  • 回傢的路上,我想,為什麽自己不能敞開心扉,為什麽自己不能張開雙臂給別人一個抱呢?
    On the way home, I thought why couldn't I open my mind and open my arms to give others a hug?
  • 小女孩慢慢長大了,這個大男人還是常常抱她並且對她說:“我愛你,小女兒。
    When the little girl was growing up, the great man would hug her and tell her, " I love you, little girl.
  • 比如說40年前,足球運動員在攻進一球後絶不會像當今的運動員這樣抱、親吻。
    Forty years ago, for example, footballers would never hug and kiss one another on the field after a goal as they do today.
  • 而她們所希望得到的回報衹是一個抱,一個微笑,衹是要你也同樣對待你所接觸的人。
    And all they want back is a hug, a smile and for you to do the same to people you come in contact with.
  • 生命中有多少這樣的時刻,我們對一個人朝思暮想,衹想一把把她從夢中拉出來,她入懷!
    There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real!
  • 他不能再微笑、大笑、走路、抱、跳舞或者對這個不再小的小女孩說他愛她。
    He could no longer smile, laugh, walk, hug, dance or tell the little girl who-was-not-little-anymore that he loved her.
  • (女主角nialong):這很有趣,因為每天工作結束後我們都會抱吻別。
    (Nia Long-- the leading actress): Well it's funny because at the end of the day we always give each other a hug or kiss goodbye.
  • ”他還會詳細地告訴你最近他為什麽離婚了,邀請你去他傢吃飯,提出要藉給你錢,分別時還會熱烈地抱你。
    , explain his recent divorce in intimate detail, invite you home for dinner, offer to lend you money, and wrap you in a warm hug on parting.
  • 史密斯太太沒辦法像一般母親那樣抱她女兒了。
    Mrs. Smith won't ever be able to talk with her daughter or hug her or do all those wonderful things that mommies and daughters do together.
  • 當我們第一次抱吻別時,我想親他的面頰,忽然想到那不是他的真臉,那是化妝面具。
    And he gave me hug goodbye the first day and I went to kiss him on the cheek, and I realized like that this is not really his face, it's the prosthetics.
  • 也許我跟剋林頓總統不會抱,但可能握手握得很緊,這也是一樣的意思。
    May be President Bill Clinton and l wiIl not necessarity hug each other,but we can shake each other’s hands very firnlly,which might be no less than a strong indication of true friendship.
  • 印度東部城市加爾哥達市的100多對夫婦正計劃在該市的市長辦公室外舉行一場別開生面的抗議活動。其中一位組織者3月5日說,這次名為"親吻抱"的抗議活動是為了要求政府在該市劃出一個特殊區域,讓追求浪漫的人們可以在那裏自由地親吻抱。
    More than 100 couples plan to hold a "kiss and hug" protest outside the office of Calcutta's city mayor to press demands for a special area for romantics in the eastern Indian city, one of the organizers said on February 5.
  • 在她離去度她的蜜月之前,我也想要抱與親吻我的女兒,但她早就一陣風似地被送到了我付費的大轎車裏,跟着新婚丈夫跑到旅館裏過夜去了。噢,我不要想這件事了。
    I also wanted to hug and kiss my daughter before she left for her honey-moon, but she was swept out to the limousine I paid for and sped off to the hotel for a night off -- well, I didn't want to think about that.
  • 小泉純一郎,這位很愛發衆戴的新任首相决心重建民族自尊;
    Junichiro Koizumi, the new and hugely popular Prime Minister, is determined to restore national pride;
  • 積極護人權運動的人。
    Vigoroussupporters of human rights
  • 數百位通勤者進了火車。
    Hundreds of commuters are squashed into the train.
  • 普利策,約瑟夫1847-1911匈牙利裔美國新聞工作者和報紙發行人,他在聖路易斯和紐約有幾傢報社且設立並頒發了普利策奬金
    Hungarian-born American journalist and newspaper publisher who owned newspapers in St. Louis and New York City and established and endowed the Pulitzer Prizes.
  • 使人群蜂行動或倉促衝動地行動。
    cause a group or mass of people to act on an impulse or hurriedly and impulsively.
  • 我不得不擠過擠的街道。
    I had to hustle through the crowded street.
  • 但是對於有非凡才能的人來說,那就是虛偽。
    but with those who possess great talent it is hypocrisy.
  • 她長大成熟後不再有年輕時代的幻想
    She outgrew her youthful idealism.
  • 有一個假名(通常是筆名)或者通過這個名字來識別的。
    bearing or identified by an assumed (often pen) name.
  • 有或使用非法藥品的
    Possessing or using illegal drugs.
  • 一支有185名隊員的特遣隊亦於六月成立,以打擊盜版光碟零售活動。
    A Special Task Force comprising 185 Customs officers was also established in June to take action against illicit trade including the retail sale of pirated optical discs.
  • 到1998年,全區已有各級各類學校4365所,適齡兒童入學率達到81.3%,文盲率減少了47個百分點。
    But by 1998, there were 4,365 schools of all levels in the Tibet Autonomous Region. About 81.3 percent of school-age children now attend school, and the illiteracy rate has been reduced by 47 percentage points
  • 她學會模仿鳥叫,因為她記得這是她的祖國惟一有的音樂。
    She learned to imitate birdsong, for that was the only music known in her country;
  • 五天工作製自從在全國正式實行以來就立即受到了人們的普遍歡迎和護。
    A five-day week has found an immediate welcome and much popularity since it was officially adopted across the country.
  • 他們自古以來就有該島。
    They have been in possession of the island for time immemorial.
  • 他曾是一個移民孩子,由貧至富,成為公司的董事長,並在全國各地有幾十傢商店。
    He was an immigrant boy who went from rags to riches and became chairman of his own company, owning dozens of shops throughout the country.
  • 他擁有許多不動産。
    He possesses a lot of immovable real property.
  • 一個不合理地有可免於被批評的人。
    a person unreasonably held to be immune to criticism.
  • 愛國者的標準是,尊重自己民族,誠心誠意護祖國恢復行使對香港的主權,不損害香港的繁榮和穩定。
    A patriot is one who respects the Chinese nation, sincerely supports the motherland's resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong and wishes not to impair Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.