  • 大西洋小鳕鱼或线鳕,尤指已去骨切片以备烹调的。
    young Atlantic cod or haddock esp. one split and boned for cooking.
  • 比如说,烟火曾经就是篝火。我可以这么说,直到今天,夜中的篝火仍然是最奇妙的景观之一。
    Fireworks, for example, were once no more than bonfires and to this day, I may add, a good bonfire on a dark night remains one of the most magical of spectacles.
  • 她那色帽子的前沿遮住了她的脸,使他看不见。
    The poke of her black bonnet hide her face from him.
  • 如果说是岛国内人民的需求,只要人们知识水平普遍提高,分析事物能力强,能明辨是非白,政府找个适合的公共场所,设个论坛,让演讲者自由地大发伟论,畅所欲言,顺理成章的美事。
    If it were the people's desire that gave rise to the suggestion, the Speakers' Corner would be a great boon for society. As our population are becoming better educated and more discerning and insightful, a suitable venue for public speeches would enable them to air their views freely.
  • 龙江中国最东北的一个省份,与苏联接壤。省会为哈尔滨。人口33,110,000
    A province of extreme northeast China bordering on the U.S.S.R. Harbin is the capital. Population,33, 110, 000.
  • 卡佛是个人,1864年出生在密苏里州。
    Carver, who was black, was born in Missouri in 1864.
  • 金斯顿宾夕法尼亚州中部一城市,位于偏东北萨斯奎汉纳河边,与威尔克斯-巴相望。它主要是居民区。人口15,681
    A borough of northeast-central Pennsylvania on the Susquehanna River opposite Wilkes-Barre. It is mainly residential. Population, 15,681.
  • 布拉德福,罗尔科1896-1948美国作家,其著作,如约翰·亨利(1931年),反映人民俗
    A borough of north-central England west of Leeds. Its worsted industry dates from the Middle Ages. Population,464, 100.
  • 属于或关于波斯尼亚--塞哥维那、波斯尼亚人的,或有其特点的。
    of or relating to of characteristic of Bosnia-Herzegovina or the people of Bosnia.
  • 1998年,中国向联合国扫雷自愿信托基金捐款10万美元用于波扫雷。
    In 1998, the Chinese government donated US$ 100,000 to the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for mine clearance operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
  • 塞哥维那南斯拉夫中西部一地区,10世纪之后,其大部已独立,但在14世纪被波斯尼亚占领,从此与波斯尼亚结成紧密联盟。1981年,塞哥维那成为塞尔维亚、克罗地亚和斯洛维尼亚(后南斯拉夫)联合王国的一部分
    A region of west-central Yugoslavia. Largely independent after the10th century, it was conquered by Bosnia in the14th century and has been closely allied with that region ever since. Herzegovina became part of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes(later Yugoslavia) in1918.
  • 他们考虑的另一项技术是太空雷达网,它可以持续接收地球表面的反射信号,而且可以在任何情况下(即使在低云、暴风雨和暗中)发现卡车和导弹发射器等移动目标。
    Another technology under review is a space-based radar network that will continuously bounce signals off Earth’s surface and under all conditions--even low clouds, storms, or darkness--detect moving targets such as trucks and missile launchers.
  • 大额牛一种(大额牛牛属)哺乳动物,广为印度人和缅甸人饲养,有厚而尖的角,毛,尾巴成束状
    A domesticated bovine mammal(Bos frontalis) of India and Burma, having thick, pointed horns, a dark coat, and a tufted tail.
  • 他上班总是戴着一顶色硬礼帽。
    He wears a bowler to go to his office.
  • 然而,那位头戴色圆顶硬礼帽、举止稳重的人,却出了洋相。
    But not so the sedate gentleman in the black bowler hat who made quite a fool of himself.
  • 色圆顶硬礼帽跌落在地上,一霎时还亮出自己的手枪。
    He immediatly snatched out his gun and in so doing knocked down his own bowler hat which rolled on the ground.
  • 有一位头戴圆顶礼帽、举止稳重的人跟在英王身后,保持着一定距离。
    The king was accompanied by a very sedate gentleman in a black bowler hat, who kept a certain distance and always walked a few paces behind his king.
  • 这给此次访问带来一缕悲哀的情调,不过人们对那位头戴礼帽,当众亮相的随员印象更深。
    The soldier's death added a note of tragedy to the king's visit but people remember best the exhibition the man in a black bowler hat had made of himself.
  • 盒子的表面是色的。
    outside, the box is black.
  • 龙江扎龙、吉林向海、江西鄱阳湖、湖南东洞庭湖、青海鸟岛和海南东寨港等6处自然保护区被列为国际重要湿地。
    Another six nature reserves -- Zhalong in Heilongjiang, Xianghai in Jilin, Boyang Lake in Jiangxi, East Dongting Lake in Hunan, Bird Island in Qinghai and Dongzhai Harbor in Hainan -- have been included in the list of the world's important wetlands.
  • 他们要求该市的美国人居民步行和自己驾车来抵制汽车公司。
    The African-American residents of the city were asked to boycott the bus company by walking and driving instead.
  • 内陆的池塘和沼泽或含盐的礁湖地域生活的长腿、三趾、白色的涉水鸟。
    long-legged three-toed black-and-white wading bird of inland ponds and marshes or brackish lagoons.
  • 小木屋前有一丛莓。
    There is a bush of bramble in front of the cabin.
  • 他还大胆地接拍了帮喜剧片《米奇的蓝眼睛》,尔后他在影片《暴发户》中扮演一名势利的艺术商人,再就是引起轰动的《布里奇特·琼斯的日记》。
    Bravely, he took on the Mob-comedy Mickey Blue Eyes. Next, he was a snobby art-dealer in Small Time Crooks. Then came another huge hit with Bridget Jones's Diary.
  • 一种重要的巴西成材乔木,出产一种沉实、坚硬、并带有色条纹的深色木材。
    an important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black.
  • 天快时人群开始散开了。
    The crowd started to break up when the night fell.
  • 警察驱散了两个帮间的殴斗。
    The police broke up the fight among the two black gangs.
  • 厚厚的色羊绒柔软而蓬松,这件双排扣暗钮长大衣显然还没上过身,看样子,就像用樟脑球在老亨利叔叔的扁平旅行箱里保存了多年。
    The thick, black wool of the double-breasted chesterfield was soft and unworn, as though it had been preserved in mothballs for years in dead old Uncle Henry's steamer trunk.
  • 来源于苏格兰的色无角牛。
    black hornless breed from Scotland.
  • 纳什搬回普林斯顿,在那里学生们把他看成是一个幽灵,终日寡言少语,在板上胡乱写些诸如"毛泽东的成年礼在勃列日涅夫的割礼后13年加13个月又13天举行"这样离奇而诙谐的话语。
    He moved back to Princeton, where students knew him only as the Phantom, a mute figure who scribbled weird but witty messages on blackboards: Mao Tsetung's bar mitzvah was 13 years, 13 months and 13 days after Brezhnev's circumcision.
  • 《布赖恩的一生》是部关于救世主一生的色喜剧。
    The Life of Brian was a black comedy about the life of Chrest.
  • 色翅膀的亮黄色歌鸟。
    bright yellow songbird with black wings.