  • 盐、蔬菜提取物、香料和谷氨钠的混合物。
    combination of salt and vegetable extracts and spices and monosodium glutamate.
  • 蛋白质中的氨基,对植物氮的新陈代谢有重要作用,用在味精中加重肉味。
    an amino acid occurring in proteins; important in the nitrogen metabolism of plants; used in monosodium glutamate to enhance the flavor of meats.
  • 一种浆状的,由甘油和甘油醛氧化后获得。
    a syrupy acid obtained by oxidation of glycerol or glyceraldehyde.
  • 天然形成的油甘油酯,见于脂肪和油脂中。
    a naturally occuring glyceride of oleic acid that is found in fats and oils.
  • 甘油和棕榈形成的酯。
    an ester of glycerol and palmitic acid.
  • 甘油和硬脂形成的酯。
    an ester of glycerol and stearic acid.
  • 甘油和脂肪形成的酯,天然的甘油酯以脂肪和脂油的形式存在。
    an ester of glycerol and fatty acids that occurs naturally as fats and fatty oils.
  • 甘油三酯甘油与三个脂及形成的天然的酯,是脂肪和油的主要成分
    A naturally occurring ester of three fatty acids and glycerol that is the chief constituent of fats and oils.
  • 酪酯丁的三种同分异构甘油基酯的任一种,以自然形态存在于奶油之中
    Any of three isomeric glyceryl esters of butyric acid, naturally present in butter.
  • 棕榈精棕榈的甘油基酯,c3h5(ooc16h31)3,在棕榈油和动物脂肪中发现,用来生产肥皂
    The glyceryl ester, C3H5(OOC16H31)3, of palmitic acid, found in palm oil and animal fats and used to manufacture soap.
  • 部分水解形成的苷。
    a glycoside formed by partial hydrolysis of a nucleic acid.
  • 有着甜的紫色果肉的栗红色象醋栗的印度水果,通常用来做蜜饯。
    maroon-purple gooseberry-like fruit of India having tart-sweet purple pulp used especially for preserves.
  • 别嘌呤醇一种药物,c5h4n4o,因其可促进尿的排泄而被用于治疗痛风
    A drug, C5H4N4O, used to treat gout because it promotes the excretion of uric acid.
  • 痛风石;风石在发生痛风病时,皮肤和关节附近或外耳上的组织上出现的尿盐结晶
    A deposit of urates in the skin and tissue around a joint or in the external ear, occurring in gout.
  • 商业牛肉;商业草
    commercial grade of beef; commercial oxalic acid.
  • 一种放射性矿物,由硅钍组成,是钍的来源,见于粗糙的花岗岩中。
    a radioactive mineral consisting of thorium silicate; it is a source of thorium that is found in coarse granite.
  • 性或花岗石类玻璃,通常为黑色,但片状时透明。
    acid or granitic glass; usually dark, but transparent in thin pieces.
  • 我认为他这样说不过是吃不到葡萄便说葡萄
    I think it's just sour grapes.
  • 酸葡萄酿不出甜酒。
    Sour grape can never make sweet wine.
  • 【谚】狐狸吃不到葡萄,就说葡萄
    "The grapes are sour", as the fox said when he could not reach them.
  • 吃不到葡萄就说葡萄
    The grapes are sour.
  • 在图形处理技术中,用在金属板上腐蚀出图象的处理方法。
    In graphical processes, the use of acid to bite an image in to a metal plate.
  • 液比重计用来测定液比重的液体比重计
    A hydrometer used to determine the specific gravity of acid solutions.
  • 头发太油——一些毛发学研究者认为过油的头发是由于喝多了牛奶,奶昔和奶之类的饮料所引起的。
    Greasy-Some trichologists argue that excessively greasy hair can be caused by drinking too much milk, milkshakes and yogurt drinks.
  • 蜡几种天然油滑的热敏感物质之任一种,由不溶于水但溶于大多数有机溶剂的烃或脂肪酯构成
    Any of various natural, oily or greasy heat-sensitive substances, consisting of hydrocarbons or esters of fatty acids that are insoluble in water but soluble in most organic solvents.
  • 未成熟的苹果是的。
    Green apples are sour.
  • 臭氧层的空洞、温室效应和雨都是我们所为而致。我们的行为所造成的后果影响着全世界。
    The hole in the ozone layer,the greenhouse effect and acid rain are all caused by things we do,and the consequences of our actions are felt all over the world.
  • 一种绿色的矿物,由含水的钾、铁、镁或铝的硅盐矿物构成,见于绿砂中。
    a green mineral consisting of hydrated silicate of potassium or iron or magnesium or aluminum; found in greensand.
  • 一种橙色粘性的铀氧化物和硅盐的混和物,由沥青油矿在水合作用和氧化作用下天然形成。
    a gummy orange mixture of uranium oxides and silicates occurring naturally in the hydration and oxidation of pitchblende.
  • 葛里炸药,炸胶一种炸药混合物,由碳甘油、棉火药、木浆和钾硝盐组成
    An explosive mixture composed of nitroglycerine, guncotton, wood pulp, and potassium nitrate.
  • 一种白色、灰色或无色的硝钾kno3,用于制火药
    A white, gray, or colorless mineral of potassium nitrate, KNO3, used in making gunpowder.
  • 硬石膏,无水石膏一种无色,白色,灰色,蓝色或淡紫色无水硫钙矿物,caso4,出现在石膏沉积岩层中
    A colorless, white, gray, blue, or lilac mineral of anhydrous calcium sulfate, CaSO4, occurring as layers in gypsum deposits.