  • 在这个任务上,一切处于敌后的游击根据地的领导者们,或临时被出的游击兵团的领导者们,必须好好地配置自己的力量,各依当时当地的情况,采用不同的方法,向着敌人最感危害之点和薄弱之点积极地行动起来,达到削弱敌人、钳制敌人、妨碍敌人运输和精神上振奋内线上各个战役作战军之目的,尽其战役配合的责任。
    In performing a task of this sort, the leaders of each guerrilla base behind the enemy lines, or the commanders of a guerrilla formation temporarily dispatched there, must dispose their forces well and, by adopting different tactics suited to the time and place, move energetically against the enemy's most vital and vulnerable spots in order to cripple him, pin him down, disrupt his supply lines, inspire our armies campaigning on the interior lines, and so fulfil their duty of co-ordinating with the campaign.
  • 流行组济学就从来不认为对这种商业恐慌的因果关系加以明白解释是一个可取的办法。
    The prevailing economical school has never deemed it expedient to elucidate the causes and effects of such commercial crises.
  • 性灵之批评家爱作者的缺点。
    A writer's weaknesses are what endear him to a hsingling critic.
  • 每个美国人都是归化的美国人。最初的“熔化锅”,已经具体化为无数个种族别:克罗地亚裔美国人、爱尔兰裔美国人、日裔美国人、墨西哥裔美国人等等。
    Every American is a hyphenated-American- The original 'melting pot' has crystallised out into a zillion ethnic splinters: Croatian-Americans, Irish- Americans, Japanese-Americans, Mexican-Ameri- cans, and so on.
  • 加利福尼亚的跨党投票;一记交叉重击
    The crossover vote in California; a big crossover hit.
  • 在那个时期,我有一个大“绿帽子”的趣事一时引为笑谈。
    Green Hats " was my crowning achievement" in that phase.
  • 表现基础上的一场艺术运动;发展于二十世纪八十年代的欧洲和美国;绘画粗杂、装饰过重。
    an art movement based on expressionism; developed in 1980s in Europe and US; crudely drawn garish paintings.
  • 武装叛乱分子窜扰昌都、丁青、黑河、山南等地区,杀戮干部,破坏交通,袭击中央驻当地的机关、部队,并到处抢掠财物,残害人民,奸淫妇女。
    The armed rebels harassed Qamdo, Dengqen, Heihe and Shannan. They killed cadres, disrupted communication lines, and attacked institutions and army troops stationed there by the central authorities. They looted, cruelly persecuted people and raped women.
  • 部队一艘巡洋舰至该岛以恢复秩序。
    The army dispatched a cruiser to the island to restore order.
  • 暗杀基督教十字军成员的穆斯林狂热威胁和暗杀基督教十字军成员或其他人的穆斯林狂热的秘密团体成员
    A member of a secret order of Moslem fanatics who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders and others.
  • 关于立体的,或有立体特征的。
    relating to or characteristic of cubism.
  • 遵循立体原则的画家。
    an artist who adheres to the principles of cubism.
  • 他的绘画风格是对立体的一种反对。
    his style of painting was a reaction against cubism.
  • 立体画的内在逻辑性;理论的内部矛盾;物质的内部结构。
    the inner logic of Cubism; the internal contradictions of the theory; the intimate structure of matter.
  • 布拉克,乔治斯1882-1963法国画家,是立体的主要倡导者和理论家
    French painter who was a leading exponent and theorist of the cubist movement.
  • 奥姆真理教的教主麻原彰晃,人民圣殿教教主琼斯,大卫教教主考雷什,以及太阳圣殿教教主吕克·儒雷都以不同的形式宣扬“世界末日论”。
    Shoko Asahara, founder of the Aum Doomsday Cult, Jones, founder of the People's Temple, Koresh, founder of the Branch of Davidians, and Luc Jouret, founder of the Solar Temple, all advocated the Doomsday theory in different ways.
  • (二)大地主大资产阶级的反共顽固,在政治上具有抗日的不彻底性和两面性,在文化上鼓吹买办性的封建主义旧文化。
    2) Politically, the anti-Communist diehards among the big landlords and big bourgeoisie are not resolute and possess a dual character in the fight against Japan. Culturally, they advocate the old comprador feudal culture.
  • 无党议员组成的新团体
    a new group of members of parliament that cuts across party lines
  • 第欧根尼希腊哲学家,哲学犬儒学奠基人,强调自我控制和推崇善行。说他曾提着灯在雅典大街漫步寻找诚实的人
    Greek philosopher who founded the Cynic school of philosophy, stressing self-control and the pursuit of virtue. He is said to have once wandered through the streets of Athens with a lantern, searching for an honest man.
  • 为了对这个幽灵进行神圣的围剿,旧欧洲的一切势力,教皇和沙皇、梅特涅和基佐、法国的激进和德国的警察,都联合起来了。
    All the Powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies.
  • 由于关系比较久,所以我们是参谋长李达亲自到马头镇他的司令部去做工作的。
    As we had maintained ties with him for a long time, we sent our chief of staff Li Da in person to Gao's headquarters in Matou, to persuade him to revolt.
  • 反传统艺术,新达达主义,新达达特指反对传统艺术形式及理论的达达艺术
    Art, specifically Dada, that rejects traditional art forms and theories.
  • 阿尔普,简1887-1966法国画家和达达创始人之一。尤其以其抽象浮雕和三维雕刻作品闻名
    French artist and a founder of Dada. He is particularly noted for his abstract reliefs and three-dimensional sculptures.
  • 二十世纪艺术和文学领域的一场运动(从达达发展而来),使用稀奇古怪的意象和不调和的排列来表现无意识的想法和梦境。
    a 20th century movement in art and literature (developing out of Dadaism) that used fantastic images and incongruous juxtapositions in order to represent unconscious thoughts and dreams.
  • 我们还改正了一九五七年一大批被错划为右分子的案件。
    Moreover, we have nullified the wrong designation, dating from 1957, of large numbers of people as bourgeois Rightists.
  • 大卫就是这么样个不正的家伙。
    David is such a left-handed guy.
  • 当他们(马可斯和伊美黛)到访新加坡时,两人个乘一架dc-8型专机抵步,头十足。”
    When they (Marcos and Imelda) visited Singapore.. they came in style in two DC-8s, his and hers."
  • 尽管司法委员会以7票对7票僵持,托马斯被通过任命的前景极佳。到9月30日那个礼拜,民主党温和开始宣布支持……一位政府高级官员说,“我们认为已是囊中之物。”
    Despite the 7-7 deadlock by the Judiciary Committee, Thomas's prospects for confirmation were excellent. The week of Sept.30, moderated Democrats began declaring support … "We thought this was in the bag," says a senior administration official.
  • 两面的伪善的或口是心非的;欺骗性的
    Hypocritical or double-dealing; deceitful.
  • 有意欺骗的实例;两面
    An instance of deliberate deceptiveness; double-dealing.
  • 他的两面行径很快就被识破了。
    His double-dealing was seen through at once.
  • 我要你到北方做个调查,现在你跟那些部门经理没关系了,直接归我领导。
    I'm sending you to the North on a fact-finding trip. Now, you won't have any dealings with the area managers; you report direct to me.