  • 说,"戴维对人公平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。"去年五月勒接替卡森的职位时遭到另一竞争者阿森尼奥・霍尔的严厉批评。
    "David(letterman) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone, " said(Jay) Leno, who was raked over the coals by another competitor, Arsenio Hall, when Leno took over Johnny Carson's seat last May.
  • 谣传莱将被炒鱿鱼,除非他的收视率改善。结果他的收视率最近三个月上升百分之十二。
    Rumor had it that Leno faced a quick hook unless his ratings improved. They did — up 12 percent in the past three months.
  • 卡诺,s.
    Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot (1796~1832)
  • 从怀孕的第三个月起我就有早产的迹象,医生让我卧床以减少失去小亚的可能。
    I had early labor from the third month, and was told that I had to stay in bed to lessen the chance of losing Noah.
  • 从怀孕的第三个月起我就有早产的迹象,医生让我卧床以减少失去小亚的可能。
    I have early labor from the third month, and was told that I had to stay in bed to lessen the chance of losing Noah.
  • 诺言难改事实。
    Lie can never change fact.
  • 麦利精纺毛纱一种柔软质轻的织物,原先是用麦利羊毛纺成的,但现在用任何优质羊毛都可织成
    A soft, lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool.
  • 因为曼现在已成了内阁部长,所以他不断引人注目是不足为奇的。
    Now that Norman has been made a cabinet minister, he should not be surprised that he is constantly in the limelight.
  • “诸位先生,”弗洛列席尔继续说……,“这个家伙,他一直逃避我,但是多亏埃尔医生的帮助,我终于牢牢地抓住了他……”
    "Gentlemen," continued Florizel …, "this is a fellow who has ling eluded me, but, whom, thanks to Dr. Noel, I now have tightly by the heels."
  • 米斯特拉尔,弗雷德里克1830-1914法国作家及复兴普罗旺斯语为文学语言运动的领导人,1904年与他人分享贝尔文学奖
    French writer and leader in the revival of Provenal as a literary language. He shared the 1904 Nobel Prize for literature.
  • 她住在诺福克附近
    She lives around Norfolk.
  • 或宣布好的钱款或掠夺品的一份。
    a promised or claimed share of loot or money.
  • 一种赌博游戏,与抽数码赌戏类似,只是用计算器代替球
    A game of chance, similar to lotto, that uses balls rather than counters.
  • 卡岛位于地中海西部巴利阿里群岛中的一西班牙岛屿,18世纪不同时期被英国和法国曾多次占据,在西班牙内战时它是保皇派的基地
    A Spanish island in the Balearics of the western Mediterranean Sea. Held by the British and the French at various times during the18th century, it was a Loyalist stronghold in the Spanish Civil War.
  • 向国家许忠心;许他们的合作
    Pledge loyalty to a nation; pledged their cooperation.
  • 美国人将永远不会忘记斯匹的想象力,露西的愤世嫉俗,利纳斯的纯真,伍德斯托克的忠诚或查利·布朗的脆弱、希望。
    Americans will never forget Snoopy's imagination,Lucy'scynicism, Linus'innocence, Woodstock's loyalty or Charlie Brown's vulnerabilities,hopes and dreams.
  • 弗农加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南部的一个城市,临近奥卡根湖的北端。它是伐木地区的加工业中心。人口19,987
    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, near the northern end of Okanagan Lake. It is a processing center in a lumbering region. Population,19, 987.
  • 基洛纳加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南部城市,位于温哥华东北偏东的奥卡根湖上。是旅游胜地和农林区的贸易中心。人口59,196
    A city of southern British Columbia, Canada, on Okanagan Lake east-northeast of Vancouver. It is a tourist resort and trade center for a farming and lumbering area. Population,59, 196.
  • 赫斯,维克托·弗朗兹1883-1964奥地利裔美国物理学家。他因发现宇宙辐射而与人共享1963年贝尔奖
    British pianist who organized daily lunchtime concerts at the National Gallery in London during World War II.
  • "在给予高薪的允的引诱下,许多年轻的日本工程师去了中东。"
    Many young Japanese engineers have been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages.
  • 里昂警方又拘捕了包括维兰克在内的费斯蒂纳车队队员和总经理布鲁·拉塞尔和队医艾里克·里杰克特在内的5名车队官员,对他们进行审问。
    The Lyons police arrested Festina director, team doctor and three riders. They were detained and questioned by police.
  • 弗莱明尼斯,提图斯·昆克提斯227?-174罗马政治家和将军,在锡斯克法莱山(公元前197年)击败马其顿军队
    Roman politician and general who defeated the Macedonian forces at Cynoscephalae(197).
  • 我们离开座位想到楼上迪韦尔瓦夫人的包厢里去。
    We left our seats in the stalls and made for Madame Duvernoy's box.
  • 迪韦尔瓦夫人走近壁炉,拿起她刚讲到的那件首饰把玩着,并用贪婪的眼光盯着它。
    And Madame Duvernoy, who had been moving towards the mantelpiece, was now playing with the bauble as she spoke, and casting covetous looks at it.
  • 是位于马德里东南方190英里的一个小镇。在中午时分,政府提供的卡车拖着132吨西红柿来到了这里的中心广场,把这些西红柿倒在了集中在那里的人群之中。
    At noon, municipal trucks hauled in 132 tons of plum tomatoes and dropped them at the feet of the crowds in the main square of Bunol, a town 190 miles southeast of Madrid.
  • 洛伦茨,亨德里克1853-1928荷兰物理学家。因在磁性对放射的影响方面的研究而获1902年贝尔奖
    Dutch physicist. He shared a1902 Nobel Prize for researching the influence of magnetism on radiation.
  • 卡尔诺,l.n.m.
    Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot (1753~1823)
  • 万帕亚格人美洲土著民族,早先居住于罗德艾兰州东部和马萨诸塞州东南部,包括马撒葡萄园岛和南塔基特,现在的后裔也居住于此
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern Rhode Island and southeast Massachusetts, including Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, with present-day descendants in this same area.
  • 伍德美国马萨诸塞州东部的城镇,波士顿的主要居民区。人口28,700
    A town of eastern Massachusetts, a chiefly residential suburb of Boston. Population,28, 700.
  • 曼底的大规模联合入侵
    the massive Allied invasion of Normandy
  • 你没有信守诺言.
    Your promises have failed to (ie did not) materialize.
  • 他的诺言未能实现。
    His promises failed to materialize.