  • 他心裏衹想一件事時,別的事就一概不慮。
    When he has a bee in his bonnet, he won't consider anything else.
  • 隨函附上公司概況、業務範圍和其他方面的小册子供您參
    A booklet including a general introduction, the scope of business and other topic is enclosed for your reference.
  • 丁勤時先生沒有不經慮立刻拒絶幾位區長的建議,他說值得慮。
    Mr. Dinkins did not reject the borough presidents' proposal out of hand, saying that it was worth considering.
  • 你從我這裏藉去的參書,不必還。
    Never mind returning the reference book that you borrowed from me.
  • 用於參或出藉而保存的文學文獻或紀錄的集合。
    a collection of literary documents or records kept for reference or borrowing.
  • 他毫不費力地通過了動物學試,可是植物學卻差一點不及格。
    He got a comfortable pass in botany.
  • 雖然目前還不肯定是否已見底,但小投資者還是可慮趁目前的低價買進一些從前遙不可及的藍籌股。
    Although there is the risk that stock markets may not have bottomed, the current low stock prices offer an opportunity for retail investors to gradually invest in selected blue chip stocks that may have previously been out of reach.
  • 他們慮的另一項技術是太空雷達網,它可以持續接收地球表面的反射信號,而且可以在任何情況下(即使在低雲、暴風雨和黑暗中)發現卡車和導彈發射器等移動目標。
    Another technology under review is a space-based radar network that will continuously bounce signals off Earth’s surface and under all conditions--even low clouds, storms, or darkness--detect moving targets such as trucks and missile launchers.
  • 很少人持樂觀看法,認為市況很快就會復原。第一波士頓[財務]公司總裁兼總經理剋斯說,“目前市況不振。這種情況我預料還要繼續一段時間。我預料要經過一段相當時間才能輓回頽勢。”
    Few are optimistic that the business will bounce back quickly. "Business is down, and I would expect it to stay down for some time," said Archibald Cox Jr., the president and chief executive of the First Boston Corporation. "I expect that it will take a meaningful period of time before we right the ship."
  • 每當快要期末試或該交期末論文的時候,那些整天穿梭於圖書館、疲憊不堪的學生和從容不迫、遊刃有餘的學生之區別就顯現出來:個性歡快的學生對試不太在意。
    When it comes time to study for final exams and to finish writing tetiii papers, there is one thing that separates the frazzled students bouncing around the library from the relaxed students who seem to take all the stress in stride: the happy students just don't care too much.
  • 從南半球打華人市場和大中國市場,聽起來有些不可思議,但如察一下目前澳洲網絡市場的動嚮,卻不能不承認,“咿呀.com”找到了上好的炒作題材。
    It looks like he is attempting the impossible. However, if people know what's happening on the Australian bourse, they may believe that Eyah.com is spinning a good story about itself.
  • 特-布雷斯-朱萬諾維奇出版公司
    Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publishers
  • 他吹牛說他已輕鬆地通過了試。
    He bragged that he had passed the exam easily.
  • 在考試中她絞盡腦汁
    She beat her brains out during the examination.
  • 薩姆在那次驗中表現得很勇敢。
    Sam carried himself bravely in that ordeal.
  • 但是剋斯等人肆無忌憚地造謠說,“中國科學家藉中美實驗室交流與合作之機,廣泛接觸美國科學家,從中獲得解决核武器物理和工程問題的情報”。
    Cox and others, however, brazenly started the rumor: "PRC scientists have used their extensive laboratory-to-laboratory interactions with the United States to gain information from US scientists on common problems, solutions to nuclear weapons physics, and solutions to engineering problems.''
  • 慮到破損情況;估計旅行所需時間時慮到尖峰時間交通堵塞的情況
    An allowance for breakage; made allowances for rush-hour traffic in estimating travel time.
  • 她輕而易舉地通過了試。
    She breezed through her exams.
  • 那些聰明的男孩子輕而易舉地通過了試。
    Those cute boys breezed through the examination with no trouble at all!
  • (這是鄧小平同志會見美國總統特使、總統國傢安全事務助理斯剋羅夫特時談話的節錄。)
    (Excerpt from a talk with Brent Scowcroft, special envoy of President George Bush of the United States and Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.)
  • 一項在泰晤士河下從英國下院到費勒斯啤酒廠之間挖一條隧道的建議被一笑置之,不予慮。
    A proposal for a tunnel under the Thames between the House of Commons and Fullers Brewery was laughed out of court.
  • 然而,由於馬剋.剋斯與布賴恩.費爾利出人意料地進入單打决賽,原計劃不起作用了。
    I want the right time. Mark Cox and Brian Fairlie unexpectedly coming through to the singles final, the original schedule went haywire.
  • 能否抗拒賄賂對於警察是决定性的驗。
    The acid test for a policeman is whether he can resist bribe.
  • 規劃環境地政局局長是規劃及土地發展委員會的主席,這個委員會除負責監察本港土地發展的一般進度外,還慮審批詳細的規劃大綱、發展藍圖和發展計劃圖。
    The Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands is chairman of the Planning and Land Development Committee, which is responsible for monitoring the general progress of the physical development of Hong Kong, as well as considering and endorsing detailed planning briefs, layouts and development plans.
  • 除了審議市建局提交城市規劃委員會慮的發展計劃和總綱發展藍圖外,該署亦會為市建局的發展計劃擬備規劃大綱,統籌市建局計劃所需的基礎建設,政府、機構或社區設施和休憩用地的供應,以及監察市建局計劃的推行,確保這些計劃符合法定的規劃要求。
    Other than processing development schemes and master layout plans submitted by the URA for the Town Planning Board's consideration, the Planning Department would also prepare planning briefs for URA development schemes. The department will co-ordinate the provision of infrastructure, government, institution or community facilities, and open space in URA projects; and monitor the implementation of URA projects to ensure compliance with the statutory planning requirements.
  • 女子戴的一種寬邊究的帽子。
    a woman's dressy hat with a wide brim.
  • 期終試將由七月提前到六月舉行。
    The final examination will be brought forward to June instead of July.
  • 我要把你的想法提交委員會慮。
    I will broach your idea to the committee.
  • 不錯,香港人會作出更長遠的打算,較多慮可能需時多年纔見成果的發展和投資,並且着眼於如何長遠發展業務、怎樣拓展增值較高的工業活動;以及把眼光放於如何建立重要的夥伴關係,以實現上述目標。
    Yes, our people are thinking longer term. They are looking more at prospects and investments which may take years to bear fruit. They are looking at how to develop their businesses over time, how to broaden into higher value added activities - and at forming strategic partnerships to make this happen.
  • 為提高宗教人士學識水平,培養高素質宗教人士隊伍,建立了自治區、地、縣三級培訓體係,政府財政撥款,對在職的宗教教職人員進行輪訓,組織宗教人士參觀察,開闊眼界,增長見識。
    To enhance religious personages’ level of learning, train a contingent of high-caliber religious personages, and establish a three-tiered (regional, prefectural and county) training system, the government has allocated funds to train in-service clerical persons in rotation, and organized investigative tours for religious personages so as to broaden their vistas and enrich their knowledge.
  • 爾,簡1884?-1950美國女演員,20世紀20和30年代在百老匯取得了巨大成功
    American actress who enjoyed great success on Broadway in the1920's and1930's.
  • 他請他的經紀人嚴密註視黃金價格的重大變化,因為他正慮再購進一批。
    He asked his broker to keep a weather eye open for any significant change in the price of gold as he was considering another purchase.