  • 在落实政策时,还要注意这样的情况:有些人然没有戴帽子,但是批评或者斗争过他们,伤了感情;
    In implementing the policies, we should also pay attention to other cases. For example, although some people were not officially labelled, they were criticized or attacked and suffered great mental distress.
  • 然是乡下少年,他的见解却完全城镇化。
    Althouth a country lad, he was thoroughly townish in outlook.
  • 然罗布林卡受到叛乱分子控制,同达赖喇嘛的联系十分困难,中央代理代表谭冠三仍设法通过爱国人士先后于3月10日、11日和15日给达赖喇嘛三封信。
    Although Norbu Lingka was controlled by the rebels and it was hard to make contact with the Dalai Lama, acting representative of the central government Tan Guansan managed to send three letters to the Dalai Lama on March 10, 11 and 15 through patriots.
  • 我实在是不喜欢我的新车。它然省油,但远没有我以前那辆丰田车舒适。
    I don’t really like my new car. It’s very economical on fuel but it isn’t nearly as comfortable as my late lamented Toyota.
  • 普雷斯说:"然《时间机器》中并未出现月球岩石雨毁坏了某座大楼的镜头,但我们还是决定将其剪切,而且这对我们来说并不困难。"
    "There was no destruction of landmark buildings or anything like that," Press said, "but it's easy to take out."
  • 烤面包机然摔过但仍可以用剪草机有些钝了但仍可以用;可用飞机;洗碗机正在用。
    the toaster was still functional even after being dropped; the lawnmower is a bit rusty but still usable; an operational aircraft; the dishwasher is now in wording order.
  • 必须着重指出,我们然不允许抛弃合法与公开的一面,甚至有一点公开合法的可能都要尽量利用,但是我们的目的,却是发展非法与秘密的一面,这才合乎我们积蓄革命力量、削弱敌人力量的要求,忽视了这一点,就会陷入合法主义的错误。
    It must be emphasized that while we allow no abandoning of the legal struggle and overt work and advocate the best use of any slight opportunities available for carrying out the legal struggle and overt work, our aim is to further the illegal struggle and undertake covert work, in order to build up our revolutionary strength and weaken the enemy. Failure to recognize this point will lead to the error of legalism.
  • 然没有腿,玻璃蜥蜴仍然是一种蜥蜴,而不是蛇。
    Even though it is legless, the glass lizard is not a snake, but a lizard.
  • 瓦解敌军和宽待俘虏的办法然目前收效尚未显著,但在将来必定会有成效的。
    Although our measures for disintegrating the enemy troops and for treating prisoners of war leniently have not yielded conspicuous results as yet, they will certainly do so in the future.
  • 一度被西方媒体誉为“民主先生”的李登辉,然让台湾社会享有更大的言论自由,但在国民党内却没有推动相应的民主改革,而是利用这个列宁式政党固有的精英体制搞一言堂,以他个人的意志为全党的意志。
    Lee Teng-hui, once lauded by the West as Mr Democracy, failed to carry out a democratic reform within KMT despite his success in bringing greater freedom to Taiwanese society.Taking advantage of the Leninist structure of KMT, Lee Teng-hui ruled by his own will alone, putting himself above the whole party.
  • 一度被西方媒体誉为“民主先生”的李登辉,然让台湾社会享有更大的言论自由,但在国民党内却没有推动相应的民主改革,而是利用这个列宁式政党固有的精英体制搞一言堂,以他个人的意志为全党的意志。
    Lee Teng-hui, once lauded by the West as Mr Democracy, failed to carry out a democratic reform within KMT despite his success in bringing greater freedom to Taiwanese society. Taking advantage of the Leninist structure of KMT, Lee Teng-hui ruled by his own will alone, putting himself above the whole party.
  • 然国家广播公司急忙发布这项新闻,莱特曼才是第一个正式透露秘密的人。……在下午五点半录制节目时他告诉摄影棚里的观众说他将去哥伦比亚广播公司。
    Though NBC rushed to break the news, Letterman was the first officially to let the cat out of the bag…when he told the studio audience at his 5:30 p.m. taping that he was CBS-bound.
  • 基辛格早年目睹了周围大量的人间悲剧,这使他时常显得很忧郁,或许可以叫做多愁善感,使他成为彻底的悲观主义者,然表面上爱开玩笑,有点放荡不羁。
    The amount of human tragedy Kissinger saw around him during his formative years accounts for his being a man given to occasional melancholy or perhaps Weltschmerz,and for being a convinced pessimist beneath a certain playfulness and levity.
  • 然我们队被你们队打败,但我们将东山再起。
    Although our team was beaten by your team, we'll lick our wonders.
  • 由于会费是根据国民生产总值(国产总值)摊派的,较为富裕的国家一般付得较多,较穷的国家则付得较少,尽管有些例外情况(例如然巴西的人均收入比列支敦士登要低得多,但巴西比列支敦士登付得多,这是因为巴西的国产总值高很多)。
    Since the assessments are based on gross national product (GNP), richer countries generally pay more and poorer countries less, although there are some exceptions (e.g., Brazil pays more than Liechtenstein even though its per capita income is much lower, because its total GNP is much higher).
  • 我们的家庭式农庄小小,但是我们爱这种生活方式。
    We have a small-time family farm, but we love the lifestyle.
  • 我们的家庭式农庄小小,但是我们爱这种生活方式。
    We have a small time family farm, but we love the lifestyle.
  • 然activex控件能用visualj++来编写,但有局限性。
    Although ActiveX controls can be written in Visual J++, some limitations apply.
  • 近年来,国际局势趋缓和,但天下并不太平,地区形势持续紧张,武装冲突和局部战争连绵不断,霸权主义和强权政治依然存在。
    In recent years, while there has been some relaxation in the international situation, peace has not prevailed in the world. On the regional level, tensions persist. Armed conflicts and local wars break out continuously and hegemonism and power politics are still lingering on.
  • 在德语区内,通用的是德文与德语,普通人不讲法语却听得懂法语。
    In the German-speaking areas, German is the lingua franca. The ordinary people do not speak French but understand it.
  • 然他住院了,他的心还和群众连在一起。
    Although in hospital, his heart remained linked with the masses.
  • "我然不以疼痛为乐,但还可以忍受。"
    "I don't enjoy the pain, but I can live with it."
  • 然最高法院不愿意用它的政策判断来替代国会的政策判断,它还是有义务实现宪法在政府内分权的目标,根据著作权条款则是在社会内分权的目标。
    Although the Court is appropriately loathe to substitute its policy judgments for those of Congress, it has an obligation to effect the means by which the Constitution divides power within the government and, under the Copyright Clause, within the society.
  • 然她是个喜单独行动的人,但我们大家都非常喜欢她。
    Although she is a lone wolf, we all like her very much.
  • 然又有钱又有名,但很孤独。
    For all his wealth and fame, he's a very lonely man.
  • 那个汽车商卖给我的这辆汽车毛病太多了。我去看他的时候毫不客气地对他说,卖这么次的车给我还收我那么多的钱,你自己应该感到害臊。然他并没有把钱还给我,可是,说了这些话我感到痛快多了。
    I pulled no punches when I went to see the auto dealer who sold me such a lousy car. I told him he ought to be ashamed to charge so much for a car that had so many things wrong with it. No, he didn‘t give me my money back, but I sure felt better afterwards
  • 所有的学生都合在一个班,然他们的能力大不相同。
    All the students have been lumped together in one class although they have widely varying abilities.
  • 然年岁渐增,但还是身强力壮,精力充沛。
    Although he is getting on( in years), he is still strong and lusty.
  • 更有一些人,然没有受过正式的金融管理训练,却在顶尖的公司,例如美林和高盛,有杰出的工作表现。
    Others, despite their lack of formal training in finance, have gone on to do good work in top-notch companies like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs.
  • 旧梦与新梦,然没能实现,但我曾经梦过。〔廊桥遗梦〕
    The old dreams or good dreams,they didn't work out but I had them.[The bridges of madison county]
  • 这些然是疯话,却有深意在内。
    Though this be madness, yet there's method in't.
  • 有领港员在场,唐太斯仍然克尽职守,直到这项工作完成,才喊“降旗,把旗降在旗杆半中央,把公司的旗也降一半致哀,“看,”腾格拉尔说,“他简直已自命为船长啦。”
    Dantès continued at his post in spite of the presence of the pilot, until this manoeuvre was completed, and then he added, "Half-mast the colors, and square the yards!""You see," said Danglars, "he fancies himself captain already, upon my word."