  • 對超感官知覺的興趣又復了。
    Interest in ESP revived.
  • 巴鄰帝,巨港印度尼西亞的城市,位於門答臘島東南部。在17和18世紀它是印度王國的權力中心,在1617年它成為荷蘭的貿易港並且後來緊接着被英國占領。人口787,187
    A city of Indonesia on southeast Sumatra Island. Center of a powerful Hindu kingdom in the seventh and eighth centuries, it became a Dutch trading post in1617 and was later occupied intermittently by the British. Population,787, 187.
  • 就國際範圍來說,外國的好經驗,尤其是聯的經驗,也有指導我們的作用。
    Internationally, the good experience of foreign countries, and especially Soviet experience, can also serve to guide us.
  • 國際上,法國政府由仇變為聯,同此道理。
    Internationally, for a similar reason, the French government has changed from hostility towards the Soviet Union to alliance with it.
  • 忠誠於她勇敢無畏的格蘭之心——亨利·勞德。
    leal to the core of her intrepid Scottish heart- Harry Lauder.
  • 這一國際戰略原則,對於團结世界人民反對霸權主義,改變世界政治力量對比,對於打破聯霸權主義企圖在國際上孤立我們的狂妄計劃,改善我們的國際環境,提高我國的國際威望,起了不可估量的作用。
    This strategic principle and these policies have been invaluable in rallying the world's people to oppose hegemonism, changing the world political balance, frustrating the Soviet hegemonists' arrogant plan to isolate China internationally, improving China's international environment, and heightening its international prestige.
  • 至於所謂日互不侵犯條約,在過去多年之前,聯就要求日本簽訂,日本始終拒絶。
    As for the talk about a Japanese-Soviet non-aggression treaty, the Soviet Union has been proposing it for many years but Japan has invariably rejected it.
  • 明尼達多相個性調查表
    Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
  • 接受調查的所有人都曾在20世紀30年代填寫過一份英格蘭和格蘭城市及農村家庭飲食狀況的調查表。
    All of the adults in the study had filled in a food inventory during the 1930s for a research study looking into the eating habits of families in rural and urban areas of England and Scotland.
  • 在這種狀態下,在這個時候,德國願意停止反,放棄《防共協定》,承認聯邊疆的不可侵犯,德互不侵犯條約就訂立了。
    It was in these circumstances, and when Germany agreed to stop her anti-Soviet activities, abandon the Agreement Against the Communist International and recognize the inviolability of the Soviet frontiers, that the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty was concluded.
  • 在這個期間,德國願意停止反,願意放棄所謂《防共協定》,承認了聯邊疆的不可侵犯,德互不侵犯協定就訂立了。
    In the meantime, Germany indicated her willingness to stop her activities against the Soviet Union and abandon the so-called Agreement Against the Communist International and recognized the inviolability of the Soviet frontiers; hence the conclusion of the Soviet-German non-aggression treaty.
  • 諾蒙坎停戰協定的性質,和過去張高峰停戰協定是一樣的,就是說,在日本屈膝之下,日本軍閥承認了蒙邊疆的不可侵犯。
    The nature of the Nomonhan truce agreement is the same as that of the previous Changkufeng truce agreement; that is to say, the Japanese militarists, being compelled to admit defeat, have had to recognize the inviolability of the Soviet and Mongolian frontiers.
  • 艾奧瓦人所講的蘇語
    The Siouan language of the Iowa.
  • 從前住在愛荷華州、明尼達州和密裏州的族人。
    a member of the Siouan people formerly living in Iowa and Minnesota and Missouri.
  • 奧斯汀美國明尼達州東南部一城市,位於羅切斯特西南衣阿華州邊境附近。是一個加工業及製造業中心,人口21,907
    A city of southeast Minnesota near the Iowa border southwest of Rochester. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population,21, 907.
  • 艾奧瓦人美洲土著居民的一支,過去居住在艾奧瓦州的部分地區和明尼達州的西南,其後裔今天居住在內布拉斯加州,康薩斯州,和俄剋拉荷馬州
    A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Iowa and southwest Minnesota, with present-day descendants in Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
  • 康西爾布拉夫市衣阿華州西南部城市,位於密裏河上,與內布拉斯加州的奧馬哈市相對。1846年有人在此定居,起名為康斯維爾,1852年又改名為此名。人口54,315
    A city of southwest Iowa on the Missouri River opposite Omaha, Nebraska. It was settled as Kanesville in1846 and renamed in1852. Population,54, 315.
  • 城美國愛荷華西北部一城市,在密西西比河畔,鄰近南達科他州與內布拉斯加州邊界。是農業區和傢畜區的船運和加工中心。人口80,505
    A city of northwest Iowa on the Missouri River near the South Dakota-Nebraska border. It is a shipping and processing center for an agricultural and livestock area. Population,80, 505.
  • 阿什哈巴德中亞聯南部的一座城市,靠近伊朗邊界,於1881年因要塞目的被建立,1948年的一次大地震幾乎毀掉了這座古城。人口356,000
    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. near the Iranian border. It was founded as a fortress in1881. A major earthquake in1948 virtually destroyed the old city. Population,356, 000.
  • 伊拉剋-聯友好合作條約
    Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation Between Iraq and Soviet Union
  • 伊拉剋的防空係統是在聯的幫助下建成的,所使用的裝備主要是由聯提供的。
    The Iraqi air- defense system was built with Soviet assistance and largely with Soviet equipment.
  • 聯合王國包括英格蘭、 威爾士、 格蘭、 北愛爾蘭.
    The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
  • 蓋爾人格蘭、愛爾蘭或馬恩島的說蓋爾語的凱爾特人
    A Gaelic-speaking Celt of Scotland, Ireland, or the Isle of Man.
  • 格蘭和愛爾蘭用的對湖泊的稱謂。
    Scottish and Irish words for lake.
  • 同樂會愛爾蘭或格蘭社交集會,有傳統音樂、舞蹈和講故事
    An Irish or Scottish social gathering with traditional music, dancing, and storytelling.
  • 諷刺的幽默;諷刺性的評論通常間接傳達着一種故意隱含的意思;諷刺小說;嘲笑;有種格蘭人的諷刺智慧。
    dry humor; an ironic remark often conveys an intended meaning obliquely; an ironic novel; an ironical smile; with a wry Scottish wit.
  • 具有諷刺意義的是,雖然排球是美國人發明的,美國人卻眼睜睜看着別的國傢,如日本、中國、巴西、前聯和古巴,在排球發展方面占居了領導地位。
    Ironically, although the game was invented in the United States, Americans have watched other countries such as Japan, China, Brazil, the former Soviet Union and Cuba play leadership role for its development.
  • 蘇北灌溉總渠
    Northern Jiangsu Main Irrigation Canal
  • 伊斯蘭教教法規定,穆斯林丹國傢的男人最多可以娶4個妻子,而這正是巴希爾政府倡導和鼓勵的。
    Men in mainly Muslim Sudan are allowed up to four wives, according to Islamic Sharia law, which Bashir's government promotes.
  • 居住在愛爾蘭或格蘭或人類島的說蓋爾語的凱爾特人。
    a Gaelic-speaking Celt in Ireland or Scotland or the Isle of Man.
  • 1973年10月(猶太人的贖罪日)埃及和敘利亞攻擊以色列;以色列進行反擊並擊退敘利亞把伊士運河劃歸為埃及。
    Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in October 1973 (on Yom Kippur); Israel counterattacked and drove the Syrians back and crossed the Suez Canal into Egypt.
  • 隨着在恐怖片《毒常青藤》中出色的表演,她的演藝生涯終於開始復
    Her acting career at long last began to recover in the wake of a striking turn in the thriller Poison Ivy.