agriculture, than in manufactures.
  • 因为无产阶级首先必须取得政治统治,上升为民族的阶级,把自身组织成为民族,所以它本身还是民族的,虽完全不是资产阶级所理解的那种意思。
    Since the proletariat must first of all acquire political supremacy, must rise to be the leading class of the nation, must constitute itself the nation, it is, so far, itself national, though not in the bourgeois sense of the word.
  • "他说他会带着妻子一起来的,果他们来了。"
    "He said he would come with his wife, and sure enough he did."
  • 了,当了,没问题!
    Sure, sure, no problem!
  • 我果然呜了。
    I sure was right.
  • 当然可以,欢迎。
    Sure, come on in!
  • 当然可以。快请进。
    Sure, come right in.
  • 当然,给你。
    Sure. here you go.
  • 当然可以了。请进。
    Sure, come in, please.
  • 胡先生:当,从这儿走。
    Sure, come over here.
  • 当然。问吧。
    Sure. go a head.
  • 当然,让我看看。
    Sure. Let me see.
  • 这显然是错的。
    That's wrong, surely.
  • 可以同你讲话吗? --当可以!
    May I speak to you ? --S--! -
  • 这显然是错的。
    That 's wrong, surely.
  • 当然,非常感谢。
    Surely, thank you very much.
  • 这当然大有关系。
    It will surely matter a lot.