Chinese English Sentence:
  • 后用户会访问某个web服务——无线服务或者接受通过oracle9iaswireless适配器(作为绑定变量)传递给它的用户标识,或者要求用户再次使用用户名和密码进行重新认证。
    ? The user then accesses a web service - the wireless service either accepts the user’s identity passed to it through the Oracle9iAS Wireless adapter as a bind variable or can ask the user to reauthenticate them again using a username and password.
  • 看上去很吃惊,后开始大笑不止
    Looked surprised, then proceeded to roar with laughter.
  • 地震爆炸时,那桥梁轰一声被炸毁了。
    The bridge went up with a roar when the mine exploded.
  • 地雷爆炸时,那座桥轰一声被炸毁了。
    The bridge went up with a roar when the mine was exploded.
  • 常被填满,后烧烤。
    usually stuffed and roasted.
  • 经过八次进一步改进鸭子的烤法,其味道更加鲜美。当,全聚烤鸭店很快就出了名。
    After further improvement of the way of roasting ducks, his ducks became all the more tasteful and of course, his restaurant soon earned its fame.
  • 他们用药麻醉看守人,后抢劫银行。
    They drug the watchman and rob the bank.
  • 约翰尼把拳头缩回,后向那强盗猛打一下。
    Johnny drew back his fist and let the robber have it.
  • 那是施米特的一贯手法。他的律师执照已被吊销,因为他执业方法多半是用张三的钱还李四,后再吞没李四的钱。
    It was a common tack for Mr.Schmidt, not disbarred for dipping into clients' funds, whose practice consisted largely of robbing Peter to pay Paul, and then robbing Paul as well.
  • 当他被指控抢窃了梅特斯通的一家商店时,他断否认,并且声明他从未去过那个城市。
    When accused of robbing a shop in Maidstone he made a flat denial and said he'd never even been to the town.
  • 有些地主虽已破产了,但破产之后仍不劳动,依靠欺骗、掠夺或亲友接济等方法为生,而其生活状况超过普通中农者,仍算是地主。
    A bankrupt landlord shall still be classified as a landlord if he does not engage in labour but lives by swindling or robbing others or by receiving assistance from relatives or friends, and is better off than the average middle peasant.
  • 我身着白色队服,严女王一般。我坐在小提琴组的第三排。
    I sat in the third row of violins and wore my white orchestra jacket like a royal robe.
  • 罗 宾:我们当设计!我们有个特别专门为贵公司个别设计最好的广告。
    Robin: We certainly do! We have a special department devoted to designing the best ad for your particular company.
  • 当我走进厨房时,那只猫突从窗口跳了出去。
    As I walked into the kitchen the cat jumped out of the window before you could say Jack Robinson.
  • 鲁滨逊太太喜欢把他的房子收拾得井有序列,孩子们进房时也都有要让他们把鞋子脱掉。
    Mrs.Robinson likes to keep her house just so, and she makes the children take off their shoes when they come in the house.
  • 罗宾森有好小子之称呼,但他是一个强有力的竞争者,在肘部飞舞、身体激烈碰撞中发挥着他的作用,他的位置——中锋——在比赛中是最难打的位置。
    For all his nice-guy image, though, Robinson is a fierce competitor amid the flying elbows and colliding bodies that make his position-center-the toughest in the game.
  • ,美国运通在罗宾逊离开以后将成为较小的公司。可能出售它的希尔森·里曼兄弟公司,放弃成为“财务超级市场”的梦想。公司的作风也可能改变-从一个贵族和官僚作风的帝国变成一个较为实事求是的公司。
    Clearly, AmEx will be a smaller company in the post-Robinson era. It is likely to sell its Shearson Lehman Brothers division, giving up dreams of becoming a "financial supermarket." Company culture, too, may change, from an aristocratic and bureaucratic empire to a company that is more down to earth.
  • "机警先生"仍大受欢迎,是与青少年沟通的常用渠道,并定期到学校、青年组织和扑灭罪行展览协助宣传。
    The 'Robot cop' continues to provide a popular channel of communication to juveniles. It is deployed regularly to schools, youth organisations and fight crime exhibitions.
  • 因为受过传统训练的演员如今不但要承担《天鹅湖》和《吉赛尔》之类的古典剧目,而且要用迥不同的现代风格来设计舞蹈动作。
    And adaptable it needs to be, because the dancers so trained must nowadays take on not only classics such as Swan Lake and Giselle but also much chorography in very different, modern idioms.
  • 而,随着广域网技术对其服务质量以改进,它们将提供各种应用程序所需的健壮性,包括网络i/o甚至是在公众广域网上的网络i/o。
    However, as WAN technologies improve their quality of service, they will provide the robustness needed for each application, including networked I/O, even over public WANs.
  • ,亚洲金融危机在造成我国外经贸发展困难的同时,也锻炼了外经贸企业的应变能力,增强了实现两个根本性转变、增强风险防范的紧迫感。
    Of course, while posing difficulties for the development of China's foreign trade and economic affairs, the Asian financial Crisis has hardened the adaptability of our foreign trade enterprises and heightened the urgency of strengthening the two fundamental transformations and risk prevention.
  • 香港虽面对亚洲金融风暴的严重冲击,但仍能发挥灵活应变的精神,这是香港经济能够扭转逆势的主因。
    The distinct turnaround in performance owed much to the inherent flexibility and adaptability of the local economy in the wake of the profound shocks to the region.
  • 罗杰斯消失了整整一年,突又出现在玻利维亚各地。
    Rogers disappeared for a whole year, then popped up in Bolivia, of an place.
  • 成为伟人固伟大,但成为真正的人更加伟大.
    It's great to be great , but it's greater to be human. ---W. Rogers
  • 我们有了这坏蛋的书面口供,我们就算完全把他制服了。
    Now that we have a written confession from that rogue, we have our feet on his neck.
  • 玉米、小米和高粱较易适应不同的自条件。
    Maise, millet and kaoliang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.
  • 研究表明,遗传学显同这种病有关。
    Genetics clearly play a role.
  • 经过几次初试镜头,她获得了“there'soneborneveryminute”一片中成为出任角色的机会,当那是个小角色,但这对她来说,是获得正式演员所承担更好角色的机遇。
    After castings she received the opportunity to perform in "There's one born every minute" certainly it was a small role, but it gave her the chance to get better roles like the one who rose her to stardom "National velvet".
  • 蒸气压路机先把路基的砾石整平,后才倒下混凝土。
    THe steam roller leveled off the gravel road and then the concrete was poured.
  • 亚当斯先生向斯宾塞先生热情地讲解着它的功能。而,对方似乎对此没有多大兴趣。
    Mr. Adams enthusiastically explained its workings to Mr. Spencer, who, however, didn’t seem to take a great interest in it.
  • 突然的摇晃或坠落
    An abrupt rolling or pitching.
  • 汤姆望着亚当斯太太,泰自若,就好像谚语所说的看着国王的猫。
    Tom was looking at Mrs Adams, as unabashed as the proverbial cat looking at a king.