  • 发展壮大国有经济,国有经济控制国民经济命脉,对于发社会主义制度的优越性,增强我国的经济实力、国防实力和民族凝聚力,具有关键性作用。
    Expansion of the state sector and its control of the lifeline of the national economy is of crucial importance in displaying the superiority of the socialist system and reinforcing the economic strength, national defense capabilities and national cohesion.
  • 官下令把炮装上牵引车开出去。
    The commander ordered the troops to limber up and move out.
  • 泰格一动他的球棒,整个世界的共同语言就是欢呼。
    Tiger is at the tee. The lingua franca of the world is a cheer.
  • 松节油一种稀薄的、易发的经过提炼的精油,c10h16,通过汽馏法或其他方法从某些针叶树的木头或渗出物中提取,用作颜料、涂料的稀释剂、溶剂及医用作搽剂
    A thin volatile essential oil, C10H16, obtained by steam distillation or other means from the wood or exudate of certain pine trees and used as a paint thinner, solvent, and medicinally as a liniment.
  • 在最后着色时,做些改动,仍可让你所钟爱的口红颜色发到极致。
    Your favorite lipstick can go the distance when you change its finish!
  • 特别值得一提的是,各级法律援助机构组织办理了大量的刑事法律援助案件,对保证法院指定刑事辩护的落实,保障刑事被告的法定诉讼权利,发了积极的作用。
    It is especially worth noting that legal aid agencies at all levels have organized the handling of a great number of legal aids in criminal cases and played a positive role in ensuring the practicability of the court appointments for criminal defense and maintaining the legal litigious right of the criminal defendants.
  • 如果只是扩大电梯等候厅,或是辟设露台,恐怕也发不了什么作用。
    The space would not help much if it were just an expanded lift lobby with balconies built around.
  • 起初会在某一熟悉的地方作战,后来在许多地方也会作战,这对于一个指员又是进步了,发展了。
    It likewise signifies progress and development in a commander who is initially capable of operating only in a locality he knows well, if he becomes capable of operating in many other localities.
  • 中央军委通过总参谋部、总政治部、总后勤部、总装备部对全军实施作战指和建设领导。
    Through the General Staff Headquarters, the General Political Department, the General Logistics Department and the General Armaments Department, the CMC exercises operational command over the whole PLA and leadership for the development of the PLA.
  • 所有士兵都发誓效忠他们的指官。
    All the men took a vow of loyalty to their leader.
  • 一个疯子舞着刀子向我刺来。
    A mad man lunged at me with a knife.
  • 起刀子向我刺来。
    He lunged at me with a knife.
  • 幸亏厨房里有人快步走来:一个健壮的女人,她卷着衣裙,光着胳臂,两颊火红,舞着一个煎锅冲到我们中间——而且运用那个武器和她的舌头颇为见效,很奇妙地平息了这场风暴。等她的主人上场时,她已如大风过后却还在起伏的海洋一般,喘息着。
    Happily, an inhabitant of the kitchen made more dispatch: a lusty dame, with tucked-up gown, bare arms, and fire-flushed cheeks, rushed into the midst of us flourishing a frying-pan: and used that weapon, and her tongue, to such purpose, that the storm subsided magically, and she only remained, heaving like a sea after a high wind, when her master entered on the scene.
  • 霍者大量浪费金钱的人或追求奢侈的人
    One who is given to wasteful luxury or extravagance.
  • 要充分发中国社会政治稳定、宏观经济形势良好的优势,尽可能多地吸引外资,特别是吸引著名跨国公司的投资,提高利用外资的质量。
    We should take full advantage of China's social and political stability and sound macroeconomic conditions to try to absorb as much foreign investment as possible, particularly investment from famous transnational corporations, and improve the way foreign funds are used.
  • 一、1999年,中国人民银行努力发货币政策作用,运用利率、准备金率、再贷款等货币政策工具,适当增加货币供应量,实现了年初预期的金融宏观调控目标。
    I. The envisaged macroeconomic targets for 1999 were achieved as the People's Bank of China strived to strengthen the role of monetary policy by using instruments such as the adjustments of interest rates, reserve requirement and central bank lending to appropriately increase money supply.
  • 那歌唱家被乐队指从舞台上引走。
    The singer was led off the stage by the maestro.
  • 格奥尔格·索尔蒂显然颇受感动,他说:“干得很吃力,希望我永远不再于第二回。”
    and maestro George Solti, visibly moved, said, “It was very difficult. I hope I never do it again.”
  • 魔术师一手,兔子就不见了。
    With a wave of his hand, the magician made the rabbit vanish.
  • 间不仅有一种受正道指的为善的习惯,并且在有些人,即在本性之中,也是有一种向善的心理趋向的,如同在另一方面是有一种天生的恶性一样。
    but mere is, in some men, even in nature, a disposition towards it: as on the other side, there is a natural malignity.
  • 同样,信息战可用于攻击一个火炮旅的指控制基础设施及其与机动部队之间的通讯联系,从而降低或剥夺高炮的作战能力。
    Likewise, IW can be applied to attack the command and control infrastructure of an artillery brigade and its communications links to maneuver units, thereb reducing or negating th ecombat power of artillery.
  • 城乡统一规划,合理布局小城镇和农村居民点,发农村地域性经济、文化中心的作用,引导城镇化集约发展,完善大中小城市和小城镇协调发展的全国城镇体系。
    A plan should be mapped out for small towns, cities and villages reasonably distributed. Regional economic and cultural centers will be exploited to build a nationwide system coordinated development of small towns and cities, medium-sized and large cities.
  • 在发营销功能时,企业需要制订一个营销方案或营销策略,这就是我们所说的营销组合。
    In carrying out the marketing functions, the firm needs to have a marketing program or strategy. This is known as the marketing mix.
  • 水手们从残酷的船长手中夺过了指权,把他放逐到一个荒岛上。
    The sailors took command of the ship from the cruel captain and marooned him on a desert island.
  • “是的,”腾格拉尔向爱德蒙扫了一眼,露出仇恨的目光说,“是的,他很年轻,而年轻人总是自视甚高的,船长刚去世,他就跟谁也不商量一下,竟自作主张地独揽指权,对下面发号施令起来,而且还在厄尔巴岛耽搁了一天半,没有直航返回马赛。”
    "Yes," said Danglars, darting at Edmond a look gleaming with hate. "Yes, he is young, and youth is invariably self-confident. Scarcely was the captain's breath out of his body when he assumed the command without consulting any one, and he caused us to lose a day and a half at the Island of Elba, instead of making for Marseilles direct."
  • 消防队长指云梯消防队。
    The fire marshal directed the hook-and-ladder units.
  • 因此,我们红军的指导者,在既定的客观物质基础即军事、政治、经济、自然诸条件之上,就必须发我们的威力,提挈全军,去打倒那些民族的和阶级的敌人,改变这个不好的世界。
    Therefore, given the objective material foundations, i.e., the military, political, economic and natural conditions, our Red Army commanders must display their prowess and marshal all their forces to crush the national and class enemies and to transform this evil world.
  • 在既定的客观物质的基础之上,抗日战争的指员就要发他们的威力,提挈全军,去打倒那些民族的敌人,改变我们这个被侵略被压迫的社会国家的状态,造成自由平等的新中国,这里就用得着而且必须用我们的主观指导的能力。
    Given the objective material foundations, the commanders in the anti-Japanese war should display their prowess and marshal all their forces to crush the national enemy, transform the present situation in which our country and society are suffering from aggression and oppression, and create a new China of freedom and equality; Here is where our subjective faculties for directing war can and must be exercised.
  • 马歇尔:你从在这里的经历中一定知道,美国在研究方面是非常开放的,各种各样的组织都发着作用。
    DR. ANDREW MARSHALL:How many? Well, you must know from your experience here, that the American defense research process is a very open one, and there are all kinds of organizations that have a role.
  • 铁路噪声污染防治国家环保总局与铁道部联合发布了《关于加强铁路噪声污染防治的通知》,要求控制市区运行的火车鸣笛及火车站、编组站、调车场指作业的高音喇叭。
    Prevention of Railway Noise Pollution State Environmental Protection Administration and Ministry of Railway have jointly issued the Notice on Enhancing Railway Noise Pollution Prevention, requesting the whistling of the trains travelling in urban areas and the loud speakers of the railway stations, marshalling yards, and switchyards should be controlled.
  • 选择的任何产品都应最大程度地发数据集市的潜力,通过提供最大限度上不费力气,扩大直接数据存取的作用。
    Any product selected should maximize a data mart's potential for amplifying the impact of direct data access by providing the greatest degree of effortlessness.
  • 乔治过去曾是个吝啬鬼,可最近却令人吃惊地大肆霍起来。
    George used to be a miser, but lately he has launched out in the most marvellous way.