  • 就其光度而分,可分為一等、六等等等。
    Stars are classified by brilliance as of the first, sixth, etc. magnitude.
  • 在晴朗的夜空閃亮。
    Stars are brilliant in the clear night sky.
  • 燦爛的;燦爛的吊燈。
    a brilliant star; brilliant chandeliers.
  • 多亮的星星!
    What a brilliant star!
  • 火星閃亮燃料的星球
    A brilliantly burning sphere.
  • 通過衛傳播或散布。
    broadcast or disseminate via satellite.
  • 這個廣播是通過衛從美國傳來的。
    The broadcast came form America by satellite.
  • 中國現有衛電視廣播接收站約18.9萬座。
    China has about 189,000 satellite TV broadcasting receiving stations.
  • 一英裏遠;放一期的假
    A mile off; a week off.
  • 在百老匯明序列中閃耀
    Starred in a cavalcade of Broadway hits.
  • 安德烈婭·德剋魯茲是一位生性活潑的姑娘,在電視臺主持一個生活方面的節目。但是她在27歲的花季年齡突然患上了急性肝髒衰竭,必須立即進行肝髒移植手術才能活過這個期,繼續維持生命。
    Andrea De Cruz, the bubbly host of a lifestyle show, was stricken with acute liver failure at the age of 27 and needed an urgent transplant to survive the week.
  • 奧剋莉,安妮1860-1926美國女神槍手。她是鮑福勒·比爾的西部野外演出會上的明人物
    American sharpshooter. She was the star attraction of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.
  • 孤挺花幾種主要生長在美洲熱帶的花屬球莖植物,因其絢麗的漏鬥形的多色大花而被作為觀賞植物來種植,其花成傘狀花序
    Any of several chiefly tropical American bulbous plants of the genus Hippeastrum grown as ornamentals for their large, showy, funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers that are grouped in umbels.
  • 在十二個期後,他為減肥作出的艱苦努力有了回報,他那圓滾的腰圍令人滿意地減去了四分之一。
    Twelve weeks later, he won the battle of the bulge with a satisfactory 1/4 reduction in the size of his rotund waistline.
  • 研究人員相信,批量製造、成組運行的微型衛將最終淘汰如今龐大而昂貴的衛
    Researchers are convinced that mass-produced microsatellites, working in groups, will eventually make today’s bulky and more costly devices obsolete.
  • 儘管這是一本超過1,000頁的大書,但我會從今天起一個期讀完它。
    Though this is a bulky book with over 1,000 pages, I shall have read it through by a week from today.
  • 今天4月1日期四的專題新聞報道到此結束。現在我們再把各位帶回到電視演播室。
    And that end our special bulletin for today, Thursday, April1st. We are now returning you to the studio.
  • 據說在上期的鬥牛賽中,一個鬥牛士被牛用角抵死了。
    It was said that bullfighter was gored to death in last week's bullfight.
  • 在它初次碰撞時,産生的能量非常巨大,以至於發生了核反應,恆中的氣體開始持續燃燒。
    This energy produced is so great when it first collides, that a nuclear reaction occurs and the gases within the star start to bum continuously.
  • 當“老鼠”係第一次相撞的時候,它們跌跌撞撞地以每秒190至310英裏的相對低速撞擊——這是表明它們不會長久分開的可靠跡象。
    When they made their initial crash, the Mice were bumbling along at a relatively slow 190 to 310 miles per second -- a sure sign they won't be separate for long.
  • 在撞擊中破裂成碎片。
    the bump threw him off the bicycle.
  • 係緊你的安全帶,這將是一個顛簸的夜晚。(《彗美人》1950)
    Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night.
  • 斯邁思先生於1922年4月12日,期四,出生於肯塔基州巴丁縣的邦廷,當時經濟形勢不穩定。
    Mr. Smythe was born in Bunting, Bradin Couaty, Kentucky, on Thursday, April 12,1922, at a time when economic conditions were unsettled.
  • 對於明們來說,如果能夠在壁爐上擺放上一座小小的金質奬杯,該是多麽的榮耀啊!
    There's nothing like a little golden statuette on the mantelpiece to burnish a fragile ego.
  • 他的房子上期被燒毀了。
    His house burnt down last week.
  • 期有兩棟房子燒毀了。
    Two houses burnt down last week.
  • 我打算偷取3個期的時間來改變一下自己的命運,我將要品嚐伊斯坦布爾的魚、布爾沙的桃子、尼吉德的蘋果、梅爾西恩的桔子、亞達那的烤羊肉串!
    I was going to steal three weeks from fate. I would eat the most splendid fish in Istanbul. In Bursa, peaches; in Nigde, apples; in Mersin, oranges; in Adana, kebabs!
  • 公共汽車司機已决定在下期進行罷工。
    Busmen have decided to go on strike next week.
  • 期天他的假日是在趕做家庭作業中度過的。
    He took a busman's holiday last Sunday to catch up with his homework.
  • 發薪日這一天,全家人都會將自己塞個賊飽,因為我們每個人都清楚未來的幾個期糧食將變得越來越少。
    On payday we would eat until we were ready to bust, knowing that as the week progressed food would become less available.
  • 任何屬於五角花屬的植物,有肉質無葉有齒的仙人掌狀的莖幹和形的惡臭的大花。
    any of various plants of the genus Stapelia having succulent leafless toothed cactus-like stems and large evil-smelling flowers often star-shaped.
  • 上帝以為他這個生物的性情不很柔和,需要比較興奮的景色,所以便帶他到洛磯山頂,到大峽𠔌,到那些有鐘乳石和石筍的山洞,到那時噴時息的溫泉,到那有沙岡和仙人掌的沙漠,到喜馬拉雅山的雪地,到揚子江水峽的懸崖,到黃山上的花崗石峰,到尼格拉瀑布的澎湃的急流,問他說,上帝難道沒有盡力把這個行弄得很美麗,以娛他的眼睛、耳朵和肚子嗎?可是那個人還是在吵着要求一個有珍珠門的天堂。
    Thinking that this creature of His was not mild-tempered and wanted more exciting views, God took him then to the top of the Rocky Mountains, the Grand Canyon, and caves with stalactites and stalagmites, and geysers, and sand dunes, and the fairyfinger-shaped cactus plants on a desert, and the snow on the Himalayas, and the cliffs of the Yangtse Gorges, and the granite peaks of the Yellow Mountains, and the sweeping cataract of Niagara Falls, and asked him if He had not done everything possible to make this planet beautiful to delight his eyes and his ears and his stomach, and the man still clamored for a Heaven with Pearly Gates.