  • 聪明的政客知道如何纵公众舆论。
    A clever politician know how to manipulate public opinion.
  • 试图操纵股票价格
    Tried to manipulate stock prices.
  • 用手操作;操纵
    To operate with the hands; manipulate.
  • 用欺诈性行为来纵……;多指纵价格。
    manipulate in a fraudulent manner; of prices.
  • 没有目的的用手作;经常是无意识的做某事。
    manipulate manually with no purpose or aim; often without being conscious of doing so.
  • 在java里,我们利用运算符纵对象和数据,并用执行控制语句作出选择。
    In Java you manipulate objects and data using operators, and you make choices with execution control statements.
  • 相反,他试图纵别人,使之不辜负他的期望,并且集中精力全力以赴实现别人的期望。
    Instead, he tries to manipulate them into living up to his expectations and channels his energies into living up to their expectations.
  • 数据通过dna链上的成对分子表现,两种天然酶则会起到和电脑硬件类似的读取、复制和作代码的作用。
    Data is represented by pairs of molecules on a strand of DNA and two naturally occurring enzymes act as the hardware to read,copy and manipulate the code.
  • 专家系统具有储存收集的知识并纵这些知识对用户的提问作出反应的能力,在某些情况下,它甚至可以向用户解释作出这种反应的原因。
    An expert system has the capacity to store the collection of knowledge and manipulate it in response to user's inquiries, in some cases, it can explain responses to the user.
  • 对一个对象进行作时,我们真正作的是它的句柄。所以倘若“从一个对象到另一个对象”赋值,实际就是将句柄从一个地方复制到另一个地方。
    Whenever you manipulate an object, what you’re manipulating is the reference, so when you assign “from one object to another” you’re actually copying a reference from one place to another.
  • 纳米技术是指纵单独的原子和分子,彻底使用分子级的构筑原料制造机器或创造材料和结构,通过控制结构来设计性能的能力。
    Nanotechnology refers to the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules,making it possible to build machines using molecular building blocks or create materials and structures from the bottom up,designing properties by controlling structure.
  • 因此,反毒专家要学会以非正常方式寻找纵计算机运行的显示病毒存在的命令发生作用的特殊编码,如将自身复制并插人到已有的文件中去。
    So the human virus hunters learn to look for pieces of code that are unique to the functioning of a virus-telltale commands that manipulate the computer's operations in unusual ways, such as copying themselves into the middle of existing programs.
  • 对数据项的一次完整作。它包括生成、输入、处理、输出以及存储。
    The complete operation performed on data.It includes steps of origination, input, manipulation, output and storage.
  • 显现出有意为之或有被纵的感觉。
    showing effects of planning or manipulation.
  • 电脑进行的绘画和数据作。
    the pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer.
  • 现代主义智力上的自负更多的是纵艺术而不是以艺术的洞察力为基础。
    Its intellectual pretensions are based more on artistic manipulation than vision.
  • 这次香港报章亦有分析反控行动的必要性。
    The Hong Kong newspapers have also made analyses of the need for anti-manipulation actions.
  • 禁绝日货,取缔奸商,反对投机纵。
    Completely prohibit Japanese goods. Suppress profiteering merchants and ban speculation and manipulation of the market.
  • 罗伯特-帕斯特博士说:“今天的选举比较真实,没有人为纵的痕迹。
    Robert Paster said the election was quite genuine, without any signs of manipulation behind the scenes.
  • 因其方法上的过度保守和作上的弱点,frye规则一直受到那些寻求排除新奇科学证据的人士的批评。
    The Frye rule has been criticized for its overly conservative approach and its vulnerability to manipulation by those seeking to exclude novel scientific evidence.
  • 一个三岁小孩的早期控技巧。
    the early manipulative techniques of a three-year-old.
  • 整骨术一种医学体系,其医学原理为:肌肉骨骼系统紊乱影响到其他身体部位,引起的许多失调,但能通过各种手工作技巧兼以传统医学治疗、外科手术治疗、药物治疗和其他治疗程序加以矫正
    A system of medicine based on the theory that disturbances in the musculoskeletal system affect other bodily parts, causing many disorders that can be corrected by various manipulative techniques in conjunction with conventional medical, surgical, pharmacological, and other therapeutic procedures.
  • 电话总机是一天24小时由人纵的。
    The switchboard is manned twenty-four hours a day.
  • 电话总机是一天24小时由人纵的。
    The switchboard is manned twenty - four hours a day.
  • 五角大楼设计的这种空间飞行器的版本,预计在2010年前后首次演示,军方希望到2014年能够拥有可纵的无人驾驶飞行器。
    The first demonstration of the Pen tagon's version of this space plane is expected to occur around the end of the decade,and by 2014 the military hopes to have an operational,un-manned vehicle.
  • 你该听听玛格丽特为接待顾客所的上流社会的口音,真是滑稽得要命。
    You should hear the upper-class accent Margaret puts on for the benefit of customers. It’s enough to make a cat laugh.
  • 操纵市场
    To play the market
  • 马林说:"如果我结了婚,我才不会帮太太持家务呢!那好比'家中养只狗,自己却狂吠'。"
    "If I got married, " said Marlin, "I would not help my wife with the housework. That would be keeping a dog and barking myself."
  • 马林说:“如果我结了婚,我才不会帮太太持家务呢!那好比‘家中养只狗,自己却狂吠’。”
    "If I got married," said Marlin, "I would not help my wife with the housework. That would be keeping a dog and barking myself."
  • 各类人员都要遵守实验动物饲育管理的各项制度,熟悉、掌握作规程。
    Personnel of various kinds shall all abide by the various rules and regulations concerning the administration of the feeding and breeding of experimental animals and shall be acquainted with,and have a good mastery of, the operating rules.
  • 自由体在12平方米的体垫上进行。
    Floor exercises are performed on a mat twelve meters square.
  • 当时袁绍拥军十万,而曹兵少粮荆
    Yuan Shao had an army of 100,000, while Tsao Tsao had only a meagre force and was short of supplies.