  • 演變所極,湖南則有平江慘案,河南則有確山慘案,河北則有張蔭梧進攻八路軍,山東則有秦啓榮消遊擊隊,鄂東有程汝懷慘殺共産黨員五六百之衆,隴東有中央軍大舉進攻八路駐防軍之舉,而最近山西境內復演出舊軍攻擊新軍並連帶侵犯八路軍陣地之慘劇。
    Matters have gone far enough, with the Pingkiang Massacre in Hunan, the Chuehshan Massacre in Honan, the attack on the Eighth Route Army by Chang Yin-wu in Hopei, the attack on the guerrillas by Chin Chi-jung in Shantung, the ruthless slaughter of between five and six hundred Communists by Cheng Ju-huai in eastern Hupeh, the large-scale assaults on the garrison forces of the Eighth Route Army by the Central Army in eastern Kansu and, more recently, the tragedy in Shansi where the old army attacked the new army and invaded positions held by the Eighth Route Army.
  • 乳齒象美洲乳齒象屬(有時為乳齒象)的幾種已絶的高大、長鼻的哺乳動物,與大象外形相似,但臼齒結構不同
    Any of several very large, extinct proboscidian mammals of the genus Mammut(sometimes Mastodon), resembling the elephant but having molar teeth of a different structure.
  • 火柴作茲茲聲而熄
    The match sputtered out.
  • 後來當大自然的舞臺技師把燈光漸漸弄暗時,那紫色軍把那橙黃色軍剋服了,吞沒了,變成更深的紅紫色和灰色,在最後五分鐘裏表現着一片不可言狀的悲劇和黑暗的災難的奇觀,然後所有的光綫纔消了去。
    Then as Nature's stage technicians gradually dimmed the lights, the purple overcame and swallowed up the orange, and changed into deeper and deeper mauve and gray, presenting for the last five minutes a spectacle of unspeakable tragedy and black disaster before the lights went out.
  • 但要記住:大緑海龜是一種瀕臨絶的受保護動物,所以,不要碰撞、抓鬥或試圖騎趕這種珍貴的動物——以上行為如被發現,將處100萬美元的罰款,這是很不值得的,所以看看它們的樣子就罷了。
    Remember, the Green Sea Turtle is a protected, endangered species. So don't touch, grab on to, or try to ride these valuable creatures -- the penalties for such action, if reported, is mega bucks and it ain't worth it. Just enjoy their presence.
  • 由於科技産業的泡沫逐漸走嚮破,他所持的微軟股份也難逃貶值的厄運,從2000年到現在,他的總資産共損失了200億。
    He now has lost $20 billion since the tech meltdown began in 2000, due largely to the drop in value of his Microsoft shares.
  • 據民間傳說(姑且不說當代史吧),愛德華·格雷創造了一個註意的短語。1941年戰爭爆發的那天早晨,這位外交大臣從他的辦公室窗口嚮外眺望,看見倫敦的煤氣燈光正在紛紛熄,不禁帶着一絲兒他那因年事越高而顯得越嚴重的憂傷情緒說道:整個歐洲的燈光快要熄了,而且在他有生之年再也不會亮了。
    Folk-memory, let alone contemporary history, has attributed to Edward Grey one memorable phrase. On the morning war broke out in 1941, the Foreign Secretary looked out of his office window and noticed the gas-lights of London being extinguished. He observed, with a touch of that melancholy which marked him increasingly as he approached old age, that the lights were going out all over Europe and would not be lit again in his lifetime.
  • 戰爭總是鐵面無情的,或是亡,或是在經濟方面趕上並超過先進國傢。
    The war is merciless. It either causes a country to be extinct to catch up with and surpass the advanced country in economy.
  • 例如,這一新觀點表明美索不達米亞高原上的阿卡滇帝國可能是最早被嚴重的於旱亡的復雜的社會形態之一。阿卡滇帝國建立於公元前2300年左右。
    This new outlook suggests, for instance, that the Akkadian Empire in Mesopotamia may have been one of the earliest complex societies felled by severe drought.
  • 蛇頸竜屬常見於歐洲和北美洲中生代,有槳狀肢已絶的一種大型海洋爬行動物
    A large extinct marine reptile having paddlelike limbs that was common in Europe and North America during the Mesozoic Era.
  • 董事長剛開始發言,燈就了,打斷了他的發言。
    The chairman had just launched into this speech when the lights went out and stopped him in midstream.
  • 因此,踏進二十一世紀,我們可以看到的,並非亞洲奇跡的破,而是亞洲經濟的復蘇。
    Hence, we are not seeing the end of the Asian miracle but the beginning of the Asian recovery in the new millennium.
  • 貪婪帶來不幸,貪婪導致毀
    Covetousness is the mother of ruin and mischief.
  • 你們的利己觀念使你們把自己的生産關係和所有製關係從歷史的、在生産過程中是暫時的關係變成永恆的自然規律和理性規律,這種利己觀念是你們和一切亡了的統治階級所共有的。
    The selfish misconception that induces you to transform into eternal laws of nature and of reason, the social forms springing from your present mode of production and form of property-historical relations that rise and disappear in the progress of production -- this misconception you share with every ruling class that has preceded you.
  •  消防隊接到火警後,必須立即趕赴火場,救助遇險人員,排除險情,撲火災。
    Fire brigades, upon receiving fire reporting, must rush to fire site immediately to rescue people under mishap, eliminate dangerous case and extinguish fire.
  • 我們對地球資源不當的處理已大大地加速了許多種植物和動物的絶。與此同時,也可能毀壞了我們自己長遠生存的前景。
    Through our mismanagement of the planet's resources we have catapulted hundreds of species of plants and animals into extinction, at the same time possibly wrecking our own long-term prospects for survival.
  • 一種殺蟎蟲的化學藥劑。
    a chemical agent used to kill mites.
  • 這個攻擊的形勢,簡直是急風暴雨,順之者存,違之者
    In force and momentum the attack is tempestuous;those who bow before it survive and those who resist perish.
  • 戰爭開始三個月後,毛主席就說,全國戰場衹要每個月消國民黨八個旅,這個仗就肯定能打勝。
    Three months after the war started, Chairman Mao had said that if we could wipe out a total of eight Kuomintang brigades a month on all the fronts across the country, we were sure to win.
  • 帶領以色列人到上帝允許給亞伯拉罕的地方的摩西的繼承人;最以毀罪惡之城寨瑞寇而被銘記。
    Moses' successor who led the Israelites into the Promised Land; best remembered for his destruction of Jericho.
  • 又一隻蚊子滅絶了。
    At any rate one mosquito less.
  • 為了消蚊子,所有的門窗都被封閉起來了。
    All door and window is sealed for the extermination of mosquito.
  • 漆黑的夜;過人的記憶力;強有力的努力拯救了這座瀕於亡的城市;小莫紮特驚人的天賦。
    a night of exceeding darkness; an exceptional memory; olympian efforts to save the city from bankruptcy; the young Mozart's prodigious talents.
  • 和希特勒、墨索裏尼在西方加緊準備的強盜戰爭相呼應,日本在東方正在用盡一切氣力在確定的步驟上準備一舉亡中國的條件——國內軍事的、政治的、經濟的、思想的條件,國際外交條件,中國親日勢力的扶植。
    In concert with the intensified preparations of Hitler and Mussolini for predatory war in the West, Japan is exerting every ounce of energy in the East in order to prepare the ground, according to a definite plan, for the subjugation of China at a single stroke -- she is creating the military, political, economic and ideological conditions at home and the diplomatic conditions internationally, and fostering the pro-Japanese forces in China.
  •  (六)調動供水、供電、醫療救護、交通運輸等有關單位協助火救助。
    (VI) Muster relevant units of water and power supply, medical and rescue and transportation to assist the fire fighting and rescue work.
  • 然而,正如在遙遠的天邊陷入險境的人們在黑匣子裏留下的信息一樣,他們的遺言描述了一個即將毀的世界。
    Yet like messages in an electronic bottle from people marooned in some distant sky, their last words narrate a world that was coming undone.
  • 在這次襲擊中海軍被徹底消
    The naval force was annihilated during the attack.
  • 斯大林格勒戰役後,納粹德國迅速走嚮亡。
    After the battle of Stalingrad, Nazi Germany drew on rapidly towards destruction.
  • 壞疽一個活的生物體的某一部位的壞死或毀;壞疽或枯斑
    Death or decay of one part of a living body; gangrene or necrosis.
  • 鄰街發生火警,但很快就被撲了。
    Fire broke out in a neighboring street but was soon put out.
  • 小麥綫蟲一種小的綫蟲(小麥粒癭綫蟲鰻屬)寄生於小麥並對小麥有毀性作用
    A small nematode worm(Anguina tritici) that is parasitic on and destructive to wheat.
  • 將某事物阻止或消於萌芽中
    Nip sth in the budbstop or destroy sth at an early stage in its development