  • 稳居者,遁世者被认为是离索居、反动的,过时的或野蛮的人
    A person considered to be reclusive, reactionary, out of date, or brutish.
  • 为英国在西印度岛袭击西班牙殖民地的海盗。
    a buccaneer who raided Spanish colonies in the West Indies for the English.
  • 一群羚羊
    A herd of buck.
  • 狼把一头雄鹿赶得几乎跑不动了。
    A pack of wolves nearly tired down a buck.
  • 据估计,每年到拉萨大昭寺朝佛敬香的信教众就达上百万人次。
    It is estimated that more than one million religious believers go to Jokhang Temple in Lhasa to pay homage and burn incense to Buddha each year.
  • 西藏处处可见从事佛事活动的信教众,到处悬挂着经幡,堆积着刻有佛教经文的麻尼堆。
    Believers performing Buddhist rituals, and prayer umbrellas and Mani rocks carved with Buddhist sutras can be found all over the Tibet Autonomous Region.
  • 一群野牛,一群驼鹿
    A herd, especially of buffalo or elk.
  • 天空下的巨大建筑群
    The dark bulk of buildings against the sky.
  • 一个放牛的人骑马把那头公牛从牛里赶了出来。
    The cowherd rode the bull out.
  • 斗牛士在众多的人面前被牛触死。
    The bullfighter was gored to death before a large crowd.
  • 每年,藏族众以传统方式欢度藏历新年、雪顿节、酥油灯节、沐浴节、望果节、达玛节等藏族的传统节日。
    Each year, the Tibetan people celebrate the Tibetan New Year, the Sour Milk Drinking Festival, the Butter Lamp Festival, the Bathing Festival, the Ongkor (Bumper Harvest) Festival and the Damar Festival in their time-honored ways.
  • 一群;一束
    A group; a bunch.
  • 约翰是这人中的佼佼者。
    John is the best of the bunch.
  • 一捆树木;一仰慕者。
    a bunch of trees; a cluster of admirers.
  • 他的朋友们只是一流氓。
    His friends are just a bunch of hooligans.
  • 俱乐部的成员是一非常活泼的人。
    the club members are a really live bunch.
  • 我不应该雇用他们--简直是一外行。
    I shouldn't employ them they're just a bunch of amateurs.
  • 旧中国长期处于帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义压迫之下,广大人民众没有人权可言。
    Under long years of oppression by the "three big mountains" -- imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism -- people in old China did not have any human rights to speak of.
  • 政府对于众运动应是扶植的态度,所以不应对众运动采取旁观或漠不关心的官僚主义态度。
    The government should support mass movements, not watch them from the sidelines or ignore them in a bureaucratic manner.
  • 第四,必须加强党的和国家的监察工作,及时发现和纠正各种官僚主义现象,对于违法乱纪和其他严重地损害众利益的分子,及时地给以应得的处分。
    Fourth, we must strengthen supervision by the Party and state, in order to quickly discover and correct all kinds of bureaucratic practices, and mete out due and prompt punishment to people who have contravened the law and rules of discipline or seriously damaged the interests of the masses.
  • 我们必须向这些脱离众的、官僚主义的现象进行经常的斗争。
    We must constantly combat such manifestations of bureaucratism and isolation from the masses.
  • 因此,贯彻众路线,克服官僚主义,也必须是一个长时期的斗争。
    Therefore, carrying out the mass line and overcoming bureaucratism invariably involve a long-term struggle.
  • 究竟是官僚主义、命令主义好,还是依靠众、说服众好?
    Which method is actually better then, practising bureaucratism and authoritarianism or relying on the masses and reasoning with them?
  • 我想政治体制改革的目的是调动众的积极性,提高效率,克服官僚主义。
    In my opinion, its purposes are to bring the initiative of the masses into play, to increase efficiency and to overcome bureaucratism.
  • 在贯彻执行众路线、反对官僚主义的斗争中,密切同党外人士的合作,广泛地吸收党外人士参加这一斗争,具有重大的意义。
    In carrying out the mass line and combating bureaucratism, it is of vital importance to work in close co-operation with non-Party people, getting as many of them as possible to participate.
  • 针对着这种情况,党必须经常注意进行反对主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义的斗争,经常警戒脱离实际和脱离众的危险。
    In view of this situation, the Party must constantly be on the alert to combat subjectivism, bureaucratism and sectarianism and must keep up our guard against the danger of becoming divorced from reality and the masses.
  • 过多过长的会议,不但使党的专职工作人员缺少深入众和进行具体领导的时间,助长官僚主义和文牍主义,而且妨碍许多党员和众的劳动和休息。
    This not only takes up time that full-time Party workers ought to be spending in getting into close contact with the masses and exercising practical leadership, thus encouraging bureaucratism and red tape, but also affects the work and leisure time of many Party members and non-Party people.
  • 也就是说,关键在于党是不是善于学习,学习得好就可以避免犯大错误,就可以少花一点钱办很多的事;关键在于党能否依靠众,不断地克服自己队伍中的主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,特别是教条主义。
    In other words, successful development depends on whether the Party is good at learning (if it is, it will avoid major mistakes and get more done on less money), and whether the Party relies on the masses and constantly works to root out subjectivism, bureaucratism, sectarianism and, in particular, dogmatism from its ranks.
  • 革命当中的主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,会使我们脱离实际和脱离众,在建设中如果犯主观主义、官僚主义和宗派主义,也会使我们脱离实际和脱离众,会使我们不能达到勤俭建国的目的,会使我们不能调动一切积极因素来搞好建设。
    During the revolutionary years, subjectivism, bureaucratism and sectarianism estranged us from reality and the masses, and in the course of economic development they can do the same, making it impossible for us to build up the country through thrift and hard work, and to bring into play all positive factors in our effort to make development a success.
  • 家家户户门口上,窗户上,天窗上,屋顶上,密密麻麻聚集着成千上万张市民的面孔,和颜悦色,安详朴实,凝望着司法宫,凝望着嘈杂的人,也就心满意足了,因为时至今日,巴黎还有许多人乐于观看那班爱看热闹的人,再说,在一堵人墙后面正发生着什么事,这对我们来说已非常有趣的了。
    Every door and window and roof swarmed with good, placid, honest burgher faces gazing at the Palais and at the crowd, and asking no better amusement. For there are many people in Paris quite content to be the spectators of spectators; and to us a wall, behind which something is going on, is a sufficiently exciting spectacle.
  • 亚洲东南的一个半岛,由部分马来岛和泰国以及缅甸占据。
    a peninsula in southeastern Asia occupied by parts of Malaysia and Thailand and Burma.
  • 中爆发出一片欢呼声。
    The crowd burst into cheers.