  • 我埋头研究zz。
    I buried myself in my studies.
  • 重点开展国家信息安全产业基地建设;信息安全关键技术(全息图形识别技术、网上ca认证)及防范体系研;电子信息加密技术及动态口令密码系统实现等。
    This project covers as follows: key construction of National Information Safety Industry Base, and the study of key technology of information safety (hologram identification technology, network CA identification) and counter measures system, and the encryption technique of electronic information and the realization of dynamic password latched system etc.
  • 人员最近对在巴黎和伦敦咖啡馆中的情侣们摄了像,并计算了他们在一个小时中相互触摸的次数。
    Researchers recently videotaped couples in Paris and London cafes and counted the number of times touched each other in one hour.
  • 因为书法不外是对于抽象的韵律、线条和结构的一种研
    For calligraphy is nothing but a study of rhythm and line and composition in the abstract.
  • 然而,我们如果想彻底了解石头在房屋中和花园中的一切用途,必须回头去研中国的书法。
    For the fullest appreciation of all uses of stone in the house and gardens, however, one has to go back to Chinese calligraphy.
  • 将原先分置的保管、陈列和研三个部门进行改组,成立了古器物部、古书画部、宫廷部和展览宣教部。新组建了资料信息中心,专司推进故宫博物院的信息化工作。
    Where previously there were three departments covering conservation, exhibition and research, these have now been split up into the department of antiquities; the department of paintings and calligraphy; the palace department;
  • 一些研表明当人们在饮食中加入坚果时,摄入的总热量并未增加,而且食欲很可能会因此下降。
    Some research shows that when people include nuts in their diet, total calorie intake does not increase, and appetite may actually decrease.
  • 9.警惕摄入的热量而不是脂肪量佛蒙特大学最近进行的一项体重控制研把一群受试者分成“低脂肪组”和“低热量组”。
    9.Count Calories, Not Fat Grams A recent University of Vermont weight? control study divided a group into " fat counters"versus " calorie counters.
  • 然而,研美国宗教的学者说:在今天的美国,人们已经不再象加尔文教派通常所强调的那样对个人的罪恶表示十分忧虑了。
    Yet students of religion in America contend that in America there is not the degree of concern today with individual sin that is usually with Calvinism.
  • 牛津、剑桥大学的教师牛津大学或剑桥大学的学监,指导教师或研
    A head, tutor, or fellow at a college of Oxford or Cambridge.
  • 约瑟夫是一位大学教授,也许还是世界上前卫的研神学和民间传说中象征意义的专家。
    Joseph Campbell was a college professor and perhaps the world's foremost expert on symbolism in mythology and folklore.
  • 现代露营装备变得一年比一年更讲
    That the equipment of modern camping becomes yearly more sophisticated.
  • 纽约城市大学医学院药理学家约翰·摩根曾与人合著了一本颇有争议性的宣传大麻合法化的新书——《关于大麻的神话和事实》,他说:“我不知道为什么对大麻的认知反应会有性别差异。”摩根相信男性在这样的研中表现差的原因是他们在某些细微的方面“异常”,但是没有被研人员注意到。
    "I know of no reason why there should be a gender difference In Cognitive response to cannabis," says John Morgan, a phannacologist at the City University of New York Medical School and coauthor of a controversial new book advocating decriminalization Marijuana Myths Marijuana Facts Morgan believes the reason the males underperform in such studies is that they are "deviant" in subtle ways that escape the researchers' notice.
  • 宗教法规学者对教规有专门研的人
    A person specializing in canon law.
  • 累托兹太太,你这个老泼妇,你为你的钱叫苦连天,这竟是什么意思!
    Mrs Letouzel, you cantankerous old bag, what do you mean, by complaining about your money!
  • 至于一九五九至八零年间建成的楼宇,该署则已委聘顾问,就13083幢楼宇的钢筋腐蚀和物料衰坏情况进行研,特别着眼于楼宇的悬臂式构筑物。
    For buildings in the 1959-80 age group, the department commissioned a consultancy study on the steel corrosion and material deterioration of 13083 buildings, with particular emphasis on their cantilevered structures.
  • 马萨诸塞州坎顿市的器官培育研所和加利福尼亚州拉·约拉的高级组织研所的研工作都需用新生儿施割礼后的包皮。
    Organogenesis in Canton, Mass, and Advanced Tissue Sciences in La Jolla, Calif. both depend on foreskin from circumcised newborns.
  • 作为一个科学家,他具有从事重要科学研的能力
    As a scientist, he has the capability of doing important research
  • 作为一个科学家,他具有从事重要科学研的能力。
    As a scientist, he have the capability of do important research.
  • 马尔皮基,马尔切罗1628-1694意大利解剖学家,是第一个将显微镜用于解剖学研的人,发现了毛细血管循环系统
    Italian anatomist who was the first to use a microscope in the study of anatomy and discovered the capillary system.
  • 法国的商界竟应从何处着手,优先抓紧这些良机?
    And where can the French business community best capitalise on such opportunities?
  • 德国的商界竟应从何处着手,优先抓紧这些良机?
    And where can the German business community best capitalise on such opportunities?
  • 我们会仔细研这份报告的所有建议,并考虑如何根据这些建议,为工商界创造有利的环境。我希望工商各界能充分利用这方面的新机会。
    We will study all these recommendations carefully, and will consider how to take them forward so as to create a favourable environment for business, in which we hope the private sector will capitalise on the opportunities which we seek to create.
  • 年内,警监会批签了3006宗投诉个案的调查结果,并把投诉警察课调查程序的覆检和海外投诉警察机制的比较研所提出的建议,付诸实施,其中包括覆检严重个案的监察程序、扩大循简易程序解决投诉的制度,以及提高审议投诉调查报告的效率。
    During the year, the IPCC endorsed the findings of 3 006 complaint investigations. It implemented the recommendations arising from the review of CAPO procedures and the comparative study of overseas police complaints systems. These include, among other things, review of the monitoring procedures for serious cases, expansion of the Informal Resolution system and improving the efficiency of scrutiny of complaint investigation reports.
  • 考虑到民众对这一问题的普遍关注,瑞典辐射保护研所表示,他们还将继续这一课题的研,跟踪调查手机使用中可能产生的所有致癌物质。
    The agency acknowledged public concern about the issue and said many studies were still being performed and continued follow-up was needed on any possible carcinogenic effect linked to mobile phone usage.
  • 第二个研报告是由"美国疾病控制与预防中心"主持作出的。报告指出,通过医生们所谓"协助生育技术"的方法而受孕出生的婴儿出生时低体重或严重低体重的危险是正常情况的2.6倍。这是引起心脏病和认知能力问题的危险因素。
    The second study,conducted by the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC),reported that babies conceived through what doctors call assisted reproductive technologies(ART)have 2.6 times the risk of low or very low birth weight --a significant risk factor for cardiac and cognitive problems.
  • [14]研还表明,死于中风、动脉瘤、高血压和其他心血管疾病的危险也有所增加。
    [14] Studies also show an increased risk of death from stroke, aneurysms, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular illnesses.
  • 职业和环境医学杂志刊登了纳迪亚·韦杰博士的研报告,他在报告中说:"一位不受欢迎的上司就是职场上的潜在压力来源。从临床医学表现上看,就有可能对员工的心血管功能造成很大的影响。"
    "An unfavorably perceived supervisor is a potent workplace stressor, which might have a clinically significant impact on supervisees' cardiovascular functioning," Dr Nadia Wager said in a report in the journal Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
  • 他十分讲究外表。
    He is extremely careful about his appearance.
  • 他们很小心的穿过繁忙的街道;仔细保持她鞋子的干净;仔细的进行研;细心的艺术品修复者;仔细他人的权利;小心自己的行为。
    they were careful when crossing the busy street; be careful to keep her shoes clean; did very careful research; careful art restorers; careful of the rights of others; careful about one's behavior.
  • 教学法大有讲究。
    Teaching methods need careful study.
  • 他不讲究外表。
    He is careless about his appearance.