  • 他說,打開他的大衣,這件大衣是被他裹成一團抱在裏的。
    he said, opening his greatcoat, which he held bundled up in his arms.
  • 特先生毫無忌憚地貪求名利。
    Mr. White has uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth.
  • 特先生毫無忌憚地貪求名利。
    Mr. White have uncontrollable greed for fame and wealth.
  • 疑我們被蔬菜商騙了,所以回傢以後又把蔬菜復了一下稱。
    I suspected we were being had on by the greengrocer, so we weighed the vegetables when we got back.
  • 疑我的朋友們在作弄我。
    I suspect that my friends are greening me.
  • 在公正的審判中,你曾被判定有罪,並且你已經服刑,現在沒有必要心不滿了。
    You were found guilty in a fair trial and you've served your sentence; there's no point in nursing a grievance.
  • 我們著堅強的决心爬上山頂。
    We climbed to the top of the mountain with grim determination.
  • 我現在仍能感受到自己站在舞臺上,滿臉緋紅,透過舞臺腳燈看父親使勁鼓掌和開大笑時的心情。
    I can still feel myself standing on that case stage, blushing furiausly and gazing over t he footlights to see my father's grin as he applauded loudly.
  • 弱點:近來的有關傳聞疑艾斯納是否願意培植他的接班人。
    Weak spot:Recent spate of defections and well-known feuds leave doubts as to whether Eisner is willing to groom a successor.
  • 弱點:近來的有關傳聞疑依斯勒是否願意培植他的接班人。
    Weak spot: Recent spate of defections and well-known feuds leave doubts as to whether Eisner is willing to groom a successor.
  • 對於國內的形勢和四個現代化的前途抱疑態度,是完全錯誤、沒有根據的。
    It is groundless and utterly wrong to be sceptical about the domestic situation and the future of the four modernizations.
  • 我總覺得她對我恨在心。
    I always feel she has a grudge against me.
  • 恨某人,同某人過不去
    Bear a grudge against sb.
  • 恨某人,同某人過不去
    Have a grudge against sb.
  • 恨某人,同某人過不去
    Nurse a grudge against sb.
  • 我對他不懷恨。
    I bear him no grudge.
  • 她對我懷有怨恨。
    She owes me a grudge.
  • 我對他懷恨在心。
    I bear a grudge against him.
  • 忍受怨恨;有惡意的感情。
    bear a grudge; harbor ill feelings.
  • 看起來對你的鄰居滿怨恨
    You seem to owe your neighbors a grudge.
  • 她對自己的宿仇仍然恨在心。
    She still nursed a grudge against her old enemy.
  • 我沒有恨他的理由。
    I have no cause to have a grudge against him.
  • 他對我恨在心,因為我取代了他在辦公室裏的位置。
    He bears a grudge against me because I took his place in the office.
  • 他對我恨在心,因為我取代了他在隊裏的位置。
    He bears a grudge against me because I took his place in the team.
  • 我總感覺到她因某種緣故而對我恨在心。
    I always have a felling that for some reason she bears a grudge against me.
  • 我總覺得她對我恨在心,雖然我不知道什麽地方對不起他。
    I always feel she has a grudge against me, although I don't know what wrong I've done her.
  • 彭妮老是避開彼得,自從他5年前使她失去了以前的工作以來,她對他一直恨在心。
    Penny always avoids Peter; she's borne him a grudge ever since he got her dismissed from her previous job five years ago.
  • 恨;認為不揭露消息來源是一個事關榮譽的問題;認為這個經濟項目是引起物價高漲的唯一原因
    Hold a grudge; hold it a point of honor not to reveal one's sources; holds that this economic program is the only answer to high prices.
  • 仇恨地羨慕別人並且希望得到別人所擁有的東西。
    a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something possessed by another.
  • 一個有十多年從醫經驗並親手做過十幾例非法墮胎手術的婦科醫生告訴《新聞周刊》:"每次我做手術時,我都有疑,首先我就想到我的孩子們。
    One gynecologist with more than 10 years of experience performing dozens of illegal abortions told Newsweek: "Every time I do it, I have doubts. The first thing I think about is my children.
  • 她的誠意從未受到疑.
    Her sincerity has never been questioned.
  • 布朗先生和特先生是老朋友,因為他們來自同一個城鎮。
    Mr Brown and Mr White are old friends because they both hail from the same town.